If you figure out that not every one who thinks differently from you is evil, and once you can maintain a level head, political discussion is much easier. No one person has all the answers, usually the best solutions come from collaboration and different points of view.
*Disclaimer: this does not mean all views are equally valid. White supremacists, anti-vaxxers, and other extreme views should not be treated as equal and should be basically visibly, substantially proven wrong. **** that.*
Granted, the society we live in today is dictated by clickbait (studies show plenty of folks believe articles based on the headline and not from reading), anti-intellectual attitudes, and ignorance. There’s a lot of each.
The reason social media feels like it’s always negative, is because without it you didn’t have access to such information. We’re also not used to getting so much negative information. But with the digital age, we get overloaded with information, most of it being negative.
Most problems stem from greed, a lack of empathy, anti-intellectualism, unchecked capitalism, and a lack of vision at least in the US. Many things have become about money rather than a cool, fun thing to have for fans, like this recent thing with Spider-Man.
But eh, what do I know? I’m just a high school teacher with a masters degree in English Ed...