In Chapter 17, 66ish hours in. It’s soooo worth spending the time to work with the students. I’ve got like 10 A or S capable rank supports with them. I have like 15 units that are Master ranked or their best advanced.
I haven’t reached the end yet, and I really don’t know what to expect. But I really do love the units in the game. Three Houses has already surpassed Fates for me, despite me personally liking quite a bit of the Fates soundtrack.
I’m not sure what I’m going to play next after this game, but I don’t think I’m going to jump right into the next House. It’s tough, because I think the reason I’m so into Edelgard as a character and this route is because I more or less...feel my ideals are similar. Not that I want to go to war over things. But it’s more so that rarely are we able to achieve things like a true ideal to change the world without resistance, conflict, and power shifts. But sometimes those things have to happen for the greater good.
As a teacher playing a game whose main player character is a teacher, it’s a weird experience. It kinda sorta makes me think that even as a teacher, the students I teach can be a part of something much bigger, and that i can be too.
I really like this game.