Ok, so... it's not as bad as I expected. Actually, "bad" isn't even the proper term. I still think the 4th film is pretty decent, but to be frank... the third film was an amazing send-off for the characters, and it probably should've stayed that way.
While Woody's identity has been based in being loved by a kid and being the "favorite toy" of said kid, in this film he has to deal with an existential crisis...what is his purpose now that Bonnie sees him as a background figure, instead of the "favorite"? We see how his philosophy changes over the film and he comes to accept that his life is going in a new direction, while we also see how while Bo Peep is still someone that lives the "free toy" life, she comes to understand the struggle that Woody has had throughout his journey. I personally LOVE the Woody and Bo storyline, and it works well with closing Woody's story and character development. He's matured, grown, and moved on... and it felt heart-warming to see Woody and Buzz have one last send off with the other. I also think the humor was very well done, and I laughed a few times throughout the film. It was heart-warming and charming, just like usual for Pixar.
But while I still liked the main storyline of the film... the many B plots throughout felt... off. Buzz got flanderized to heck and while he's never been brilliant, he's never been a total idiot either. When he finally became intelligent in TS3, it seems like all that intelligence just went out the window in this film. He's a TOTAL buffoon in this film, and it's sad to see that while the main protagonist of the franchise has certainly progressed... the deuteragonist has fallen back. Not only that, but because there were so many stories going on at once... the movie (especially the first half) can feel jumbled at times. You have Woody's arc and his journey with Bo Peep (which I loved), the rescue mission that Buzz and Jessie lead (which I'm mixed on at best due to Buzz's flanderization and how not many characters get the spotlight), the Gabby storyline (which is a decent storyline but it concluded a bit quickly; in a rushed fashion), and Forky's arc (which I think is totally fine; it's sad that there's too much going on already). That's a total of four story arcs going on at once, and really... movies should only have two storylines going on at once, an A plot and a B plot, unless you have all the time in the world. Instead, TS4 has an A, B, C, and D plot going all at once. There are times where the four plots also aim to get equal screen time, and really... A plot should've gotten a little more air time, in my opinion.
Overall, I think the main character Woody in the film is developed very nicely and continues to grow. The return of Bo Peep was great. The animation is great as usual, and there are plenty of heart-felt moments that are delivered with charming dialogue, just like usual. And, I even like the story ideas that are in place. But... the story *execution* is where I'm not really a fan of the movie. TS4 still gets many things right, and it still enjoyable. But man... the story structure feels off. I'm still giving it a positive score though.
Rating: B tier