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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
it is a shame that kirkhope only seems to be doing spiral mountain while other composers handle other tracks

but at least it's basically a medley
Given I did not expect Grant to be a part of it at all, partly due to him saying last year how rare that is, it warms my heart that they even asked him to be a part of Banjo & Kazooie's addition to Smash. Grant got to work on Mario, and now he got to work on Smash in celebration of a franchise he holds dear to him.

And since it partially confirms there'll be other re-mixes, I cannot wait to hear how the Smash composers reinterpret the songs of my childhood.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Now I'm really curious how Banjo's video will be handled.

True ending: Grant Kirkhope presents it.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I can't even begin to imagine how another JRPG character can be added after Hero, they got everything covered.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Given I did not expect Grant to be a part of it at all, partly due to him saying last year how rare that is, it warms my heart that they even asked him to be a part of Banjo & Kazooie's addition to Smash. Grant got to work on Mario, and now he got to work on Smash in celebration of a franchise he holds dear to him.

And since it partially confirms there'll be other re-mixes, I cannot wait to hear how the Smash composers reinterpret the songs of my childhood.
Get the guy who did gangplank galleon to do final battle

That’s all I ask

Deleted member

Now I'm really curious how Banjo's video will be handled.

True ending: Grant Kirkhope presents it.
We're escalating, we've gone from just Sakurai narrating, to him live-playing. The final DLC trailer is gonna have the character themselves enter real life and host their own video.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Get the guy who did gangplank galleon to do final battle

That’s all I ask
As someone who never got a chance to play the Donkey Kong series back in the day, and heard Gangplank Galleon the first time with the re-mix, it made me nostalgic for a game I had never played. It's the main re-mix I put on repeat all the time.

Definitely agreed.


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
I'm absolutely convinced Steve was leakbait as well, a lot of people bit that one.
vergeben's uncertainty beyond 'minecraft content in some form' suggests to me he got wind of a minecraft-related deal being made for 5.0 mii costumes with banjo

after all, we know from Opossum Opossum and other leakers that banjo was being negotiated all the way back in april 2018


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
I still have no idea what MIDI is.
Music generated by a computer. It's used in many more compositions than you think, both in and outside of video games, but most people associate MIDI with Windows' crappy emulation of Roland synths.
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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Mii Costume theory, despite me not liking theories, isn't dead.

The needle simply didn't really move one way or another. We still only got Square Enix costumes, and the old Square Enix costumes have a logical explanation as to why they aren't there.

Joker, on the other hand, brought us older costumes. Not all them, as they also received cuts. I don't think i'd discard Mii Costume theory because the stingiest Smash collaborator didn't provide their old stuff.

I don't think the theory itself necessarily gained credibility. However, to call it "dead" is getting ahead of ourselves if you ask me. We still have no word on:

Monster Hunter costumes
Mega Man X
Proto Man
Lloyd Irving

No offense to anybody, but I think this is a case where folks are looking for a reason to kill it so that their most wanted seems more likely. That's your prerogative. But there is literally no reason to act as if it's entirely dead.

What would ACTUALLY KILL IT, is if Banjo gets revealed with Capcom and Namco costumes. I would wager it isn't going to happen though, and that Banjo will be getting Banjo-Kazooie costumes, Minecraft, and MAYBE...MAYBE Halo. I doubt that last one though.

I will say it again: Mii Costume Theory is entirely dead if costumes from an unrelated company are revealed alongside a character from a different company. Example) Banjo is revealed, Mega Man/Monster Hunter follows. (Before you say, "Atlus isn't SEGA!", Atlus is owned by SEGA, pretty much the same thing)

There's still Capcom and Namco content on the table. Until those are shown without a fighter from those companies, Mii Costume Theory will live to see another day. Not trying to dampen expectations, but let's at least assess it accurately before we say it's "dead". We still have only gotten Mii Fighter costumes from the same company as the revealed fighter, and there are old costumes left on the table.

Old costumes don't have to return, as evidenced by Virtua Fighter and now Chocobo and Geno. But they may, as evidenced by Tails and Knuckles with Joker.
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Geno's mii costume being cut isn't suspicious when Chocobo's mii costume is cut as well, meaning it isn't something specific to Geno. Nintendo could have very well just chose not to bring back the mii costumes. After all, Akira is also missing his mii costume and it didn't arrive with the rest of the sega mii costumes. Honestly there are more stuff going against Geno's chances, like him already being represented as a spirit, but if Geno fans want to hype themselves to the limit then so be it. They're responsible for their own disappointment if he never comes.
See i disagree.

All we all forgetting how much more special the treatment the Geno imo costume got? Sakurai himself in smash 4 hinted that it took a lot to get, and it had its own splash screen. It was always a step above the others.

Sakurai knows Geno was really wanted and he wants Geno. On top of the fact that he would know removing this costume and not showing it would create a **** show of disappointment and I really don’t think he wants to do that. He’s either gonna rip the bandage off real fast tomorrow when hero is out and put the costume back, or he’s gone and made him playable.

Removing the costume that is viewed as more special than the others is being really underplayed here imo. It’s a big deal if that’s gone where no is gonna really care if any others go and I’m sure Sakurai and Nintendo know this.

I’m not saying he’s confirmed, but I don’t get why people are undervaluing the importance of that costume.

Also side note: it feels bad that DQ has multiple tracks and FF still has two.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Wait, what did Mini costume theory say and what does this mean for Crash?
It basically assumed the last characters would be Capcom and Namco due to returning costumes, but with Hero it's at least a given that a lot of the costumes might not return anyway. So it's just a way of saying technically nothing is impeding Crash.

Erdrick and Steve was like, an inevitability.

Weird to think about.
I've been saying Steve was BS for months, but a lot of people bought into Hitagi's nonsense despite having 0 proven Smash leaks. They went on about how Steve was a lock and Banjo was never even considered.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
See i disagree.

All we all forgetting how much more special the treatment the Geno imo costume got? Sakurai himself in smash 4 hinted that it took a lot to get, and it had its own splash screen. It was always a step above the others.

Sakurai knows Geno was really wanted and he wants Geno. On top of the fact that he would know removing this costume and not showing it would create a **** show of disappointment and I really don’t think he wants to do that. He’s either gonna rip the bandage off real fast tomorrow when hero is out and put the costume back, or he’s gone and made him playable.

Removing the costume that is viewed as more special than the others is being really underplayed here imo. It’s a big deal if that’s gone where no is gonna really care if any others go and I’m sure Sakurai and Nintendo know this.

I’m not saying he’s confirmed, but I don’t get why people are undervaluing the importance of that costume.

Also side note: it feels bad that DQ has multiple tracks and FF still has two.
Why is the Chocobo costume not back then? Square works in mysterious ways and I wouldn't twist yourself in a pretzel trying to figure them out.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
When will the update go live? Does anyone know?
It basically assumed the last characters would be Capcom and Namco due to returning costumes, but with Hero it's at least a given that a lot of the costumes might not return anyway. So it's just a way of saying technically nothing is impeding Crash.

I've been saying Steve was BS for months, but a lot of people bought into Hitagi's nonsense despite having 0 proven Smash leaks. They went on about how Steve was a lock and Banjo was never even considered.
Crash and Artorias. Or Heihachi. Or Lloyd. Or Velvet. Or Augumon. Or Doomguy. Or Chell.... It's gonna be two of these, and one of them is coming from Namco.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Well, more maintenance today as expected, from 5:50 to 8:00 P.M., PST. Very likely for Hero, similar time as Joker.

Can't wait for the servers to self-destruct again.
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
They really didn’t try to hide that the video was made to advertise the new dragon quest though.

Like Sakurai opened and closed it telling people but squares game. I wonder how much money was given by square for that or if they only would allow the hero in if they promoted 11


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2019
Mii Costume theory, despite me not liking theories, isn't dead.

The needle simply didn't really move one way or another. We still only got Square Enix costumes, and the old Square Enix costumes have a logical explanation as to why they aren't there.

Joker, on the other hand, brought us older costumes. Not all them, as they also received cuts. I don't think i'd discard Mii Costume theory because the stingiest Smash collaborator didn't provide their old stuff.

I don't think the theory itself necessarily gained credibility. However, to call it "dead" is getting ahead of ourselves if you ask me. We still have no word on:

Monster Hunter costumes
Mega Man X
Proto Man
Lloyd Irving

No offense to anybody, but I think this is a case where folks are looking for a reason to kill it so that their most wanted seems more likely. That's your prerogative. But there is literally no reason to act as if it's entirely dead.

What would ACTUALLY KILL IT, is if Banjo gets revealed with Capcom and Namco costumes. I would wager it isn't going to happen though, and that Banjo will be getting Banjo-Kazooie costumes, Minecraft, and MAYBE...MAYBE Halo. I doubt that last one though.

I will say it again: Mii Costume Theory is entirely dead if costumes from an unrelated company are revealed alongside a character from a different company. Example) Banjo is revealed, Mega Man/Monster Hunter follows.

There's still Capcom and Namco content on the table. Until those are shown without a fighter from those companies, Mii Costume Theory will live to see another day. Not trying to dampen expectations, but let's at least assess it accurately.
I don't agree. Mii costume theory hinged on Nintendo purposefully excluding third party mii costumes from the base game in order to release them later as DLC. If Square didn't bring any old costumes to the table, then that clearly isn't true. I thought the same about the Virtua Fighter costumes not being there.

Deleted member

I'm absolutely convinced Steve was leakbait as well, a lot of people bit that one.
My crack theory is that there is Minecraft content coming with Banjo, which is why Vergeben was so insistent on it from the very start around the time Banjo was negotiated, but later along the line Steve was pushed to insiders as leakbait post-E3. Or not, I don't really have any idea how companies actually deal with his stuff, just guessing.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
OK. So he gets to be called this, but he still calls Luminary "Eleven" and Guv "Eight". Makes no sense to me.
Luminary isn't even a name, it's a title like Erdrick. And Guv isn't Eight's name neither, it's just one of his friend's nickname for it.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
We all can agree said Minecraft content at this point will be in the form of a Mii costume. A Creeper hat or Steve costume (:ultswordfighter:).


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Why is the Chocobo costume not back then? Square works in mysterious ways and I wouldn't twist yourself in a pretzel trying to figure them out.
Who said it’s gone?

That entire video was straight up dragon quest marketing. Square probably didn’t want them advertising anything else.

Geno’s costume will either return tomorrow or it won’t. Either way when the update drops I fully believe chocobo will be back. We’ll see about anything else however


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
It’s possible Steve wasn’t leakbait, but a mii costume which leakers’ source’s badly communicated.

Or, in some cases, their source actually lied about, like Xenother’s source.

I mean Rayman has to be announced by Xander Mobus in Smash 4, and while he wasn’t playable, he still got a trophy. Hopefully this case is similar for Steve, because I’ll take a mii costume over nothing.

As for Geno and the Chocobo costume, remember that Square and Enix are different branches and Nintendo probably doesn’t care about the company when choosing characters anyway.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
We all can agree said Minecraft content at this point will be in the form of a Mii costume. A Creeper hat or Steve costume (:ultswordfighter:).
I dunno...we only got new Persona and Dragon Quest costumes. I'm not convinced it's an inevitability, but it's the most likely way it'll get represented.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
It’s very clear that the presentation was just made as a huge dragon quest advertising campaign. I doubt square wanted anything else they had stealing the spotlight. After all the rumors going around were saying he was in for promotion.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
It’s very clear that the presentation was just made as a huge dragon quest advertising campaign. I doubt square wanted anything else they had stealing the spotlight. After all the rumors going around were saying he was in for promotion.
They went into the 4.0 details as well. If there was other content, they would have probably shown it.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
It basically assumed the last characters would be Capcom and Namco due to returning costumes, but with Hero it's at least a given that a lot of the costumes might not return anyway. So it's just a way of saying technically nothing is impeding Crash.
All I have to say to that is YAY!


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
See i disagree.

All we all forgetting how much more special the treatment the Geno imo costume got? Sakurai himself in smash 4 hinted that it took a lot to get, and it had its own splash screen. It was always a step above the others.

Sakurai knows Geno was really wanted and he wants Geno. On top of the fact that he would know removing this costume and not showing it would create a **** show of disappointment and I really don’t think he wants to do that. He’s either gonna rip the bandage off real fast tomorrow when hero is out and put the costume back, or he’s gone and made him playable.

Removing the costume that is viewed as more special than the others is being really underplayed here imo. It’s a big deal if that’s gone where no is gonna really care if any others go and I’m sure Sakurai and Nintendo know this.

I’m not saying he’s confirmed, but I don’t get why people are undervaluing the importance of that costume.

Also side note: it feels bad that DQ has multiple tracks and FF still has two.
If Sakurai wanted to rip bandages off quickly he would've showed Shadow and Isaac earlier and not save them until the end. I don't really see the logic to how Geno not getting his mii costume back means he's playable when the possibility that his mii costume got cut very much exists. Isaac had his AT cut back in Smash 4, he didn't turn up playable as DLC for Smash 4 or this game.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Steve wasn't official leak bait, it was a lie told by somebody wanting attention.

The "Minecraft content" that Verg spoke about is probably Mii Fighters.

Also: This Mii Fighter thing improving Crash's chances doesn't only help Crash. It helps every single character whose company isn't involved in Smash. But that doesn't mean any character is more likely than another. Off the top of my head:

Doom Slayer
Koei Tecmo (I doubt)
SNK (I don't think it's happening)
Crash Bandicoot
...pretty much anybody else

It's not just a Crash thing.
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