I'm likely convinced to give up on this game now. It's all about shield grabs, grab combos, and rolls being too effective in some cases. You can consider this near depression level now. I can't even win much anymore, and I lost respect for Ike and his stupid mainstream D-throw N-air/F-air combo spammage. They had to uber buffed him and yet my characters are still in the ground being weak. Even if it wasn't the case, Idk what I can do anymore.
As much as I hate to say it, I like Brawl better. And this coming from the one who hates that game's imbalance and tripping, but at least there there's different playstyles for characters instead of relying on mainstream braindead combos. Even some ppl use cheap old MK differently a bit in Brawl. I know it's another rant, but the feeling of losing too much, being made fun of when my anger makes me ragequit, I can't do this much anymore. I still have the game, but is there anything else I can do besides just be a Smash Snapshot taker now?

I also have to give apologies to my 2 mains. It's nearly to the point where I can't even do anything anymore. Losing too much has lead to anger and/or near-depression levels, and I was afraid of this happening again, even earliar than Brawl's issues.