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Social Social Thread 4.1™-Rockets, Spiders, Drums, Arms, Wings, Lightning, Marsupials and OP form a circle

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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
After a while, unless it's a really good Ness, I don't have much trouble since I'm basically fighting cookie cutter Ness's at this point. It's always something like dash attack, Fair, Fair, and Fair; PK Fire, grab, Fair, Fair, and Fair; PK Flash edgeguard, and/or PKT2 spamming. That's hella easy with someone like Falco since Falco can go deep off stage. That and Falco's Reflector is like a sudden "you dun goofed!" move in comparison to other Reflectors.

At least Zelda, Marth, Bowser, Ganondorf, and Mega Man mix things up, but the Ness's I've fought are like one trick ponies. You've got your Zelda who uses Nair a lot, you got Zelda who makes good reads with Phantom Slash, you've got Fox's who use Dair over Fair, and you've got Little Mac's who are defensive counter punchers, aggressive rushdowners, and the typical spammers.

I hate random teammates and this is much worse than playing a FPS and being teamed up with a bunch of headless chickens, K/D-addicted snipers, and like 3 competent players against a clan. AGAINST A CLAN. They freaking tryhards would always wreck us and they're probably doing call outs like they were in the military. Hey, why don't you guys join the military and feel what it really means to be in a damned war.

Why is it worse? Well, if your teammate has no freaking idea what they're doing, then you're chances of winning drops to 50%. Well, that's all right, oh wait... Now you're up against these guys who are like synchronized or spammers. Can't do crap when you're trying to not get killed and your teammate keeps leading them towards you or you're doing fine, but your teammate SD'd and dies like 10 times.

I just get lazy about asking for Friend Codes and such. That and I'm a hopeful sort of person... So far, my hopes have been crushed. :sadeyes:

I think this is my name in Japanese: ファムラン・『バルフレア』・ミド・ブナンザ.
"Headless chicken"...I think I found a new way to call a friend when he messes up in a match.

When I have a dumb teammate I just ditch it sometimes or at least I try to bring the battle where he/she is.
I always see teammates as dead weight (both online, single player and while playing whit friends) and I try to keep the opponents separated to prevent team attacks and spammers (this is where having a reflector helps a lot).

As a fun comment, when I have a Little Mac teammate I say mentally: "Just do your Side+B and end your misery faster"


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Pfft! I am a strong independent master of aura who don't need no trainer.
No matter how strong you get, a trained master of aura will always be stronger

Probably has better IV's and a proper personality as well


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Thread got a whole lot more tsundere today..
"It-It's not like we are doing this because the title o-okay?"

"Im very cold you know?"

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The shorts wearing blue anubis
Oct 5, 2014
No matter how strong you get, a trained master of aura will always be stronger

Probably has better IV's and a proper personality as well
You saying I don't have a proper personality and bad IVs?
Sounds like someone is looking to get crunched now!


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I can't read the title.

It's in some kind of other language than English

You saying I don't have a proper personality and bad IVs?
Sounds like someone is looking to get crunched now!
I'd say you'd have a bad EV spread as well, but being untrained you got none
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
"Headless chicken"...I think I found a new way to call a friend when he messes up in a match.

When I have a dumb teammate I just ditch it sometimes or at least I try to bring the battle where he/she is.
I always see teammates as dead weight (both online, single player and while playing whit friends) and I try to keep the opponents separated to prevent team attacks and spammers (this is where having a reflector helps a lot).

As a fun comment, when I have a Little Mac teammate I say mentally: "Just do your Side+B and end your misery faster"
Doofuses, fartknockers, dumbbells, dummies, headless chickens, catfishes, rookies, cannon fodder, derpasaurs, etc.

Thing is, I always hang on hope that my teammate's having a bad day, trying to figure out the MU, etc., but in SSB, it never really happens... In shooters, since my adventures began with MAG where death didn't really meant much and victory was much more important, I counted on my teammates. I've been decoys, spawn points, scouts, a guard, etc. in lots of shooters and it usually works. We're getting overwhelmed, well, what if somebody (read: me) sneaks in and causes a commotion? We're getting locked down, welp, time to walk out and distract people. I think most people instinctively try not to die, but in games like those, I tend to walk towards people while under fire. I don't know if that actually intimidates people, but it would be unsettling if you're shooting at a guy who's just charging towards you trying to kill you. Whatever, it's the win that matters which explains my horrible K/D in games like Battlefield.

I don't see a lot of good Little Macs. There's been like 2 of them that were good; the rest were spammers and people who thought that picking Little Mac meant an automatic win. It's horrible because they were doing fine before and now they've died like 4 times with no KO's. Hell, the other team forgets about me and concentrates on the Little Mac because he's so easy to gimp.

Anyway... I guess this is relevant to what's going on as I type massive walls of text. :p


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
How can a wild Lucario exist if they need friendship with a trainer to evolve?

Deleted member

Well, she is now, so you better treat her good or else, buddy. :p

I feel like I got baited by a couple of "cool guys". Freaking Charizard trollin' with Flare Blitz on For Fun, freaking DK expandin' his dong on For Fun, and the Ness's who live halfway across the world from each other saying, "Hey, if you meet this Ffamran guy, spam PKT2 to **** him off". That Villager was probably some girl I ****** off when I was in middle school. THE WORLD IS OUT TO GET ME!!! CONSPIRACIES EVERYWHERE!!! *foams from mouth before being sedated... again*

For Fun supposed to be all chill like, nahmean? But, I say, but, we have all these tryhards everywhere. There was Marth trying to be all smooth like butter and whiffed pretty much all his aerials trying to edgeguard people. It was kinda sad since he knocked me back on stage once. He was all right on the ground even if he spammed Shield Breaker too much.

I don't see a lot of really low level players, but I remember Marth/Lucina players who only used Dancing Blade. Like, WTF? What happened to neutrals and stuff? There are people all over who don't spot dodge or air dodge which is hilarious because there were countless times where people tried to juggle me and nothing happened because I air dodged and they kept going over and over or the people who use Kirby's Stone and Bowser's Bowser Bomb only to get grabbed and punished over and over again. Hell, there are tons of people who I fought who never grabbed. I don't even know if they know how to grab. Oh, and those Links who use Spin Attack super far away from the ledge. Er... You still have your second jump and tether... There are tons of people who don't do anything when you're off-stage unless they're a Captain Falcon. Everyone else either camps or just sits there.

Ness is gimpable especially off-stage, but in Team Matches and Smash, there's so much going on that you can't reliably destroy Ness. Either you hit him when you're not supposed to because your teammate was just about to land a kill move on Ness or Ness's teammate rushes in and flips your cheerios. So, this makes his PKT2 even more annoying and his... Why does everyone know this? His grab, Fair, Fair, Fair, combo. Anyway, Falco can probably land consistent Dairs with Ness. Hell, there is like no reason to not meteor the little brat because his PKT2 is a really slow recovery. Hell, instead of Dair, might as well reflect the PKT1 if possible and have Ness slowly descend to his doom.

But yeah, Villagers spamming things are annoying. I think there are a couple of characters who can't spam at all and Falco's one of them because his Blaster is so slow and his Phantasm can't do anything, but juggle. Marth comes to mind as well along with possibly Fox, Peach, and Sheik - her game is more or less "spam" in a sense of comboing and juggling anyway. I mean, what are you going to do with them? Bore them to death with Fox's Blaster, poison people with Vegetables, or Needle someone to death? They don't have reliable spam moves, but spamming for them is just annoying people like mosquitoes while spammers like Link, Zelda, and Bowser are more like quicksand annoying.

When I have a laggy match, I will always quit after a match since there's nothing to gain besides being ****** off. Now, if it's against a friend, then I would tell them or something before leaving.
I get that too. When there's a laggy match the opponent always beats me for no reason at all, I try rolling and dodging but the Circle Pad isn't cooperating. It is even worse by the fact that if you quit mid-match you get a penalty. I have 2 penalties in total, both being accidents: one was turning the system off when playing, and another was closing it down. I find those two unfair as they were accidents and now I can't get it back to 0. But back to the matches themselves, honestly, I can't stand cheap winners and spammers either. I can't even win against Lucario users because every time I do an attack they just grab and do their "finish moves". Same thing with Lucina players, but they mostly overuse Counter, that's really it. That's why I'd rather play with friends or local.. but I don't think I'm good at this game, I lose a lot, but you get the point.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I get that too. When there's a laggy match the opponent always beats me for no reason at all, I try rolling and dodging but the Circle Pad isn't cooperating. It is even worse by the fact that if you quit mid-match you get a penalty. I have 2 penalties in total, both being accidents: one was turning the system off when playing, and another was closing it down. I find those two unfair as they were accidents and now I can't get it back to 0. But back to the matches themselves, honestly, I can't stand cheap winners and spammers either. I can't even win against Lucario users because every time I do an attack they just grab and do their "finish moves". Same thing with Lucina players, but they mostly overuse Counter, that's really it. That's why I'd rather play with friends or local.. but I don't think I'm good at this game, I lose a lot, but you get the point.
Yeah, I hate that too. Seriously, why are people being penalized for laggy matches? Whatever, I just do what I can do and leave the match.

Lucarios are weird, but most Lucarios on For Glory are probably going to spam Aura Sphere and if you can reflect that, then it's double-edged sword. I remember a laggy match and I just knew after several times of losing, that this dude always loved finishing and edgeguarding with Aura Sphere. I got him on our last match with a Reflector. It was hilarious since it was pretty much pointblank. I think some tryhard switched to Lucario once and the same thing happened, except without lag, it was much easier.

Falco's Reflector is so fun and Palutena's would be too since it's a physical wall that says, "Nope, no ledge for you." Anyway, Lucario is the sort where you have to take Lucario out fast; same with Bowser since at rage, they're dangerous as hell. The issue with Lucario is knowing which attacks gain range/hitbox with aura and I think that's only Aura Sphere and Force Palm. The other is his freaking super recovery. Either you can gimp Lucario off-stage with a good read or you're dependent on an on-stage kill.

Lucina's consistent strong hits are weird. The thing with Counter is that if it's getting predictable, then grab them or delay a hit. Fighting counter-spammers is like dancing wrong. Instead of going with a rhythm, just go nuts and step on her feet.

Yeah, cheap winners and spammers are just the worst and they think they're great because of it. Seriously, if that's what makes your day, then you have a sad and pathetic life. Defeating a challenging foe is just amazing, but defeating people who are relatively new, unfamiliar with the MU, etc. by spamming is just sad.

I'm okay with losing to a person who's obviously better than me and shows it without being a total ***. The Little Mac who punished and waited for you to come back and try again? I'd lose to that guy a 100 times and be fine. Losing to a Fox player who messes with your mind because you have no idea what kind of combo he's going to pull on you? That's awesome, but a Yoshi spamming Dash Attack? Hell, freaking no. You just made an adorable, green dinosaur look bad.

AKA, his parents.
Oh... Wait a minute... How does that work if trainers are humans?
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Jul 7, 2014
Lol I got a pointless penalty because I DCed out of nowhere in FG. Seems to me that these two games are trying to defend the countless noobs using projectile spam because they don't know how to play and use the characters' tools.
I wish FG didn't have noobs.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Lol I got a pointless penalty because I DCed out of nowhere in FG. Seems to me that these two games are trying to defend the countless noobs using projectile spam because they don't know how to play and use the characters' tools.
I wish FG didn't have noobs.
More like scrubs...

I was penalized twice because I forgot the time and had to leave for dinner. Yeah... It's weird. I mean, if you leave like once in a while, you shouldn't be penalized, but if you constantly leave, then of course you should be penalized.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
Lol I got a pointless penalty because I DCed out of nowhere in FG. Seems to me that these two games are trying to defend the countless noobs using projectile spam because they don't know how to play and use the characters' tools.
I wish FG didn't have noobs.
Too bad that may never happen because most noobs are also tryhards that think they'er the best.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Too bad that may never happen because most noobs are also tryhards that think they'er the best.
This is how I envision their faces while I beat the living hell out of them, stomp on their corpses, peel their oranges, mow their grass, and bake their souffles.


Jul 7, 2014
Too bad that may never happen because most noobs are also tryhards that think they'er the best.
Lmao they think they're the greatest thing ever made when in reality they suck and have to resort into using projectile-based characters to win (lol Link).
These noobs don't know how to play the games. I wonder if they rage when they lose a match. Meh.


Dec 19, 2002
My senpai won't notice me...B-b-b-baka! It's not like I want to be noticed by senpai or anything...


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Meh, now that Blastoise knows Aura Sphere I don't need a Lucario


Dec 19, 2002
Reshiram is being a tsundere I think...he's supposed to have a pretty high catch rate, but he refuses to be captured...or have a good IV spread.


The shorts wearing blue anubis
Oct 5, 2014
Meh, now that Blastoise knows Aura Sphere I don't need a Lucario
Yeah Im sure Blastoise is having loads of fun needing to mega evolve to have the same power bonus a non mega Lucario has with aura sphere!
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