and blame my pc for jsut being too awesome
Look, I<m going to tell you how significantly better it is.
I had a laptop before and went to desktop. Just that is huge, systems are usually way more powerfull on desktop.
My new cpu is 2 generation better, has twice more cores, is a lot faster and has more cache....and the most important, it's a freaking beast.
Look, on my old pc, I could get TTYD at roughly 60 fps in hle (fast, but bugy sound) via dolphin emulator. I say roughly because it wasn't consistent and it could only do it if it didn't had stuff like minecraft in a world running. Streaming could makie me loose like 10-15 fps.
Now, I can run TTYD at consistently 60fps in lle (demanding, but most accurate sounds) in dolphin WHILE minecraft is running in a world WHILE having skype opened WHILE having obs doing a local recording.....all at maximum 70 degrees celcius (it stays at 30-40 degrees on idle). The same goes for spm, but I do get some lag depending if minecraft is loading a lot if you're doing stuff like the final boss fight in 3d mode (the most demanding part of spm). Thoguh, some's like 10 fps to 20 in rare cases. Also, this was using over 80% of the took me a really hard time to reach 100%, but most of the time was under 85%.
As for graphics, they are indeed way better.
Next, I will try to play with dolphin to actually test these graphical performance. Dolphin has a weird thing that you need a minimum graphics to run, but there<s no maximum, so you can run at like the native resolution x2 with no fps limt and I even think there's hacks to run sms at 60fps which looks so much fluid....but maybe a bit too much.
The audio is better, my monitor is now hooked via dvi and not vga and I can use bluetooth to make wiimote works....everything is beautiful
Now, I feel like this: