Love Toy Story 3? Well, it could have been totally different. As shown by this concept art:
Story time!
During the 2000s, Disney and Pixar had many disputes over the amount of film Pixar has to make for Disney. Pixar planned to split from Disney. Disney, in turn, wanted to produce sequels for Toy Story, Nemo, Monster's Inc, and the Incredibles. Disney decided to form an animation division called "Circle 7", and one of their first films was Toy Story 3. Unlike the one we know, this one centered around Buzz Lightyears being recalled and sent back to Taiwan. Woody and the gang would have to leave for Taiwan to save Buzz from his impending doom. In the factory, Buzz meets other recalled toys who will soon face their own destruction.
I knew about this years ago but I'm kind of glad this concept was scrapped.