What is this.
It's beautiful.
ok, after even trying to hear this...I have to ask...
btw, yes, I put 1080p and tought it was 192kpbps, but even there, I think original music was less lossy than this quality so I think it's not because of 192kbps.
Let me be direct: the balance of the music is horrible. Good music are sounding good to the ears, but this one seems like a bunch of mess. I don't even know what's playing and even if I LOVE ultimate sow alone, I got so much sounds at the same time that I was confused on which part of the music I was...that should not happen.
Then, the half is really just too annoying.
I mean seriously, even a 192kbps of ultimate show sounds at least good, but this is destroying completely the intruments balance.
Btw, the download link in the description was only for mp3 so never mind, we'll never know if the wav or flac was good enough, it shouldn't sound THAT unbalanced.
Actually, could you please relisten to ultimate show to get what I mean? it just feels unfitting mainly because the sound style are not matching at all. I think kirby seems to be more smooth and orchestral so it tries to have a single catchy track while spm sound style is to have lots of sfx of all kind that enhance the tracks. The thing is, the sfx are made to be a bit more direct and sort of punchy so they can be enjoyed quickly...I don't think this match with kirby sound style and it's just hard to ge what's going on...
Tbh with you, I really have hard times to find good remixes of Paper Mario music EXCEPT pm64 because I found that the originals great, but could be improved. In fact, google metal remix for those, they really are sounding so good that I wonder if some acheives the same feel of the ost, but in another way.
But get to TTYD and I guess spm since same sound style, nope, all I got were not feeling the same and were not reflecting the ost original intent enough imo.
I think it's because pm64 music are less deep, but that's mostly caused witht he system limitations. pm64 without limitations is what I think is TTYD btw so, it expains why I put pm64 lower than TTYD but honestly, I have a hard time to place spm, maybe between both, but it's kinda hard to tell.
But please, that wasn't beautiful and I was using quite good headphones...