Ooh, cartoon talk.
I still like Adventure Time. Regular Show too. Both started going in deeper stuff as they grew bigger into their later seasons (especially Adventure Time, though there are a few turns they took later on that I don't agree with at all and thought could've been handled way better)
I liked Gumball when it first started but it started going downhill reeeaaally quickly for me, I stopped watching it after just a few season 2 episodes (there are a lot of s1 episodes I don't like either).
TTG is a load of garbage. It's not just the fact that they tried to put too much focus on humor and make most of the cast stupid, less mature and unreasonable, but also because most of the jokes....in all honesty, are just pretty bad and uncreative. In my opinion anyway.
I'd be ever so happy to see Clarence get cancelled.
And I still haven't gotten around to giving Steven Universe a try.
Nickeldeon still has a good Spongebob episode on occasion, it's had quite a few drops in quality over the years. A lot of characters suffered from, as TV Tropes puts it, Flanderization. Mr. Krabs for example doesn't care about money for it's value anymore, he just obsesses over it for the sake of it being money, to the point where the jokes about him being cheap are thrown in every time possible, they've made it predictable and boring. And it's made Mr. Krabs, in my opinion, just an irritating character.
Disney's still got Gravity Falls and Wander Over Yonder, both of which are really creative and clever shows. That's mostly all I need for now. I really should catch up on Adventure Time again sometime though.