I was talking about tech skill. He cant fight marth . I saw him beat your sheik though but it was a friendly. He can talk for him self. My results just say i have a decent understanding of the game or saying im no noob thats all. I will mm your fox though but it seems like people got it twisted. I know p is better than me im just saying its not like people walk around three and four stocking me. Its all good.
@ kira ya i know but this time im using sheik not ganon. You weren't the guy who just im me on aim were you?
i'm not gonna bother reading all of this because i got the jist.
here's why you and your brother are noobs:
you judge off of how close you get to people way better than you. but you're not good enough to tell the difference between sandbagging and playing for real so you're left with misconceptions about your skill level.
i don't ever try my hardest against people i'm way better than because it's boring and i just don't care. money match me for five bucks if you really want me to try my hardest, and even then once i four stock you the first match i probably won't care anymore and you'll get much closer the second match and think you're better than you are.
ask san diego reaper for a lesson in this. i let him beat my fox in tourny after i won the first match. he money matched me for five bucks at leon's house when norcal was there. he nearly got four stocked.
you don't have to take my word for it -- you're a noob, so you're not supposed to. but when you get butt ****ed and humbled, don't expect any sympathy. dude, the people telling you you are wrong have been playing this game for over two years. we are way better than you and know way more. humble yourself and maybe you'll get good, but not with your current attitude.
trust me, you'll know when i'm trying. you've accomplished nothing and to me you're just another scrub that i try to hustle.
i wanna seriously play your fox p, you talk about it all the time but the only times i've ever played it with pikachu i ***** it
i don't ever remember playing your pikachu with fox so it either never happened or i didn't care at all, but if you want me to try then money match me. you always offer money matches for a dollar amount i don't care about trying against. minimum $3 and i'll just dash dance camp the **** out of you and see if you can get past it.
anyway, stuff like this is why i've decided just to stop playing friendlies against people who are boring to play. i'm going to stop playing just to play because i get no enjoyment out of it anymore. they either have to be close to my skill level or i have to not have played them for a while. then i try my hardest until i **** them and get bored again. i know this makes me sound cocky as **** but i'm really not, it's just getting old playing the same old people who aren't smart enough to adjust.