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So whos going in my car up to Gigs this weekend?

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
So far the only two garunteed spots I have are for Afro and Chaz.
No one else has said much other than perhaps chops but i havnt gotten a definitive answer from him, especially since theres a melee tourny down here, im sure hes gona rather go to that.

In any case, for those around here interested heres the rundown on schedule:

Because of some technicalities that Afro cannot get out of, we are going to be leaving for orlando saturday morning, and coming back saturday night.

This does NOT mean we're going on a 3.75 hour trip each way.

Friday night we will be staying over afro's place and get sleep/smash, he lives about an hour north of my area, which means the trip is now only a 2.5 hour trip or so.

Saturday night we will also be headed back down to AFRO's house to sleep/smash again, returning home sunday morning whenever everyone is ready.

If anyone is interested they can either post here, PM me, or IM me @ Seibrik@aol.com

Gas is gonna run as little as 5 bucks (if we get a full car) or as much as 10 bucks, (if those are the only two going.) either way its lookin to be a fun trip with alot of smashing (both melee and brawl) and chillin with THE GREAT AFRO Y SEIRBIK lolz, i recomend anyone thats comming to be good in teams, and ACTUALLY teaming for gigs, since me and frobro may wana do some teams practice.



Last i talked to 8bit, he was thinking of driving in his own car with luc, (and im guessing theres 3 spots open in his car for anyone in his area or on the way as long as he agrees) up to tommy g's house friday night, going to tourny from there saturday, and stayin at tommys again saturday, commin home sunday.

Its not a definitive plan, just the one that's most likely to happen. Chaz is either going to go with them and get dropped off by me, by afro, or take the bus from south to north campus and meet me there after my class.

Presumed Car:
Frobro(from afros)
Chopperz(to afros)
FlatSoda(to afros)
Tito(to afros)
------(to afros)

8-bits not goin, but tommy is. IF i can get one more person to get in my car, since we're meeting at afro's i have a space up to him, then someone transfers over to tommys in the mornin (tommy will be meeting us there)

Countdown: 4 days left!

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
lol toooo good, i'll update the first post which the presumed list of people comming, it may change as the week goes on, so keep posted.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
i can spot you gas munnies, plus
you've been too generous to me the past times.

I'll IM you later today,

got a new screename cause 4ch managed to find my myspace, phone number and aim
lol. -______-


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007

seibrik has an extra spot open, so someone take it.

also, i'll be chiptuning in his car maybe, >_>'
enjoy live dj'd gameboy music.

do it.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
im leaving saturday morning in a sense, if u can get to afro's house, which is about an hour north lol

im leaving friday night for afro's house otherwise...

im goin back to afro's saturday night as well


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
hmm ill see what i can do to get to afro's, dont give away that spot.
gotta get myself a worthy teamate...make it worth the money yeh know.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
id go just to win teams with someone since its fun in brawl and chill, prob. wont enter singles unless you team with me for singles.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
linguini, from wat i hear theres a 90% chance colbol wont go over report card bs, so then chops would need a partner and hes been practicing alot, would be perfect, snake/mk team is good and would give us a hard time since its u and chops.

thats just wat i think, and if u GET to afros ur spot is fine cuz tommy is meetin us there and tahts a whole other car in itself, i just have to fill my car up TO afro's.

just freakin get permission to sleep out friday and ur golden, i'll come get u since im gettin chops anyways, we're goin up to him round 6 or 7 tomorrow.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
linguini, from wat i hear theres a 90% chance colbol wont go over report card bs, so then chops would need a partner and hes been practicing alot, would be perfect, snake/mk team is good and would give us a hard time since its u and chops.

thats just wat i think, and if u GET to afros ur spot is fine cuz tommy is meetin us there and tahts a whole other car in itself, i just have to fill my car up TO afro's.

just freakin get permission to sleep out friday and ur golden, i'll come get u since im gettin chops anyways, we're goin up to him round 6 or 7 tomorrow.
its not my rents,
i just feel like going out and gettimg ****ed up on friday night which i cant do at afros lol.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
yea u can, u'll get ****ed up all night in smash..

come on take a break from being a normal teen for one weekend, u might not regret it that much


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
Florida, Ocala
some white people are crazy, my friend took angel trumphets for the heck of it, he was in the hospital for a while.. highlight of that day: he was being driven home and his dad was shouting "What is your name?!" and he said back ".. Chicken Strips.."
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