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So I Just had a Smash-related dream

Col Bol

Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2006
Casselberry, FL
So i thought i'd post it here. it took place in my nap today from 5:30 to 8:30.

basically i was at a tourney that had both brawl and melee, but the only melee people that i saw were danny and christine haha (they were actually the ones who told me about it and gave me a ride) but anyways. i was watching brawl but it was like way cooler. grand finals was hrnick vs 8-eddie and they were doing snake dittos. but, there was this like sick combo you could do that consisted of dash attack, then he kind of boosts himself off the ground out of the roll of the dash attack to do an up air and then you could also connect with f-air, so it was like dash attack --> u-air --> f-air. the weirder thing was that there were ultras/fatalities haha that connected quite a lot, and also snake could transform into scorpion to do these ultras/fatalities. one of the ones i remember was someone was scorpion and they did his "get over here" move, then like swung him in alternating circles repeatedly clotheslining the person and the last clothesline decapitated the guy. also! snake could like burrow haha and like grab you from underneath and do some cool suplex or something. so in conclusion brawl was like brawl+2d fighter+mortal kombat. but i wasn't me i was just marth (red costume) (melee) and i was like just comboing a lvl 1 fox while i was waiting for my match, and this was on like a platformer too, like mario or something, if you can picture that. also brian (hiroshi) was there and i was like "happy birthday!" and he was like "thanks, bro!" i guess technically there was no melee except for when i was marth comboing the computer haha.

oh yeah! also there was this like new smasher that played Roy and I convinced him that i played Roy too just to beat him in roy dittos...lol


Smash Apprentice
Jul 22, 2009
Greenville, SC (school) Charlotte, NC(break)
Wow. I also had a smash dream this night. It was m2k and colbol on a team against two noobs on FD. M2k and colbol were the orange double fox team. The other team I think was also double fox. The nub team pulled out swords and started attacking m2k and he was blocking and being all like "lawl".

Then noob1 swords m2k who blocks with his forearm and noob2 slices m2k down across the chest. This happened irl. Then they do the same thing to colbol and everyone is like "OH ****!" Then somehow m2k and colbol are okay and match 2 begins.

I think there was lava in this somewhere.


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
Wow. I also had a smash dream this night. It was m2k and colbol on a team against two noobs on FD. M2k and colbol were the orange double fox team. The other team I think was also double fox. The nub team pulled out swords and started attacking m2k and he was blocking and being all like "lawl".

Then noob1 swords m2k who blocks with his forearm and noob2 slices m2k down across the chest. This happened irl. Then they do the same thing to colbol and everyone is like "OH ****!" Then somehow m2k and colbol are okay and match 2 begins.
Wow...pretty cool

I think there was lava in this somewhere.
ok pretty much the coolest thing ever....


Smash Champion
Oct 28, 2008
oh man i remember my smash related dream this happened on monday

so it was me, gabe, scid, monk, noel, lade, charles, ed, and cash mooney we were somehow playing an 9 player melee team match and i was owning the crap out of everyone including my own teammates then the room started to get all trippy and flash different colors then i hear muffled voices of everyone there then everyone starts dancing like an idiot sept for me when i realise they are under some sort of curse so i have to set out to fine the person who did this to them i suspected italy

so then i was on a private jet to italy and as it turns out everyone who started dancing like an idiot was on the plane too exept they had guns they stood up pointed their guns at me and said "YUMMY YOU DEAD *****" and then i made their guns melt and kicked them all in the face at the same time knockcing them out cold

6 hours passed and my plane landed in italy i decided what to do first was to find the people who put that curse on my dearest friends so then i realised everyone in italy looked like either monk, gabe, scid, noel, charles, lade, mooney, or ed so then i realised to get to the person who set this curse on them i had to do something so i did, i reached behind the taco stand and pulled the person who set the curse on my friends appeared it was hungrybox!!!!

then i realised i was going to have to play him in melee so he had the game setup so that every time your character gets hit you get a shock from the electrical chair and if you lose all 4 stocks the electric chair totally discharges your body i decided the only way to beat the gay playing jiggs player is to beat him at his own game so at the character select screen i picked jiggs and he started laughing like a maniac thinking i couldnt beat him no matter what oh how wrong he was after 4 drill rests i won the match and the curse was broken but it turns out hungrybox's electric chair was not plugged in on purpose so then i decided to challenge him to a fight it was over as quickly as the jiggs ditto with a jab cross and juan was down then i spit on his rotting carcus and took my friends with me

so i was the hero of the day and we all went to get some chinese food then we get back to gabes appartment and we keep on playing smash happily

then we see mike come in and said "hey guys sorry im late whad i miss?"

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
oh man i remember my smash related dream this happened on monday

so it was me, gabe, scid, monk, noel, lade, charles, ed, and cash mooney we were somehow playing an 9 player melee team match and i was owning the crap out of everyone including my own teammates then the room started to get all trippy and flash different colors then i hear muffled voices of everyone there then everyone starts dancing like an idiot sept for me when i realise they are under some sort of curse so i have to set out to fine the person who did this to them i suspected italy

so then i was on a private jet to italy and as it turns out everyone who started dancing like an idiot was on the plane too exept they had guns they stood up pointed their guns at me and said "YUMMY YOU DEAD *****" and then i made their guns melt and kicked them all in the face at the same time knockcing them out cold

6 hours passed and my plane landed in italy i decided what to do first was to find the people who put that curse on my dearest friends so then i realised everyone in italy looked like either monk, gabe, scid, noel, charles, lade, mooney, or ed so then i realised to get to the person who set this curse on them i had to do something so i did, i reached behind the taco stand and pulled the person who set the curse on my friends appeared it was hungrybox!!!!

then i realised i was going to have to play him in melee so he had the game setup so that every time your character gets hit you get a shock from the electrical chair and if you lose all 4 stocks the electric chair totally discharges your body i decided the only way to beat the gay playing jiggs player is to beat him at his own game so at the character select screen i picked jiggs and he started laughing like a maniac thinking i couldnt beat him no matter what oh how wrong he was after 4 drill rests i won the match and the curse was broken but it turns out hungrybox's electric chair was not plugged in on purpose so then i decided to challenge him to a fight it was over as quickly as the jiggs ditto with a jab cross and juan was down then i spit on his rotting carcus and took my friends with me

so i was the hero of the day and we all went to get some chinese food then we get back to gabes appartment and we keep on playing smash happily

then we see mike come in and said "hey guys sorry im late whad i miss?"
Cool story bro

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
I had a dream I beat m2k in a MM in melee. I was bowser and he was fox.

It was so unrealistic though, that I realized I was dreaming in the dream and woke up, lol.

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
oh man i remember my smash related dream this happened on monday

so it was me, gabe, scid, monk, noel, lade, charles, ed, and cash mooney we were somehow playing an 9 player melee team match and i was owning the crap out of everyone including my own teammates then the room started to get all trippy and flash different colors then i hear muffled voices of everyone there then everyone starts dancing like an idiot sept for me when i realise they are under some sort of curse so i have to set out to fine the person who did this to them i suspected italy

so then i was on a private jet to italy and as it turns out everyone who started dancing like an idiot was on the plane too exept they had guns they stood up pointed their guns at me and said "YUMMY YOU DEAD *****" and then i made their guns melt and kicked them all in the face at the same time knockcing them out cold

6 hours passed and my plane landed in italy i decided what to do first was to find the people who put that curse on my dearest friends so then i realised everyone in italy looked like either monk, gabe, scid, noel, charles, lade, mooney, or ed so then i realised to get to the person who set this curse on them i had to do something so i did, i reached behind the taco stand and pulled the person who set the curse on my friends appeared it was hungrybox!!!!

then i realised i was going to have to play him in melee so he had the game setup so that every time your character gets hit you get a shock from the electrical chair and if you lose all 4 stocks the electric chair totally discharges your body i decided the only way to beat the gay playing jiggs player is to beat him at his own game so at the character select screen i picked jiggs and he started laughing like a maniac thinking i couldnt beat him no matter what oh how wrong he was after 4 drill rests i won the match and the curse was broken but it turns out hungrybox's electric chair was not plugged in on purpose so then i decided to challenge him to a fight it was over as quickly as the jiggs ditto with a jab cross and juan was down then i spit on his rotting carcus and took my friends with me

so i was the hero of the day and we all went to get some chinese food then we get back to gabes appartment and we keep on playing smash happily

then we see mike come in and said "hey guys sorry im late whad i miss?"
that story was amazing
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