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So how then do casuals and elitist interact?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2007
K-Town, LA, CA
Define for me fun, fair, and cheap. No dictionary bull****.

Den it comes to show that these commonly used words among all gaming, life, and **** seem to go many different ways depending on the person that defines it.

This whole argument really lies between who ****ing gets to define this ****ing word. Like a bunch of philosophers and ****. stereotypes and all that crap.

If you read Wobbles' post and posts like that, you'll know this arguement has been done and dealt.

Otherwise u just pelting Sliq for his usual flaming

den while ure at it, define civilization or something.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I am confused. We are talking about both in seperate places aren't we. Regardless I hold that points to tournies as well. You guys WANT to play without items and stage hazards and in a certain format. Sure a few of the tourney goers might dissagree about rules but most of them would agree right? If there was a tourney where casuals went and they wanted items then they should have items.
NO! The ruleset is ENTIRELY up to the tournament holder. As it stands now, competitives are the only ones that hold tournaments, because casuals don't care enough to hold one themselves. Then, they go on the internet and whine about current tournaments because they want to attend one but don't want to put forth any effort to organize it themselves.

No casuals care enough to hold a "casual tournament," but they care enough to ***** about it on the internet.

The only time there are relatively large tournaments with items is when GAMESTORES host them for advertising or making money.

My original arguments:

Casuals say we are arrogant because we claim we can beat them, and that we know more about the game than they do (which we do).

We do not say our rules are right; we say they are right for tournament settings. We didn't pull this verdict out of our ass; it evolved over YEARS (since 2002).

Some items take skill to use, but retrieving items does not always rely on skill, so ultimately a match could be decided by luck. Furthermore, some items are extremely overpowered, and ultimately require little skill (Pokeballs; throw it and the pokemon does the work for you!).

And the main reason they were banned: random exploding **** falling on your head.

You claim that the above claim isn't bad, but it is...FOR TOURNAMENT PLAY.

Casuals and noobs complain about no items at the tournaments we host. No competitive complains about some casuals and noobs playing with items in their living room.

Casuals can not comment on the tournament community, because they don't know anything about it. But they do anyways, making huge assumptions based off of god knows what.

Well, they CAN comment on the tournament scene, but only in suggestion form, and not in concrete claims. "Items would make tournaments more competitive!" No, they wouldn't, guy who doesn't go to tournaments. No they wouldn't.

Now if someone said, "Hey why don't you hold item tournaments?", I would respond with all of the reasons.

It is the casuals that come in and act like they are authorities on the subject when they are newbies. THIS IS ARROGANCE, and it is ****ing stupid, because someone who thinks he is the **** without any reason behind it is impossible to argue with, because he is always right, despite the staggering amount of information you avalanche at his ******** ***.

Bottom line, casuals come to the Brawl boards and propose ridiculous **** for Brawl tournaments, despite playing 0 video games competitively, lacking any grasp about any tournament scene, and therefor missing a HUGE chunk of necessary information.

Points to address:

-Competitives are not arrogant for claiming we will win in a battle of skill; it is a time proven fact that competitives will win

-Casuals are arrogant when they post **** like it is the bottom line; like they are an authority on the subject matter and that their wisdom (or lack thereof) is boundless and without fault, despite an overwhelming lack of experience.

-Competitives are an authority on the game when it comes to a tournament ruleset, and gameplay mechanics. THEY ARE NOT THE AUTHORITY ON FUN.

-The tournament holder decides the ruleset--which should be known before the competitors shows up to it, so they can't complain about the ruleset when they get there, because it has been KNOWN.

Gamejunkie is a store in Cincinnati that holds tournaments, and casuals come and cry about the ruleset, DESPITE THE FACT that the RULES are posted on the flyer, and they just don't read it.

Tournament players wouldn't complain about an item tournament if they knew beforehand (before they leave to go to it), because then if they cared, they wouldn't go. Now, if I go to a tournament, and I'm expecting a not ******** ruleset, and they put all stages on Random, all items very high, FFA time match, then I have a right to complain, because they lied about the ruleset.

This actually happened. Someone posted a tournament on SWF, claiming MLG rules, I drive 2 HOURS, and it had those rules. And they couldn't get why I was pissed.

Tino's White Horse

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
Jangamo, Inhambane, Mozambique
Here's the thing. Tourney***s hate casuals because they're elitist, stuck up, humorless *******s who make strict rules and come up with stupid ideas. Casuals hate tourney***s because of regular human response to hostility. Casuals hate tourney***s because tourney***s hate casuals.

However, there are exceptions. Some tourney***s don't believe in such things and don't ostracize casual players. They get along. And therefore, they coexist.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
Here's the thing. Tourney***s hate casuals because they're elitist, stuck up, humorless *******s who make strict rules and come up with stupid ideas. Casuals hate tourney***s because of regular human response to hostility. Casuals hate tourney***s because tourney***s hate casuals.

However, there are exceptions. Some tourney***s don't believe in such things and don't ostracize casual players. They get along. And therefore, they coexist.
I hate that you use the term tourney ***, but you don't have a ******** board name like Hylian 566 or mariod00d 878, so I'm okay with it.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
I thought we established that casuals fired the first shot? Besides, this is a competitive forum, not a casual forum. If you hate tournament-goers, don't come here.

Anyway, yeah, whoever holds the tournament/brings the system for the Smashfest gets to decide the rules. When I bring my game setup, I decide the rules: 1v1 no items, and if people don't want to play, oh well. If someone else brings the system, he/she gets to decide the rules, and if I don't feel like playing, I won't play--I'm not going to ***** about it.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
I can't believe this topics continue to drag out like this. Fair enough, the casual did fire the first shot but the funny thing about words is that it can end quite fast if you simply just ignore it, and that's been my only issue over the whole thing in the long run. Two groups firing back and forth over a hobby (Yes, I say hobby because I've haven't heard of anyone in the Smash Tournment scene be able to make a living by playing in tournment)

I hate to break it to you but your not going to stamp out the ignorance of people who will continue to ignore the main points of your post and nor are they going to go away because you prove them wrong continouslessly. The problem I've seen is that the competitives as much as the scurbs are just as bad about dragging this stuff out far more then it's really need. After the first 5 or 6 pages it's just looped over and over and over again.

Communities of all kinds of their share of 'village idiots' but sometimes I don't think the way people here manage dealing with those idiots is the best method. Remember on the internet people seem to thrieve on attention whether positive or Negative.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2007
Methuen, Massachusetts
As I would say I'm more of a competitive player, it's fun to compare myself to the rest of the casual players. It's also funny to see how they complain about button mashing + c -sticking.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Now that I think about it, the only actual elitists that heckle people and look down on casual play were the ever popular Dylan Tnga and now 5150.
Actually, 5150 isn't an elitist to be honest. He's just being an ***. He doesn't actually tell casual players how to play the game, he just tells scrubs that they are dumb and he says it in very mean and insulting ways. He's also very sarcastic and likes the drama it causes.

Being an *** =/= being an elitist. The only elitist I can think of was Dylan Tnga, and he isn't an elitist anymore.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Unfortunately EZ MONEY is correct in one point in that arguing with *******s ain't fun. You realize how much faster someone (decent, not scrub stupid) resorts to flames when arguing with a failure like 5150 as opposed to somebody more knowledgeable like Yuna?
Why thank you, Kuja. Maybe you're not such a villain after all.

I wouldn't really know but I would guess that you aren't allowed to participate in tournaments you are hosting so there isn't much of a point in doing that. However I think you can kick people out for any reason.
You see, this post shows your true color: You know nothing about competitive gaming.

It's not something bad per se, after all, I know nothing about, say, competitive (American) football. However, I have also never claimed I did or talked as if I did or made up random bovine manure on the spot to insult those who do know or play American football competitively. That would be wrong.

To say that you think that people aren't allowed to participate in tournaments they host just shows us how little you know about competitive gaming. Not that it wasn't pretty obvious already (I'm sorry, but I'm tired of being civil to you).

I go to tournaments. I play on a competitive level. I turn off items. I don't like random/moving stages. But, I can't short hop/wavedash for shet...Does this mean I'm a "scrub" and can't play on a competitive level?
Scrubs aren't the same as being a Casual. Scrubs aren't necessarily Casual players, they can be Competitive players as well, but because of their very nature, they are most often Casuals (not every Casual is a Scrub, far from it, but most Scrubs are Casuals).

How many times must I repeat this? A Scrub and a Casual is not the same thing. They are not synonyms.


Now that I think about it, the only actual elitists that heckle people and look down on casual play were the ever popular Dylan Tnga and now 5150. Most people are largely misunderstood pros who either come off as arrogant thanks to either poor wording (in the eyes of the casuals) or "aggressive" personalities (like Yuna). Quite frankly yes, the casual are the ones who start all this crap--sometimes in the guise of elitists (look no further than 4chan)!
I'm not aggressive. I'm a b*tch, but only to those who deserve it (and only after trying to talk to them rationally and calmly first).

Stupidity will not be tolerated. If someone repeatedly proves to me that they're stupid beyond reason or help, then I feel no need to stay civil to them anymore (especially not when they aren't civil to me or are disrepecting me in some way already).

Here's the thing. Tourney***s hate casuals because they're elitist, stuck up, humorless *******s who make strict rules and come up with stupid ideas. Casuals hate tourney***s because of regular human response to hostility. Casuals hate tourney***s because tourney***s hate casuals.

However, there are exceptions. Some tourney***s don't believe in such things and don't ostracize casual players. They get along. And therefore, they coexist.

Tino's White Horse

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
Jangamo, Inhambane, Mozambique
You just insulted my hobby (Competitive Smash and gaming in general) and my sexuality in just one single paragraph. Good show.

Who are these tourney***s? They're mythical and rumored to dominate the Competitive Gaming Scene, especially, apparently, the Competitive Smash Scene. Name 5 tourney***s who look down on people who do not go to tournaments (one thing though: They must not be general *******s who are hated by pretty much anyone, including the Competitive Smash Scene).
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, now. Hold on a minute here. I'm talking about tourney***s who actually DO that kind of stuff. (Because they DO! I've seen them!) but not ALL people who decide to learn wavedashing and find items on a bit troublesome are like that. There are exceptions. Casuals and tournament players can live together in harmony.

There's a difference between a tourney goer and a tourney***.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I am confused. We are talking about both in seperate places aren't we. Regardless I hold that points to tournies as well. You guys WANT to play without items and stage hazards and in a certain format. Sure a few of the tourney goers might dissagree about rules but most of them would agree right? If there was a tourney where casuals went and they wanted items then they should have items.
Nobody is arguing that casual people shouldn't make tournaments with their own rules. Make them! Run them! Do what you want to do. Just please, don't enforce your ideology on us.
Wait how can you have not seen it but have seen it at the same time?
Umm what? I said I rarely saw competitive players actually being elitist. Rarely means it has happened, it's just not often.

I then said that I think trolls from 4chan create accounts to post inane stuff to perpetuate the stereotype, because there are a lot of low post count "competitive" guys lately that would post stuff that basically seems like they are trying to cause flaming.

Honestly, I don't really consider a guy competitive if they haven't been a part of the scene for at least 6 months to a year. There are exceptions, but usually they are new guys that get overly excited about the competitive stuff and they tend to not really know much about the community as a whole.
Rargh!! This argument has no point then!!!1! It sounds like you are saying that this should only be held to pros and not casuals who we can generalize all we want but I know that is not what you mean and so this argument is pointless as all hell.
I'm not saying this should only be taken into account by those claiming to be competitive. I was just simply telling you that a lot of the newbie competitive guys often have misconceptions about the scene and/or are unknowledgeable about the scene to really debate things they decide to debate. Inconsistencies appear out of this, and the competitive scene, as a whole, gets criticized for that. Trust me, I look at how people post, and then look at their post count. A lot of time stupid people from both sides are new to the site, and they say dumb stuff. I don't hold that against the entire group just cause of a handful of idiots.
There's a difference between a tourney goer and a tourney***.
The only 2 people that I think would qualify as a "tourney***" would be Dylin_Tnga and 5150. Aside from those two, all you have is the competitive newbies that don't know what they are talking about.

Tino's White Horse

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
Jangamo, Inhambane, Mozambique
The only 2 people that I think would qualify as a "tourney***" would be Dylin_Tnga and 5150. Aside from those two, all you have is the competitive newbies that don't know what they are talking about.
There are actually just random tourney players who go as far as being like Dylan and 5150. They completely hate causals and rag and abuse them just because they can't wavedash. There Aee people like that. But thank God, there aren't that much as much as there are people like you. People who while they don't agree with casuals, actually RESPECT them.


Smash Cadet
Jun 26, 2006
frankly i'm more than happy to have my *** handed to me in games like this. i'll be honest, i'm probably worse than casual players but when you've been in a position like mine, there are certain people who have the ability to prevent casuals from ever wanting to become good at said games...or even turn off casuals from ever wanting to play the game ever again.

i haven't been on these forums long enough to truly experience how helpful the members are, but what i don't respect are those people who say to just give up on a game that casual players are TRYING to get good at to begin with...and sadly i've seen people who are like that (don't get me started with the CvS2 players at my on-campus arcade). fortunately i haven't seen anyone like that on these forums :D

personally i think it's just human nature to get pissed off after seeing someone who's better than you at something. on the other hand, casuals/scrubs (whatever you guys/(gals?) call it nowadays) should take the defeat as a learning experience, instead of just *****ing about it...and at the same time pros/experts shouldn't be arrogant ***** and brush off casuals when they're looking for help (which as i said before i'm glad i haven't seen anyone like that on these forums yet)

Kirby M.D.

Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2006

Now that I think about it, the only actual elitists that heckle people and look down on casual play were the ever popular Dylan Tnga and now 5150. Most people are largely misunderstood pros who either come off as arrogant thanks to either poor wording (in the eyes of the casuals) or "aggressive" personalities (like Yuna). Quite frankly yes, the casual are the ones who start all this crap--sometimes in the guise of elitists (look no further than 4chan)!
As a /v/irgin, aspiring competitive player, and witness to Yuna's "aggressive personality" I have to say OFFT. It's really a giant misunderstanding goaded on by trolls, stupid people on both sides and general overreaction. Casual players need to calm down and competitive players need to show some greater tact.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2007
Miami, FL
While the competitors have good reasons on there arguments and it all make sense you don't really look at the casuals side.

Why do we complain:
About tournament rules:
Because thats not the way we play at home, the "casual" play with items and all stages, and we don't see the problem with them. But of what I have read there is money involved in the tournament and the rules are set to make sure it a FARE tournament, but the reasoning comes from experience of what players have been through. I have heard that certain are levels are removed because someone plays as fox and just shine the whole time in the corner and doesn't die, or in the temple stage players run away to not get killed. Casual players never cheat as cheating is boring and we play for FUN, really we don't get anything if win or lose, then put us somewhere there is something to gain and it is completely the opposite way we play, from FUN to FARE. FARE is to remove cheating but casual never cheat or at least don't know how to, so we don't know why these rules are FARE.

Advance Techs:
We don't know them, so though its legal, its new to us and we think its unfair, like a test that is open book but we didn't know so we didn't bring the book, and in the end we feel cheated. We don't know how to WD so when the competitive does it to us then we get KO we blame it on the WD.

Competitive players in general:
You totally beat us 100% of the time, and sometimes we would like to win, because losing isn't always fun. Once I was playing with my friend on a 1 on 1 match and we will win and lose, but then a kid younger than me comes and says he wants to play we let him, he beats us in no time. We did like two more matches an we lost, we gave up because it was boring losing every time, hell I would have played more matches if they where close matches but we were totally owned, it was no FUN. As well you competitive players choose the same thing. Sometimes I like to see the professionals got at it to see there techniques which is sometimes cool, but when you have already seen three matches between fox and marth on final destination I just get annoyed. I understand under tournament settings but why do it in "casual" play. On youtube there are so many matches with fox, marth, and Ike (Brawl matches) on FD it just gets boring, you don't even put items, at least spice it up for the viewers, is it so hard to click the random button sometimes. Oh and competitive players are very condescending to the casual, sure we complain but thats because we are ignorant and don't play the game as much as you do. But you complain about our complaining, and you sound conceited and condescending, you always go, "We have played more longer than you and we know the game more than you so we set the rules." but you don't explain why the scope of stages is so limited or good reasons why the items are banned. Why don't you begin each tournament with a video to explain the rules, and why stages and items are banned, to shut up us casuasl. If not then suck it up and take the complaining, if you are "better" then be the bigger man and just take it, it doesn't matter anyways you will still win in the matches.

Well this may be a rant but still you guys complained why we complain, so here is my complain on your complain on why we complain. :psycho:

Sincerely Diddy&Dixie4ever :chuckle:


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
"We have played more longer than you and we know the game more than you so we set the rules." but you don't explain why the scope of stages is so limited or good reasons why the items are banned.
Actually we've explained this a lot of times in a lot of threads. We explain it every day to new people. Nobody ever bothers trying to learn stuff on their own, and nobody reads stickies and stuff. We have everything on this site wide out in the open for you to read and learn if you want to know. Just go take a peak at it.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
It's almost impossible to say that a tactic is "cheating." That's why ban priority goes like this: modes->stages->characters->tactics.
Define "cheating."

So what if you don't know what wavedashing is? Are you going to stop recovering if your opponent doesn't know how to recover? No, you're going to teach him how to do it, and then expect him to use it appropriately.

If I wanted to win all the time, I wouldn't go to tournaments and play people who are better than me. It's fun to get your *** handed to you by a much better opponent.
Define "fun."


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2007
MPLS, Where Californians go to die.
Nobody is arguing that casual people shouldn't make tournaments with their own rules. Make them! Run them! Do what you want to do. Just please, don't enforce your ideology on us.
Umm what? I said I rarely saw competitive players actually being elitist. Rarely means it has happened, it's just not often. I then said that I think trolls from 4chan create accounts to post inane stuff to perpetuate the stereotype, because there are a lot of low post count "competitive" guys lately that would post stuff that basically seems like they are trying to cause flaming.
I need a little evidence for that as it seems unfair. Casuals with low join dates and post counts represent us but pros with those things MUST be trolls from 4chan trying to ruin your rep. Double Standard much?
Honestly, I don't really consider a guy competitive if they haven't been a part of the scene for at least 6 months to a year. There are exceptions, but usually they are new guys that get overly excited about the competitive stuff and they tend to not really know much about the community as a whole.
Can I do the same for casuals? Any casual who has less than 6 months can't be used against us.
I'm not saying this should only be taken into account by those claiming to be competitive. I was just simply telling you that a lot of the newbie competitive guys often have misconceptions about the scene and/or are unknowledgeable about the scene to really debate things they decide to debate. Inconsistencies appear out of this, and the competitive scene, as a whole, gets criticized for that.
So only tourney players who aren't idiots get to represent you but casuals who are idiots represent us?
Trust me, I look at how people post, and then look at their post count. A lot of time stupid people from both sides are new to the site, and they say dumb stuff. I don't hold that against the entire group just cause of a handful of idiots.
The only 2 people that I think would qualify as a "tourney***" would be Dylin_Tnga and 5150. Aside from those two, all you have is the competitive newbies that don't know what they are talking about.
That sounds more reasonable. I don't hold it against the entire group either. That is why I find this thread annoying.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2007
Miami, FL
Actually we've explained this a lot of times in a lot of threads. We explain it every day to new people. Nobody ever bothers trying to learn stuff on their own, and nobody reads stickies and stuff. We have everything on this site wide out in the open for you to read and learn if you want to know. Just go take a peak at it.
Yeah I have read it, random capsules exploding= unfair & unlucky
as well stages like big blue is to random to be put into a normal strategie in which you can get in a stage like FD or battlefield. But I don't go to tournaments, I know I will lose, and I can play the game at home if I want fun. But noobs don't know how to read or to learn, they just know how to complain, and complaining brings more complaining, thats why I think there should be an official tournament rules video, so the noobs can get the idea in visual aid, show things like there is a 100% vs. a 20% and there is like 30 secs left, capsule pops near the 100% he throws it blows up at the 20% and he gets k.o. the one who was losing wins, that how you can really get through people skulls.


Smash Rookie
Feb 14, 2008
The only 2 people that I think would qualify as a "tourney***" would be Dylin_Tnga and 5150. Aside from those two, all you have is the competitive newbies that don't know what they are talking about.
Wait, Dylan_Tnga is known here?
He made an account on a Newfoundland-based social networking site I frequent just to complain in the Brawl thread there. I thought he was just some local Smasher with a chip on his shoulder.
This is a little surreal.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I need a little evidence for that as it seems unfair. Casuals with low join dates and post counts represent us but pros with those things MUST be trolls from 4chan trying to ruin your rep. Double Standard much?
There is a difference between a low post count competitive player who holds some stereotypical views. It's another story when there is a low post count "competitive" that holds EVERY stereotypical view and starts threads just to completely and totally antagonize every casual player and create havoc and flame wars. Either way, anyone who makes posts like that aren't competitive players, they are either people who love to start drama and/or competitive wannabe's that need to be punched in the face.

I also don't understand why you would be mad at me saying that there is a chance for 4chan reverse trolling. I'm not saying there aren't idiots in our camp, but the fact that trolling is oh so ever prevalent and their old strategies have been played out. Also... I fail to see how this would anger you on the basis that thinking this way is a slight against casual players. I'm referring to idiots only.
Can I do the same for casuals? Any casual who has less than 6 months can't be used against us.
Yes and no. That person would still be a casual; however, the distinction lies whether or not said player is a scrub or not. If it's a scrub, I don't count it against the casual scene. In all honesty, I don't hold anything on these boards against the casual scene, but only against the people who antagonize the competitive scene here. I have a lot of casual friends that play this game a lot, enjoy it, and don't give a rat's *** about the world of competitive play. That is how I view the casual scene in general, as most of the casual players don't post in forums in the first place.
So only tourney players who aren't idiots get to represent you but casuals who are idiots represent us?
I make distinctions between scrubs and casual players. I don't even generalize the people on this site with the casual players as a whole as I just said earlier.
I don't hold it against the entire group either. That is why I find this thread annoying.

Tino's White Horse

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
Jangamo, Inhambane, Mozambique

I need a little evidence for that as it seems unfair. Casuals with low join dates and post counts represent us but pros with those things MUST be trolls from 4chan trying to ruin your rep. Double Standard much?
I come from 4chan. Am I trying to troll you or rant about you being unfair? NO! Why? Because I know that not ALL tourneygoers are actually Tourney***S!


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I come from 4chan. Am I trying to troll you or rant about you being unfair? NO! Why? Because I know that not ALL tourneygoers are actually Tourney***S!
LOL, it's not about whether or not 4chan realizes this, it's moreso about doing it for the lulz. M I RITE?

I don't have anything against 4chan, they are a crazy bunch and they do silly things. It's just that sometimes they just stir up trouble just to see what would happen.

Tino's White Horse

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
Jangamo, Inhambane, Mozambique
LOL, it's not about whether or not 4chan realizes this, it's moreso about doing it for the lulz. M I RITE?

I don't have anything against 4chan, they are a crazy bunch and they do silly things. It's just that sometimes they just stir up trouble just to see what would happen.
Well, yes. But now everyone's gonna think I'm the bad guy because I'm from 4chan.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2007
MPLS, Where Californians go to die.
There is a difference between a low post count competitive player who holds some stereotypical views. It's another story when there is a low post count "competitive" that holds EVERY stereotypical view and starts threads just to completely and totally antagonize every casual player and create havoc and flame wars. Either way, anyone who makes posts like that aren't competitive players, they are either people who love to start drama and/or competitive wannabe's that need to be punched in the face.
As long as you find that true about casuals as well then agreed.
I also don't understand why you would be mad at me saying that there is a chance for 4chan reverse trolling. I'm not saying there aren't idiots in our camp, but the fact that trolling is oh so ever prevalent and their old strategies have been played out. Also... I fail to see how this would anger you on the basis that thinking this way is a slight against casual players. I'm referring to idiots only.
I was annoyed that it seemed like you were only saying this could happen to pros and not casuals. It seems. I was wrong.
Yes and no. That person would still be a casual; however, the distinction lies whether or not said player is a scrub or not. If it's a scrub, I don't count it against the casual scene. In all honesty, I don't hold anytagainst the casual scene, but only against the people who antagonize the competitive scene here. I have a lot of casual friends that play this game a lot, enjoy it, and don't give a rat's *** about the world of competitive play. That is how I view the casual scene in general, as most of the casual players don't post in forums in the first place.
Agreed. I forgot I wasn't arguing with Sliq anymore.

I make distinctions between scrubs and casual players. I don't even generalize the people on this site with the casual players as a whole as I just said earlier.

Mookie you are a good guy. You aren't generalizing and you aren't bitter and you aren't getting to heated. Thanks for not being an ***


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2007
MPLS, Where Californians go to die.
You see, this post shows your true color: You know nothing about competitive gaming.
Ohmigosh I'm so sorry I guessed on something that I said I didn't know to help someone out. I've been a bad boy!
It's not something bad per se, after all, I know nothing about, say, competitive (American) football. However, I have also never claimed I did or talked as if I did or made up random bovine manure on the spot to insult those who do know or play American football competitively. That would be wrong.
I haven't done that about pros so let's have a party!
To say that you think that people aren't allowed to participate in tournaments they host just shows us how little you know about competitive gaming. Not that it wasn't pretty obvious already (I'm sorry, but I'm tired of being civil to you).
First of all, when in the hell were you ever civil? All you have been was rude, generalizing and heated. More on point, Overreaction much? I said I didn't know and I took a guess. You know instead of being a jerk for no reason and reading to much into somethignt hat I put a disclaimer in front of you could you know, I don't know, actually tell me the answer. Or is that to much. Don't want to strain you now.
Scrubs aren't the same as being a Casual. Scrubs aren't necessarily Casual players, they can be Competitive players as well, but because of their very nature, they are most often Casuals (not every Casual is a Scrub, far from it, but most Scrubs are Casuals).
Eh. Not the definition I've been using.
How many times must I repeat this? A Scrub and a Casual is not the same thing. They are not synonyms.
I'm not aggressive. I'm a b*tch, but only to those who deserve it (and only after trying to talk to them rationally and calmly first).
***** please. I don't see you being rational. In addition we have replied to each other what 2 times? You started being a jerk after like the second reply. You aren't that nice.
Stupidity will not be tolerated. If someone repeatedly proves to me that they're stupid beyond reason or help, then I feel no need to stay civil to them anymore (especially not when they aren't civil to me or are disrepecting me in some way already).
Well isn't someone feeling justified and rightous. First of all you aren't the most civil yourself. Second, instead of trying to teach and correct you insult. Lastly, being that you seem to be nice to Sliq, you obviously don't care about civility in the first place.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, now. Hold on a minute here. I'm talking about tourney***s who actually DO that kind of stuff. (Because they DO! I've seen them!) but not ALL people who decide to learn wavedashing and find items on a bit troublesome are like that. There are exceptions. Casuals and tournament players can live together in harmony.

There's a difference between a tourney goer and a tourney***.
And how many tournament ***s have you encountered or even read about? Talking about them as if they're running wild in the competitive scene is quite misleading. There are idiots everywhere. There are morons who have sacrificed their kid's virginity to some crazy cult leaders.

Does that mean we constantly have to bring it up as if it were something really common?

You also used a term with a "suffix" that is a slur towards my (homo)sexuality as a... slur. Why America has the double standard that calling black people the N-word is very, very bad and calling women "wh*re" or the C-word is bad as well but calling people the F-word, that's not so bad at all, I'll never understand.

i haven't been on these forums long enough to truly experience how helpful the members are, but what i don't respect are those people who say to just give up on a game that casual players are TRYING to get good at to begin with...and sadly i've seen people who are like that (don't get me started with the CvS2 players at my on-campus arcade). fortunately i haven't seen anyone like that on these forums :D
Those people are idiots. I'd flame them into infinity if I ever met them.

I need a little evidence for that as it seems unfair. Casuals with low join dates and post counts represent us but pros with those things MUST be trolls from 4chan trying to ruin your rep. Double Standard much?
Because we actually know each other. Most competitive players have gone to tournaments and made acquaintances. Why should we believe Random Person #42 who's obviously trolling that they're competitive when no one's ever heard of them, played them (ever) and they joined less than 6 months ago?

Can I do the same for casuals? Any casual who has less than 6 months can't be used against us.
Sure. I'll still be able to root out a good number of twits to use as examples.

So only tourney players who aren't idiots get to represent you but casuals who are idiots represent us?
You still haven't anwered my challenges. I'll even drop the "idiot"-requirement for you.

Name 5 Competitive Players (who are verifiably Competitive) who have used "Casual" as an insult or who are elitists who look down on people worse than them at Smash.

That sounds more reasonable. I don't hold it against the entire group either. That is why I find this thread annoying.
I find it annoying for your posts.

I come from 4chan. Am I trying to troll you or rant about you being unfair? NO! Why? Because I know that not ALL tourneygoers are actually Tourney***S!
I frequent 4Chan.

Ohmigosh I'm so sorry I guessed on something that I said I didn't know to help someone out. I've been a bad boy!
You know nothin about Competitive Gaming and Competitive gamers. Why do you claim you do when you're so wrong in everything you say?

First of all, when in the hell were you ever civil? All you have been was rude, generalizing and heated. More on point, Overreaction much? I said I didn't know and I took a guess. You know instead of being a jerk for no reason and reading to much into somethignt hat I put a disclaimer in front of you could you know, I don't know, actually tell me the answer. Or is that to much. Don't want to strain you now.
In my first replt to you.

Eh. Not the definition I've been using.
You were wrong then. How horrible it must be to realize you've been using the wrong definition for "Scrub". Or am I wrong for using the correct one?

You were wrong and you were wrong for misinterpreting mine and MookieRah's (very correct) definitions of "Scrub".

***** please. I don't see you being rational. In addition we have replied to each other what 2 times? You started being a jerk after like the second reply. You aren't that nice.
Because you proved yourself to be an idiot on your first reply.

Well isn't someone feeling justified and rightous. First of all you aren't the most civil yourself. Second, instead of trying to teach and correct you insult. Lastly, being that you seem to be nice to Sliq, you obviously don't care about civility in the first place.
I teach, correct and insult at the same time. I'm awesome like that.


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
im a pretty good melee player, i enjoy playing with anyone. if they dont know advanced tactics, then playing with me at least opens up their eyes to strategies and tactics that they can learn


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Why America has the double standard that calling black people the N-word is very, very bad and calling women "wh*re" or the C-word is bad as well but calling people the F-word, that's not so bad at all, I'll never understand.
Yeah, it's some bull****. It's currently popular to hate on the gay community in the states, and that is mainly because our government system doesn't understand the basic principle of "the seperation of church and state." It's one thing for church groups to feel that way... it's another thing when the government enforces religious beliefs onto the people.

Homophobia is rampant because of this bull**** religious zealotry... I've even been accused of being gay simply for recognizing the fact that it's wrong to have such unwarranted prejudices against a group of people.

@Yuna and E-Z
Why don't you guys cool off a bit and restart if you are going to continue to post? Seriously, it's apparent that the big problem here is how heated it is, if you were both a bit more civil to each other then maybe the message you want to come across will if you calmed down a bit. It seemed to work for me. Lets try to have one nice last week till Brawl comes out

Tino's White Horse

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
Jangamo, Inhambane, Mozambique
And how many tournament ***s have you encountered or even read about? Talking about them as if they're running wild in the competitive scene is quite misleading. There are idiots everywhere. There are morons who have sacrificed their kid's virginity to some crazy cult leaders.

Does that mean we constantly have to bring it up as if it were something really common?

You also used a term with a "suffix" that is a slur towards my (homo)sexuality as a... slur. Why America has the double standard that calling black people the N-word is very, very bad and calling women "wh*re" or the C-word is bad as well but calling people the F-word, that's not so bad at all, I'll never understand.
I NEVER bring it up or even COMPLAIN about them! I'm just stating my opinion on them! This is what this thread is about, right? Seeing the truth behind how to differ a normal, competitive tournament player, and an elitist tourney*** ******* like Dylan.

I, in fact, get blatantly annoyed at the trolls who bring it up blidnly and biased thinking EVERYONE here is a tourney***.

Also, I use the term tourney*** satirically since that's pretty much how the whole dilemma began. 4chan, troll, slight sadism, etc. You shouldn't take it so seriously.

Hell, part of the reason I joined this site is to get a good, clear, truthful look at you lot instead of going thorugh 17 "LOL TOURNEY***S" threads on /v/. I can see that /v/ is completly biased and, to an extent, wrong about you guys.

I am not against you. I am not your enemy.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
Yeah, it's some bull****. It's currently popular to hate on the gay community in the states, and that is mainly because our government system doesn't understand the basic principle of "the seperation of church and state." It's one thing for church groups to feel that way... it's another thing when the government enforces religious beliefs onto the people.

Homophobia is rampant because of this bull**** religious zealotry... I've even been accused of being gay simply for recognizing the fact that it's wrong to have such unwarranted prejudices against a group of people.

@Yuna and E-Z
Why don't you guys cool off a bit and restart if you are going to continue to post? Seriously, it's apparent that the big problem here is how heated it is, if you were both a bit more civil to each other then maybe the message you want to come across will if you calmed down a bit. It seemed to work for me. Lets try to have one nice last week till Brawl comes out

Sounds like something a gay would say.



Oct 12, 2001
Yeah, it's some bull****. It's currently popular to hate on the gay community in the states, and that is mainly because our government system doesn't understand the basic principle of "the seperation of church and state." It's one thing for church groups to feel that way... it's another thing when the government enforces religious beliefs onto the people.

Homophobia is rampant because of this bull**** religious zealotry... I've even been accused of being gay simply for recognizing the fact that it's wrong to have such unwarranted prejudices against a group of people.

@Yuna and E-Z
Why don't you guys cool off a bit and restart if you are going to continue to post? Seriously, it's apparent that the big problem here is how heated it is, if you were both a bit more civil to each other then maybe the message you want to come across will if you calmed down a bit. It seemed to work for me. Lets try to have one nice last week till Brawl comes out
Because prejudice against homosexuals only seems to spawn from religions! And not because people naturally tend to be hostile against what they don't know / understand.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
*sigh* I totally know what you guys are saying when it comes to the whole 'homosexuality and bigotry' thing; living in Texas, I've met some pretty serious bigots. I used t wait tables at this restaurant, and every Sunday, this same group from some random Baptist church would come in... I swear, if I wasn't of stronger conviction, I would have maimed every one of those hating a$$monkeys. But... it probably wouldn't have done anything, sadly.
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