Kels was in "lolimbetterthanyoumode" and didn't lose to carelessness, but lack of effort. He is really freaking good at the matchup, he just knows that he can stay in "lolimbetterthanyoumode" with Falco since you are as you claim, worse at the matchup.
I really wish that your pools set got recorded with Kels so you can compare to sets vs players like Tope. It's great that you are using the fact that you can beat Kels' Fox on some level as a notice of improvement, but you really need a chip on your shoulder bud. I don't think you are bad by any means, but I can name at least 5 players off the top of my head that go to our locals that you lose to, not named "orly or kels", and none of them can beat Kels' Fox either.
You could just say I'm a washed up, uncaring scrub, but I know what I'm talking about in this instance.