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Smashboards Creates: SEGA Superstars World Cup (Current Jobs: Amigo/Sakura/Chomp/Knuckles/Nei/Elenor movesets and collectables!)


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Day over!

Let's look at our series winner:
  • Bonanza Bros.: 0
  • Phantasy Star: 17
  • Puyo Puyo: 6
  • Power Instinct: 7
  • Etrian Odyssey: 4
  • Virtua Fighter: 7
  • Jet Set Radio: 1
By a landslide, it appears we'll be playing Phantasy Phootball! Congratulations to OrpheusTelos OrpheusTelos for their suggestion!

So without further ado, let's get on with the most obvious job first!

Job #59: Submit a Phantasy Star player
What it says on the tin. Can be from the original RPGs, the Online titles or the Universe titles. Go wild! Remember, we're picking TWO winners from this.

You have 24 hours to get your submissions in.

That's all for now. I'd recommend checking out the Phantasy Star wiki for help!

See you tomorrow Sega Sports fans!


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Job #30: Elenor Camuel (Phantasy Star Online)

View attachment 347893

Created by the eccentric Newman inventor Dr. Jean Carlo Montague, Elenor is an android in the RAcaseal class. Although she’s loyal to her creator, she yearns to go out into the world and make friends outside of Dr. Montague’s lab. And what better way to make human/hedgehog/monkey/spaceship/star/whatever NiGHTS is friends than by joining a soccer team! I’m honestly surprised we haven’t gotten any PSO submissions yet given how it’s the biggest showcase of the Dreamcast’s online capabilities. PSO has a large pool of potential candidates, but I went with Elenor because she always struck me as one of the more iconic PSO1 characters, and because robots are cool. You could incorporate her ability to set traps and control MAGs (basically PSO’s Chao equivalent) in her special moves. I just think she’s neat!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2018
Here comes the dad bot once again

Job #49: Wren (Phantasy Star IV)
View attachment 349442

Wren is an unfortunately designed android from Phantasy Star IV, with the face of an 80's Falcom character and the body of current Chris Redfield. You may assume this robot is built for combat, but his day job is actually a janitor. He's a bad ass dad bod bot who cleans. He is not to be confused with the Wren from Phantasy Star III which is a completely different android with different powers. That character isn't in SEGA Heroes, but I like this one a little more for this game because I think he stands out and gives you more options for characters with a focus on strength and shooting.

Wren is a walking, talking tank, being the strongest and tallest one in your entire party in PS4. Don't let that youthful-looking face fool you, he's also the oldest! On top of that, he can't be affected by a majority of status effects in game and he also uses GUNS (and I don't just mean those biceps).

I also think you can get fun interactions or team moves with the other various robots and gun users from other SEGA properties.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Job 49: Rico Tyrell (Phantasy Star Online)


A ha, I bet you thought I was gonna submit Nei again, huh? Well guess what, bucko, it turns out there are multiple Phantasy Star characters I think are cool! Rico Tyrell, also called Red Ring Rico, is a major character in PSO, a scientist and skilled warrior with brains and weaponry. Tragically, her natural curiosity would also be her downfall, as Rico would stare into the void for far too long, eventually being influenced and ultimately mutated into Dark Falz, the final boss of many Phantasy Star games. Sheesh, I sure love my tragic PS characters, huh? Anyway, I think Rico deserves to have some fun on the field, and perhaps some of her specials can reference the encroaching Dark Falz influence, making her a fun way to have both PSO skills and whole-series skills. I also think she's neat.

(Of course, I'd love if someone submitted Nei as well considering she's my fave but I wanted to mix it up a bit with one of my other faves)


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.

A spunky humanoid, Gene (or Jeanne) is a major character in Phantasy Star Online 2es. Good natured and protective, she has a severe stamina issue due to the way she interacts with Photons, the energy source that is used for everything in the game.

Gene's an oddball. She's one of the weakest characters usually, but she can overexert herself making her a true force of nature. Whilst attempting to get revenge on her parents murderer, she unfortunately runs out of stamina and passes out before she can finish them.

Turns out the reason she's normally weak but has these bursts of powerful energy is
she's actually an incomplete weaponoid that hasn't been reconstructed properly. As a result, those weren't her parents but rather fabricated memories.

When she's given some of Lord's power she actually becomes strong enough that she nearly defeats Dark Falz Haddaj SINGLE HANDEDLY making her canonically one of the strongest characters in the series. For those who know about Dark Falz, ya know that's no easy feat

Perhaps we can factor in her strange stamina issues into a flexible player who flip flops between being insanely powerful or insanely weak?

Edit: You have just under four hours to get your Phantasy Star characters in!
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over! ...OR IS IT?

To clarify: it is not.

We got some really good entries, but!

Considering we're adding TWO Phantasy Star characters, I feel like we can do better than just five characters to select from. As a result I'm extending the day for a further 24 hours, and I'm giving everyone an additional character submission so those of you who put forth characters can submit a second character. If you didn't today, you can still throw two characters out.

To be honest, I myself wish to look a bit deeper into Phantasy Star than I got to do today(Gene was about all I had time for), and so this is largely a selfish extension for more research for me.

We'll pick this up again in 24 hours! Sorry for the delay folks! We'll do a double job tomorrow as a result!

Deleted member


Alis Landale
The main herione of the original Phantasy Star. A young woman on a quest to avenge her fallen brother and defeat the evil Dark Falz'. Alis has become a face of fhe Franchise since, appearing in games like Sega heroes and even having an alternative verison of her show up in PSO2

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022

The Dark Falz is the main antagonist of the classic Phantasy Star games. This is a bit like the Ridley situation of Smash Bros, with the character being too big. So we'll have to put him in a smaller humanoid form if he is to be chosen. It's also funny to imagine The Dark Falz, a planet destroying entity, into a soccer game. It's like putting Eminem against the Punisher!


Screenshot 2022-04-22 9.50.58 PM.png

They did...


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Job #59a: Ethan Waber (Phantasy Star Universe)


Ethan is a reckless young man who, despite his suspicions about them, has to join GUARDIANS, a private security force often contracted by Alliance Space Fleet. As his game is supposed to be a sort of campaign version of Phantasy Star Online, even though it also has an MMO mode, he has access to miscellaneous technological weapons, as well as handy Photon Arts.

Job #59b: Rappy (Phantasy Star)


Not exactly an established character but these cute, fluffy little birdies are basically what Chao are to Sonic for Phantasy Star, acting as a mascot for the whole series. They tend to be cowardly, but fierce when defending their territory and it would probably be reflected in their gameplay as good goalkeepers with meager offensive stats.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Ogi (Phantasy Star Zero)

An incredibly personable CAST, Ogi is a professional sniper.

Unlike CASTs in other PS games, the only part of Ogi that is truly required is his head, as he can detach it and place it on another body. In fact, he doesn't seem phased at all when his entire body sans his head gets devoured during the story.

Picking up a new body will give him new memories and new personality quirks as they're hardwired in. This is sometimes played for comedy such as when he starts obtaining a texan accent due to the programming of his new CAST body, or this absolute gem of a moment when he obtains a new body on the moon:

(he's very excited about this new body)

This is also sometimes played for drama, as upon recieving a new body, Ogi can learn about new information that has been downloaded into it, including what happened during the 'blank era' in Phantasy Zero's story. He is less than pleased when he gains this knowledge, let's say that.

Anyway, a character that can potentially swap bodies in his specials, or even detach and end up as just a head seems like it has fun potential.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2018
Chelsea Enchante (Phantasy Star Portable 2)
Chelsea Enchante.png


Oui oui, allow me to introduce this character to you. This fine mademoiselle's name is Chelsea Enchante, and she will be your server for this evening. She is from zee Phantasy Star Portable 2, and she is a former member of zee AMF (Allied Military Force, bien sur). In those days, she was a, how you say, infamous drill instructor. That was before she had speech and body modifications. Ah qui, she also has a thick accent and will pepper in French constantly. Nowadays, she is a sweetheart that does zee accounting and receptionist duties at Little Wing, a military colony, but do not make the mistake of thinking her unfit for the green, pas du tout! She can bring sophistication out to zee football field, and she is handy with many different armes à feu, or guns, as she is a Ranger class character. Her weapon of choice is a laser gun bigger than her entire body. That said, if you doubt her talents, then allow me to show the pièce de résistance...

Okay, so...really, I just think this character's hilarious, and I think that her energy would be fun for this. I know she joins your party during the story in PSP2, she's in the intro for the game, and she was important enough that they gave her character chips in PSO2.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Day over!

Let's look at our Phantasy Stars!
  • Elenor Camuel is ready to start living her life for herself, and leave the lab of Dr. Jean Carlo Montague behind. With her ability to understand MAGS, she's likely got a few handy tips and tricks on how to excel in the beautiful game already! Submitted by her manager and rare MAG hunter, OrpheusTelos OrpheusTelos
  • Wren has a strong sense of responsibility, and so when he accidentally signed up for tryouts at the Sega Superstars World Cup, not only did he commit to it, but he also decided then and there to help his team win the World Cup! What a serious android! Submitted by his manager and recreational activity supervisor, PuyoWitch PuyoWitch
  • "Red Ring" Rico Tyrell is exploring what the benefits a team based sport like Football can bring to the various species involved. She's planning to leave capsules behind for people to discover her findings, but we'd rather she just publish a paper than litter the pitches. Submitted by her manager and lab technician, Flyboy Flyboy
  • Nei, the first Newman/Numan has arrived on the pitch to prove her skills. An experimental man made species, Nei should be happy to hear that despite all her pain, the Newman race are now happily accepted within the star systems. Submitted by her manager and clone lab technician, @Darkonedagger
  • Gene is a sweet girl with kindness to spare. Her unusual body causes her to burn through protons at an accelerated rate compared to others. When her power is stabilised though, it's through the roof! Submitted by her manager and guardian of spoilers, me, YoshiandToad YoshiandToad
  • Alis Landale, the original hero is going to become a hero on the pitch too! The most famous heroine in all of Phantasy Star is ready to show why she's so well remembered with her skills. Her shield is bound to be a useful goal blocker too! Submitted by her manager and history book contributer, @Darkonedagger
  • Dark Falz, the ultimate evil is creeping it's way into the hearts and minds of the players...and also just onto the pitch. Yes, the ultimate enemy of Phantasy Star is determined to corrupt everything from people, to star systems, to life support machinery to a good old game of football. Submitted by his manager and dark summoner, Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP
  • Ethan Waber is the young reckless hero of Phantasy Star Universe. Strong willed, and determined, he has all the makings of a great leader and a great player. He's used to captaining the guardians, but can he captain our ragtag team of oddballs? Submitted by his manager and Guardian second in command, osby osby
  • Rappy the adorable bird like mascots of Phantasy Star have decided the pitch is now their territory. Highly adapted to running away from danger, the Rappy are at their most dangerous when they have no where left to run. Remember, they might be cute, but they can shoot! Submitted by their manager and Rappy conservationalist, osby osby
  • Ogi is planning to get ahead in this game by attaching his detachable head onto a sporting body. He's downloaded the latest Football strategies, and as a sniper, he's used to performing long distance shoots on target! Just don't confuse his disembodied head with the ball! Submitted by his manager and CAST hat maker, me, YoshiandToad YoshiandToad
  • Chelsea Enchante is bringing out a bottle of champagne to celebrate the games...unfortunately the alcohol she serves has a certain explosive kick to it. If you face her on the field, better hope you're not a lightweight drinker because she's bound to get you punchdrunk with her special ability! Submitted by her manager and bartender, PuyoWitch PuyoWitch
Many more options today! Okay we'll be adding two of these phantastic individuals, so please vote for your top 5, with your own options no higher than third. You have 24 hours to get your votes in!

Job #60: Submit a Phantasy Star themed Stadium
We're not quite done with Phantasy Star either, please submit a stadium for our two yet to be decided newcomers! Can be a location from any of the series, be it the original RPGs, the Online titles or the newer spinoffs!

Once again, you have 24 hours to get a Stadium in! Good luck!

That's all for now. See you tomorrow Sega Sports Fans!

Deleted member

1. Eleanor
2. Rico
3. Rappy
3. Nei
4. Wren
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Job #60: Arks Casino


That's right, I'm putting forth a casino stadium and it's NOT Sonic themed.

ARKS Casino is a section on every ship in Phantasy Star Online 2's ships, featuring golden pillars, oodles of glitz, red carpets for only the best VIP players and plenty of Rappy themed casino games.

  • Stadium audience members will consist of Rappys, Lillipans, Newmans, Humans, Casts and Deumans alike cheering on from the stadiums sides, each with their own slot machine to enjoy and play whilst watching the game. Gotta keep those winnings going, right?
  • Scoring a goal here will drop Casino Coins in celebration and confetti will rain down from the skies!
  • The center of the stadium also features a beautiful water fountain that will occasionally spray up and knock the ball or players upwards. Timing it well may even allow you to briefly escape a persistant opponent!
You have around FIVE HOURS remaining to get a stage and votes in. Good luck!


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Job #60: Lobby 1 (Phantasy Star Online)

The Lobby is where players spawn, greet each other, and get their missions in Phantasy Star Online. It's a beautiful and futuristic spaceship with great big windows that peer out into the endless stars beyond. So, I suppose they liked the lobby so much they built a football stadium attachment! It is done up in that same smooth stainless metal with teleporters around the pitch that can warp players and the ball into various locations, meaning it can get a little confusing...but with members of various Phantasy Star races watching and kicking back after a long day of exploration and research, not to mention the stars and planets of the Algol System whizzing by in the background, it's a fun and exciting stadium sure to get you in the mood for adventure.
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Speed Weed

Smash Master
May 16, 2020
Switch FC
Job #60: Motavia Stadium

(ok maybe this isn't a super good image but)

You know what I think we really oughta have at some point? A desert stadium. And when I think of SEGA and deserts, one of the first things that come to mind for me is the dry planet Motavia, of classic Phantasy Star fame. This planet has a recurring role in the classic quadrilogy, featuring in the first, second and fourth games. This stadium would be taking cues moreso from its appearance in the fourth game: taking place in a local desert town, and potentially featuring cameos from some of the PSIV characters who come from this planet, like Chaz and Alys. I just think it's a cool place :V


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Day over!

Let's look at our results!
  • Elenor: 25
  • Wren: 3
  • Rico: 17
  • Nei: 35
  • Gene: 0
  • Alis: 15
  • Dark Falz: 5
  • Ethan: 0
  • Rappy: 24
  • Ogi: 12
  • Chelsea: 14
And with a considerable lead, Nei cinches it as our latest signing! And by a considerably closer lead, Elenor just pushes past Rappy to become our second Phantasy Star! Congratulations to both @Darkonedagger and OrpheusTelos OrpheusTelos for their winning players!

Onto the Phantasy Star Stadiums!
  • Arks Casino Stadium offers gold, glitz, glamour and gambling addictions, submitted by me, YoshiandToad YoshiandToad
  • Lobby 1 is a large stadium where teleportation pads will warp your players around. Submitted by our own Phantasy Star lobbyist, Flyboy Flyboy
  • Motavia Stadium is a large desert stadium based on the classic alien world of Motavia. Submitted by our own classic, Speed Weed Speed Weed
Please vote for your favourite of the three, although myself, Flyboy and Speed Weed cannot vote for our own stadiums. 24 hours remain to decide our stadiums!

No new job today, but I do want some feedback, so we'll enter a discussion period:
How did you enjoy the series focus? Would you like more of these or do you prefer it when everything is on the table? Let me know. I'm genuinely curious.

Okay, that's all for now Sega Sports Fans! See you tomorrow for more a new job!


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
1. Lobby 1

The other two were also pretty good ideas, though.

I think the series focus is a good idea to delve deeper into some series that don't always get their due attention. I can't imagine it being a constant thing but it's good for bigger series.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Day over!

  • Arks Casino: 1
  • Lobby 1: 1
  • Motavia Stadium: 2
The desert like pitch of Motavia Stadium is our newest stadium addition!


You know...I think we have enough now for a new moveset job.

Job #61: Submit a moveset for Amigo, Sakura Shinguji, Chomp, Knuckles, Nei and/or Elenor.

It's been a short while since our last batch. As always with moveset tasks, you'll have a week to get your submissions in! Deadline is May 2nd! I look forward to seeing what you come up with for our latest players!

But because I know moveset tasks aren't for everyone...

Job #62: What's our collectable?

Surprisingly we've gone this long without discussing collectables and the like! Let's fix this. Suggest a collectable for Sega Superstars World Cup! Can be absolutely anything from traditional Smash Bros. style trophies to maybe some aesthetical options for the players. Put forth something that you think would be fun.

You'll have 24 hours on this one!

That's all for now! Seeya tomorrow Sega Sports fans!


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Character #13: Chomp


Media Nickname: Nibbling Thunder Lizard

Strength: 7
Defense: 7
Shooting: 5
Passing: 5
Skill: 8

While Chomp is usually in his small form, his Super Moves allow him to become much larger and surprisingly photorealistic for a short period of time.

Super-Star Move: Thunder Driver
Chomp rams and tosses the ball into the air. He then forms a crackling bolt of lightning between his horns, getting charged with electricity before leaping up above the ball. He then starts spinning like a wheel, unexpected from his stature, only to come to a stop right before the ball and hits it with his tail. The ball, covered with golden sparkles, drills into the goalpost with a large thunderbolt.

All-Star Move: Lightning Strike
Chomp charges a ball of electricity between his horns, then shoot a bolt of lightning at his opponents. The ball becomes larger and slower as it moves forward, becoming a rather huge sphere that traps the opponents in the end.

Star-Burst Move: Electric Charge
Chomp briefly rears back and bellows as an electric charge bolt of lightning hit him from above, surging him with electricity Then, he charges and rams any opponent he comes in contact with an electrified tackle. If he hits the ball in this state, it will briefly shock other players if they catch it.

Goal-Star Move: Final Thunder
Chomp shoots a bolt of lightning from his horns to the sky. Then, an arc of seven electricity balls forms over him and become pikes that shoot off and rapid-fire electricity downward while slowly fanning forward. Any goal attempts have to pass between the lightning strikes and even then, Chomp's enlargened size makes it easier for him to stop them.

Goal Victories:
  1. Chomp curiously studies the ball before starting to chew it.
  2. Chomp cheerfully skips the ball on his head. He then moves aside and sends it away with his tail.
  3. Chomp stands on his hinds and does a short dance. Based on the Dinosaur King anime opening.

Chomp rushes forward to headbutt the ball before jumping onto Max Taylor's, his owner and best friend's, lap, toppling him down. The duo shares a laugh before Max lifts Chomp to show him off.

  1. Chomp planks on the ground with a yelp.
  2. Chomp dejectedly rubs his horns to the ground while they fizzle and release a few sparks.
  3. Chomp looks around in confused worry, looking for his teammates.
Chomp's kit consists of a reddish-orange jersey. When he gets larger, it comically strains on his frame.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2018
Job #62: SEGA Sports Jerseys
Football Jerseys.png

This feels like a gimme. When I think of Football, I think of sports memorabilia. Not just jerseys of all the playable characters, but unique and premade jerseys for characters who aren't in this game. Maybe have a few of them be rewards for doing the missions, and in addition to having a trophy case section to admire them. You could then add one of them to one of the playable characters as a cosmetic.

A few ones would have rare variants that are signed by the player. Feel free to wear them for bragging rights.
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 62:
Trophies are type of prizes that are given to the winners/winner team at the end of tournament.
Trophies are common prizes in competitive sports like Soccer/association football and etc.

In this game, the trophies are gonna look like the soccer trophy (pictured above), but it would include the character or sponsor at the top of it.
You would get the trophy after a victory of the match.
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