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Smashboards Creates - Project NvP: A crossover fighter starring Nintendo and PlayStation characters (thread up for adoption)


That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once
Super Smash Bros Ultimate was more than just a crossover. It was a gargantuan feat of organisation. From the first reveal to the last DLC, this game repeatedly shocked the world with countless surprises. It's hard to imagine anything could ever surpass the hype generated by Ultimate.

So imagine, if you will, over a confidential intercontinental conference call, two gaming titans settling a three-decade grudge to create something truly special; built around the one thing that Smash Ultimate didn't manage to accomplish. This game could be anything we can imagine, right down to its very name, but for now you may call it...

who cares

Project NvP (working title) is a competitive platform fighter celebrating and contrasting the history and rivalry of Nintendo and PlayStation. These two companies have released their own crossover fighters in the past, but Project NvP is neither Smash 6 nor All Stars 2. The mechanics and lore of Project NvP are self-contained and wholly unique.

A core theme of the game is dichotomy. The roster of over 30 fighters is evenly divided into two groups representing Nintendo and PlayStation, and the arenas also represent both companies equally. The distinction between the two sides is constantly highlighted, but rarely enforced: all fighters and stages are included in both versions.

Project NvP will be developed for the Switch successor and PS5. With a meaty story, version-exclusive modes and content, and cross-play in all competitive modes, Project NvP aims to give Nintendo and PlayStation fans a game that is everything they ever wanted, but also nothing they expected.

So where do we come in?

We, the users on this thread, have been enlisted to decide what goes into this game. Who is in the roster, where they fight, how they fight, even why they fight; all of it will be decided by vote.

Each day brings a new topic of nominations. Users compose and submit their nominations as outlined by the topic announcement. The next day, users are encouraged to vote on these nominations. The nomination with the most support from voters gets inducted into Project NvP.

Let's work together to design the crossover of our dreams!


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That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once

Project NvP is a ring-out platform fighter. Players rack up damage on their opponents to increase the knockback they receive from attacks. When a fighter touches the blast zone outside the screen, they lose a stock. The aim of the game is to take the most stocks off of opponents, or to be the last player with stocks remaining.

Fighters have light, heavy and special attacks, and can use blocking and dodges to avoid attacks. They also build up their super meters by dealing and receiving damage, which they can spend on a selection of unique, powerful Super Moves.

(More information to be determined)


Link vs Aloy
Mario vs Sackboy
Pit vs Kratos
Kirby vs Ellie
Fox vs Ratchet and Clank


Open Slots:
10 Nintendo
10 PlayStation

The base roster contains 32 fighters: 16 Nintendo reps and 16 PlayStation reps. Each character has a rival from the opposing side, who clashes and/or collaborates with them more frequently in the various gameplay modes.

Arenas are modelled after iconic games from PlayStation and Nintendo, and feature spacious terrain for platforming. These arenas may be invaded by intruders from the other side...

(Original Nintendo arena)
(Original PlayStation arena)
(Original crossover arena)
  • Peach's Castle (New Super Mario Bros U x Fat Princess)
  • Cascade Kingdom (Super Mario Odyssey x Ape Escape)
  • Green Greens (Kirby's Dream Land x ???)
  • Palutena's Temple (Kid Icarus: Uprising x ???)
  • ZDR (Metroid Dread x ???)
  • Libertalia (Uncharted x ???)
  • Meridian (Horizon Zero Dawn x ???)
  • Coral Countryside (Sackboy: A Big Adventure x ???)
(6 Nintendo rep arenas)
(8 PlayStation rep arenas)

Two separate multiverses have begun to fuse together, due to the machinations of a mysterious entity calling itself the Master of Universes. Against its overwhelming power, even the strongest heroes are defeated, forced to submit to the Master's rule. Only two valiant fighters escape, one from each multiverse, meeting each other in a pocket dimension hidden within the boundary between the multiverses.

From there, the fighters must explore the mixed-up worlds of the new universe, recruiting other fighters, rescuing the Master's captives, expanding their base of operations and uncovering the secret at the heart of the Master's frightening abilities.


When starting the story mode, the player will only have access to a handful of characters, likely a couple of rival pairs. By playing through the mode, new ones are unlocked. A lot of plot-related battles will force certain characters to be selected but others allow any fighter. Either way, co-op is available, as long as two players choose different characters as alternate costumes are locked.

The game loop of the story mode consists of three sections. Firstly, they have to travel through a 2D world map to reach new destinations, by following pre-determined paths and solving occasional puzzles. There are also a good number of standard battles and boss battles that are similar to regular gameplay, using mostly standard stages and fighters with some special effects when necessary. These comprise most of the plot-important battles.

Then there are "dungeons". These are platforming beat'em up sections where characters need to travel through long, largely linear sections with some route selections, beating up mook characters along the way, similar to Subspace Emissary or Smash Run. Most items would be available during these sections but certain ones would be disabled.

(To be determined)

(To be determined)

(To be determined)

(To be determined)


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That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once

Mario is gaming's most famous hero, and Kratos is gaming's most infamous antihero. Who could stand as their equals in this crossover of crossovers? Let's find out.

To nominate a rival for Mario, choose a videogame character who is either owned by Sony Interactive or strongly represents PlayStation. To nominate a rival for Kratos, choose a character who is either owned by or otherwise strongly representative of Nintendo.

Reply to this thread with the character's name, the game they came from, and at least 25 words on why you think they deserve the rival position. Your nomination must include this information at a minimum, or it will not count.
You may also use your reply to include a picture of the character and details about their origins, for users who may not be familiar with the character.

You do not have to nominate rivals for both Mario and Kratos; you are allowed to nominate just one rival if you want.

Third party character nominations are allowed, however:
  • If the third party does not have a representative in the roster yet, they are penalised five votes in the poll.
  • If your nomination is third party, you must also explain your reasoning for assigning them to Team Nintendo or Team PlayStation.
Nominations close at 12 noon January 1st, American Eastern Standard Time
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Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
I have nothing for Kratos in mind, but at least wanted to participate in this thread.

Job #1: Mario's Rival - Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot - 1996)

Well, this is our first third-party fighter submission, right? People certainly saw this coming, as any fan PlayStation roster in Internet will not be completed without a crazy mammal himself, even if he's currently owned by a different company (Activision Blizzard) these days.

While Sackboy, Toro Inoue and Astro Bot are considered Sony's official mascots for the PlayStation brand, Crash himself is overall said, the legendary icon during his PlayStation 1-era heydays back in the 1990's and even has a formerly PS4-exclusive remake, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy which was revealed in Sony's E3 2016 conference and PlayStation Experience the same year, having been heavily associated with PlayStation thanks to his popularity and how his games helped the console establish dominance over Nintendo 64. He even appeared in Sony's recent commercials/adverts alongside fellow icons, had a opening theme melody at their concert orchestra event in 2018 and even a cameo in Astro's Playroom.

Obviously, for his moveset possibilities, Crash has many skills, techniques and a wacky arsenal he can make use of in fights/battles, such as a famous Death Tornado Spin (that allows him to rapidly hit enemies, float in the air and deflect projectiles), a dashing slide attack, aerial body slams, a soaring Rocket Jump, a bazooka that shoots out Wumpa fruits as projectiles, various different crates (such as arrow/bounce crates which works similarly like a trampoline and explosive TNT/Nitro crates), power-ups/items (like a jet pack to fly into the air and jet board for aerial tricks/boosts) and his mask partner, Aku Aku, to protect himself and even turn invincible for a short period of time. In Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, he can even retrieve the Quantum Masks' powers in order to cross obstacles and maybe use against opponents by phasing various stuff (maybe himself for teleporting?), flipping his own gravity (potential recovery move?), perform a stronger Dark Matter Spin attack and slow down time.

Crash and Mario would pretty much be rivals with each other since:
  • As just said, they're both considered mascots for their respective companies (at least Crash was during Sony's ownership and Mario's still staying).
    • Crash's creation was initially intended to be Sony's answer as a rival to Mario and SEGA's Sonic the Hedgehog themselves during the console war with their respective consoles, Nintendo 64 and SEGA Saturn.
  • Had to save their blonde-haired girlfriends (Tawna Bandicoot & Princess Peach).
  • Has a younger sibling (Coco & Luigi).
  • Had to team up with their arch-enemies before (Cortex in Twinsanity, Crash 4: It's About Time and Skylanders: Imaginators/Bowser in Super Mario RPG, Super Paper Mario and Bowser's Inside Story).
  • Has almost identical-looking rivals with big eyebrows and a grin (Fake Crash and Wario), who were even main villains at some point (Skylanders: Imaginators/Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins).
  • Has a dinosaur partner that they can use to ride (Baby T in Warped and Yoshi).
  • Has small flying sidekicks with different abilities accompanying them (Aku Aku & the Quantum Masks/Star Spirits & Pixls).
  • Are able to obtain extra lives by collecting 100 objects (Wumpa fruits/coins) via breaking "?"-marked boxes.
  • Can attack enemies by slamming the ground (Belly Flop/Ground Pound) and spinning around (Mario uses the Spin Jump, a cape in Super Mario World and the Star Spin ability in Super Mario Galaxy, it's sequel and Mario & Sonic series as his special boost ability).
  • Their games (Super Mario 64 and the original Crash Bandicoot on PS1) are known for having revolutionized the 3D platformer genre and were released the same year: 1996.
  • They also appeared in their own kart racing (Mario Kart/Crash Team Racing, it's remake Nitro-Fueled, Nitro Kart and Tag Team Racing) and party games (Mario Party/Crash Bash and Boom Bang!) themselves.
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That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once
My nomination for Mario's rival is Astro
(Astro's Playroom, 2020, PS5)
No Nintendo character is as quintessentially Nintendo as Mario, yet PlayStation historically lacks such a mascot.
The original PlayStation could sell on the third party exclusives powered by the uniquely innovative CD-based hardware, so there was no need to create a face for the console brand. However, as consoles became more powerful and their differences less obvious to the average consumer, Sony had to come up with new ways to sell the features of their new consoles. Enter Astro, the mascot of PlayStation hardware itself.

Astro first appeared in The Playroom VR, the sequel to The Playroom for PS4, in a platforming minigame which proved popular enough to be developed into a full release: Astro Bot Rescue Mission, where Astro would get his name. Astro would appear again in Astro's Playroom, a VR-free followup preinstalled on the new PS5 console. Fans are already looking forward to seeing Astro appear in a new game, bigger and better than his short-but-sweet magical next-gen showcase. If Super Mario is THE Nintendo icon, then surely Astro is THE PlayStation icon.

My nomination for Kratos' rival is Pit
(Kid Icarus, 1986)

If there's one thing everyone knows about Kratos, it's his infamy for slaying gods. He's devastated the Greek pantheon, and he's not above knocking down the occasional Norse god. But what of the Nintendo gods? There are plenty to consider, but we also have to keep in mind the limited number of slots. There aren't any Nintendo games I can think of where you play directly as a god. Maybe Doshin the Giant or Actraiser, but I don't think those games would be good roster material.

If we can't put a god on the roster, how about a representative? Someone who would gladly step in to be the last line of defence between Kratos and the next deity on his list? I can't think of any Nintendo character more devoted to protecting his goddess than Pit from Kid Icarus. The conflict that would arise between him and Kratos is too obvious to ignore. We'd also be covering our obscure old-school NES representation with Pit, even if his moveset draws much more from Uprising.


That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once
Nominations for Mario's rival:
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Astro
Nominations for Kratos' rival:
  • Pit
Well, this is embarrassing. We don't have enough nominations to hold a fair vote. I've decided to extend the nomination period for these categories by another day. Our goal is at least 5 nominations for each side. In the meantime, today's discussion will be as follows:


All we know about Project NvP so far is that it will pit Nintendo characters and PlayStation characters against themselves and each other in combat. But how will that combat play out? Let's decide that today.

There won't be any strict rules regarding nominations. Just suggest your ideas and we'll see what bits sounds the most interesting. If you're not sure where to begin, start with these questions:
  • What is the main objective of a match?
  • What movement options are available?
  • What tools do the players have to win a match?
  • What tools do they have to prevent their opponents from winning?
  • Are there any features that make the game more interesting compared to other games of the same genre? If so, what are they like?
The next day will begin on January 3rd, 12 noon EST.


Smash Champion
Oct 30, 2018
Canada, Québec
Oh this sounds interesting. I was pretty active on the Playstation all stars 2 thread so I'm curious to see where this will go.

For Mario Rival I nominate Sackboy

I know Astro bot is starting to get more popular and I think Sony want to expand the ip, but for now I consider more Sackboy as the Playstation platformer mascot. The Littlebigplanet games was pretty much Sony's New super Mario bros, and they also made LBP kart which is pretty much Mario kart and Sackboy big adventure that looks similar to Mario 3d world. I think Sackboy should be Mario rival.

For Kratos' rival I nominate Shulk
télécharger (9).jpg

This might seems weird if you haven't played Xenoblade but if you did it makes sense. They both goes on a quest for revenge, with Kratos trying to kill Ares after the death of his wife and daughter, while Shulk is trying to kill the mechon after the death of Fiora. There's another big reason but this is a big Xenoblade spoiler:
The Monado have the power to kill a God, and Shulk himself become a God later in the game. So both characters use power of Gods to destroy another God

For now I don't have too many ideas on the rules of the games but I'll think about it.
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That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once
I will extend the deadline for character submissions by one more day. If you want this forum game to continue in its current form, I encourage you to make your nominations and invite others to do the same.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Day/Job 2:
Rules of the Game:
1. The objective of Match is like Smash Bros, where you need to knock the fighter out of the Blast Zone, but instead of Percentage meters, there are Stamina bars like in Fighting games, where you can deal damage to opponent to lower the Opponent's bar. The bar can heal sometimes to full, which it makes more instensive for competitive gamers.

2. The movement options are Air Dash, Crawling, Wall Abilities (Wall Jump, Wall climb or Wall Cling) and everyone has Double jumps. Also, techniques from Smash games are returning to make it more-Smash like game.

3. The Tools to win the match are Basically skills to play like you need to use Smash Attack to KO opponent.
The Attacks are like in Ultimate.

4. The Tools that can prevent opponents from Winning are effects in Attacks like Fire or Ice, so if make fight more intensive while fighting with Opponent.

5. The maps could be like in Smash or other Platform fighters, but they are bigger and the maps are like
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Smash Champion
Oct 30, 2018
Canada, Québec
Day 2:
I agree with others that it shouldn't be too different from Smash. but I would add a special meter to unleash a special moves, like the Final smash meter.
There would be items like in Smash and Playstation all stars.
Also I actually liked the idea of Playstation all stars to mash 2 different games for each stage. It help makes stages more unique, especially for the Nintendo stages we might end up with the same stages as Smash bros (Mushroom kingdom, Hyrule, Dream land, Kongo jungle) so it could be a fun way to mix things up. Each stage could mash a Sony and a Nintendo ip.
I agree that adding heavy normal could be neat. Maybe heavy aerials too?
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Oh yeah I definitely want stages to be like they were in PSASBR that mash up things from both companies, that would be amazing.

Anyways Spike is my submission for Mario’s rival because he comes from a platforming series and his main enemies are monkeys and Mario has some experience fighting apes.

For Kratos I’ll submit Bayonetta since she’s also from a hack n slash game and is also known for going up against god-like opponents.

(also just keep in mind for the future, for a thread like this that isn’t run by a mod and was made a while after creation threads first started, i don’t think it’s realistic to quickly get at least five submissions for both sides so I think you can probably finish the job soon)
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Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
Mario Rival: Q*Bert

He's owned by Sony, so he counts. Basically, both are classic icons of video gaming that extend way back. It just so happens that Mario went on to much bigger heights.

Kratos Rival: Richter Belmont (Castlevania)

Third party series that has big history with both Nintendo and PlayStation. This guy fights mythologically inspired monsters, traverses massive landscapes to thwart them, and use Godly weaponry, including a massive whipping/chain-like weapon, all of which can also be used to describe Kratos to a certain extent.

Gameplay Style
I don't have much new to add here. Smash but it also has Aerial Smash Attacks, Shield + Special for certain special functions [like Inkling recharging their ink in Ultimate, for example], and 3 tiers of Supers/Final Smashes, which can charge up via meter. These are not the only way to KO opponents, though, so don't worry.
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Mario Rival: Q*Bert
View attachment 341788
He's owned by Sony, so he counts. Basically, both are classic icons of video gaming that extend way back. It just so happens that Mario went on to much bigger heights.

Kratos Rival: Link (Legend of Zelda)
View attachment 341789
Both go on long quests to take on God-like beings and mythologically-inspired monsters in ancient, sprawling landscapes. Both have a lot of different tools for the job. Both just have ultimately somewhat different goals and motives for doing so. Depending on the roster size, you can probably get a different Link rival, but it depends.

Gameplay Style
I don't have much new to add here. Smash but it also has Aerial Smash Attacks, Shield + Special for certain special functions [like Inkling recharging their ink in Ultimate, for example], and 3 tiers of Supers/Final Smashes, which can charge up via meter. These are not the only way to KO opponents, though, so don't worry.
Link is already as Aloy's Rival.


That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once
We still need one more nomination for Kratos' rival before we can vote on it. Mario's rival has enough nominations for a vote, so this forum game will continue, but there's no reason we can't have more.

My suggestion for the gameplay mechanics is to implement Marvel-style tag-team composition into the game. Players create teams of any number of fighters, with 3 being the competition standard and 8 being the maximum. There is a dedicated Swap button, which is used to cycle through the team's fighters. Press the button by itself to summon the next available fighter, or press Swap + Block to summon the previous available fighter. When a fighter is swapped out, they will be briefly unusable, but all fighters off the field will gradually heal a portion of the damage they've taken... unless they've been KO'd.

There are no unique assist attacks. Instead, pressing any attack input during a Swap summons the fighter to immediately perform the attack! This includes Level 1 Supers, but not Level 2 or Level 3. You may then opt to continue with this fighter as normal, or immediately swap back to the previous fighter.

Stage invasions sound like a good idea, but how about random invasions? Each stage has multiple potential invasions, and each invasion may appear on multiple stages. Invasions can involve anything from a single character to an entire game, and can have effects ranging from benign to devastating! Of course, if hazards are off, the invading characters will simply watch the battle and react from the sidelines.

My last suggestion is to express damage as a multiplier instead of a percentage. 1.00x is the starting value, and a full unit of damage is roughly equivalent to 33% damage in Smash. It's possible to overheal down to 0.00x, which gives a fighter super armor but gradually damages them until they return to 1.00x or higher. Most fighters can be KO'd by very strong attacks above 4.00x, and surviving above 7.00x is very difficult. If a fighter's damage exceeds 9.99x, their damage will be listed as X.xxx, but they damage they take will keep being tracked internally up to an absurd 99.99x maximum!
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That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once

Project NvP is a ring-out platform fighter. Players rack up damage on their opponents to increase the knockback they receive from attacks. When a fighter touches the blast zone outside the screen, they lose a stock. The aim of the game is to take the most stocks off of opponents, or to be the last player with stocks remaining.

Fighters have light, heavy and special attacks, and can use blocking and dodges to avoid attacks. They also build up their super meters by dealing and receiving damage, which they can spend on a selection of unique, powerful Super Moves.

Arenas are modelled after iconic games from PlayStation and Nintendo, and feature spacious terrain for platforming. These arenas may be invaded by intruders from the other side...


1 more nomination required


Game Mechanics Strawpolls:
  • Should stages have more than one invasion? Vote here
  • Should special moves have heavy versions? Vote here
  • Should all fighters have a Defensive Special move assigned to Block + Special? Vote Here
  • Should Project NvP feature tag-team mechanics? Vote here
  • Should damage be represented as a percentage, or as a multiplier? Vote here
Mario's Rival:


To vote on Game Mechanics, follow the links to the Strawpolls. The option with the most votes in each poll wins.

To vote for Mario's Rival, post your votes as a reply to the thread, abiding by the following rules:
  • You have up to five votes to cast on the available nominees.
  • Votes may be spread out or grouped up in any combination.
  • You cannot give more than three votes to a single nomination.
  • You cannot give more than one vote to your own nomination.
  • Third-party characters are penalised 5 votes from the final tally.
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That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once

We have characters itching to fight, but we don't have anywhere for the fights to happen! We had better assemble some arenas right away!

Arenas, as you know, are fighting stages in which the fighters can move around freely, with open borders leading to a lethal blast zone for any fighter unlucky enough to fly past. These arenas are based on a specific Nintendo or PlayStation game... at first. Not long into the fight, a force from the other side will appear in the background to spread chaos and disruption! Invasions don't pick sides, but they also don't play fair, and therefore can be disabled for more competitive battles.

We're going to pick 4 arenas to start with: two Nintendo arenas and two PlayStation stages.


Today you will be able to submit two arenas for nomination: one from Nintendo and one from Playstation. For each arena, describe the location of the arena, the layout of the platforms and the notable features in the background, such as NPCs, landmarks, events, etc. Don't go too crazy with the hazards- that's what the Invasion is for.

You must also include an Invasion for each arena: your Nintendo stage must be invaded by elements of a PlayStation game, and your PlayStation stage must be invaded by elements from a Nintendo game. An invasion cannot involve more than one game series, although it can involve multiple games from the same series. Remember that Invasions occur partway through a battle.

Feel free to submit just one stage if you can't think of a stage for the other side. Nominations close at 2pm January 4th EST.
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Votes (I hope I’m doing this right)
Astro 3
Q*bert 2

And for stages:
Pokémon Stadium (Pokémon, Wild Arms)

The layout is similar to pokemon stadium from smash only without any ledges you can fall off of. After a while, the stage gets an invasion where one of the monsters from Wild Arms will show up for a few seconds and do a move. I’m not familiar enough with the series to be able to say which ones would appear but I think there would be about 20 that can randomly appear. After it does a move another random one will come after about 30 seconds.

Libertalia (Uncharted, Donkey Kong)

There are three broken down houses you can stand on, with one in the middle and two on either side of it. After a while King K. Rool will appear, flying in on a jetpack.

You can’t interact with him but he will fly around and randomly place Blast Barrels which act like they do in kongo jungle in smash bros.
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That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once
Nominations and voting will be extended by one more day. We need one more nomination for Kratos' rival, and 3 stages of both types, by this time tomorrow, or the game will be cancelled.

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
Hey I think this thread probably can continue even if there aren't that many submissions from the start. Plenty of threads have continued with less participants and you don't need that many submissions for jobs like these. If you do want to stop this thread that's fine but I think you should give it another chance and maybe allow it to continue without that many submissions

If you’re not willing to, that’s fine I understand but I do think you should give it another shot and accept that you probably won’t get as many submissions as other threads at first.


That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once
Hey I think this thread probably can continue even if there aren't that many submissions from the start. Plenty of threads have continued with less participants and you don't need that many submissions for jobs like these. If you do want to stop this thread that's fine but I think you should give it another chance and maybe allow it to continue without that many submissions

If you’re not willing to, that’s fine I understand but I do think you should give it another shot and accept that you probably won’t get as many submissions as other threads at first.
You may have a point. I do feel like I've made this forum game more complicated than it needs to be.

So here's what I'll do. I'll continue accepting nominations for the most recent category for one more day. But I'm changing the rules:

You may nominate 2 stages: one representing Nintendo and one representing PlayStation. You may not include an Invasion in your nomination: the Invasion will be decided on at a later date.

Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule , your nominated stages may keep their invasions.

Also, I'm opening up the voting for Kratos' rival. The nominees are:

  • Pit - Yokta
  • Shulk - CapitaineCrash
  • Bayonetta - Champion of Hyrule
  • Richter Belmont - AlRex
Mario's Rival is still open for nominations. Their nominees are:

  • Crash Bandicoot - tonygameman
  • Astro - Yokta
  • Sackboy - CapitaineCrash
  • Spike - Champion of Hyrule
  • Q*Bert - AlRex
I'm also reinstating the voting system from the PS All-Stars Round 2: everyone can give 3 points to one nominee, 2 points to a different nominee, and 1 point to a third. Your own nomination is only eligible for the 1 point vote.

If this revised ruleset is successful, I will continue the forum game.
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Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
Mario's Rival

Crash - 3 votes

Astro - 2 votes

Sackboy - 1 vote

Kratos's Rival:

Pit - 3 votes

Bayonetta - 2 votes

Richter - 1 vote
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Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
1. Astro
2. Sackboy
3. Spike
(I feel like it might be weird making crash bandicoot on the playstation side. I know he was originally associated with the brand but right now he literally has more games exclusive to nintendo than playstation and if I’m not mistaken crash bash was the only crash bandicoot that has remained exclusive to playstation)

1. Pit
2. Shulk
3. Bayo


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2020
Balatro Brainrot
1. Shulk (honestly had a tough time between this and Pit, both work really well as Kratos rivals. I just decided on Shulk since I love Xenoblade, Shulk as a character, and Shulk in Smash's moveset way more than Pit's things but Pit would be a fantastic rival as well)
2. Pit
3. Mayometa

1. Astro
2. Spike
3. Sackboy


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
Mario's Rival:
  1. Q*Bert
  2. Sackboy (man, I miss those times when I played the first LittleBigPlanet on PlayStation 3 as a young child. Even though I prioritized him as Kirby's rival)
  3. Crash
Kratos' Rival:
  1. Pit
  2. Shulk
  3. Richter
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That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once
And finally, my votes:

Kratos' Rival:
3pts: Shulk
2pts: Bayonetta
1pt: Pit

Mario's Rival:
3pts: Crash
2pts: Sackboy
1pt: Astro


Kratos' Rival:
4th: Richter (1)
3rd: Bayonetta (10)
2nd: Shulk (14)

Mario's Rival:
5th: Spike (3)
4th: Q*bert (4)
3rd: Astro (12)
2nd: Crash (13)
Pit and Sackboy will be added to the roster.


We're going to focus on arenas today. Arenas are the levels that Project NvP games take place on, like stages in Smash Bros. You may nominate up to two arenas today: one Nintendo-themed arena and one PlayStation themed arena. Your nomination must represent a first- or second-party title, and cannot include an invasion. Invasions will be added to winning arenas on a future date.
Four arenas from today's nominations will be added in the game. Have fun!

Nominations close at 10AM January 8th EST
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That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once
My stage nominations are:

Peach's Castle
An obvious choice for a stage representing Mario, it's the iconic Peach's Castle... from New Super Mario Bros U.

To make this stage stand out from earlier Smash versions of this location, we'll be using Bowser's makeover of the castle. The castle itself will loom in the background, while the main stage will be a platform over lava, with breakable blocks over the edge and a tilting sub platform above the main one. The fighters on the stage are too occupied with each other to rescue the princess, so who else will step up to save the day?

The largest city in the world of Horizon Zero Dawn is my nomination for a Playstation stage.
Meridian is a highly important location in the world of Zero Dawn, being close to the centre of the map. Aloy visits this city frequently during her quest. The fight takes place atop the Meridian Gate, a flat platform with vertical walls blocking passage below the platform. The bustling cityscape fills the background, with the mysterious Spire looming further in the distance. A short wooden sub platform will be built above the main platform to make the battle more exciting. There are plenty of opportunities to wreak havoc in such a densely populated town...


Smash Champion
Oct 30, 2018
Canada, Québec
Sorry for being inactive a few days. Glad the game is still going!

For the Nintendo stages I nominate Cascade kingdom from Mario odyssey
maxresdefault (30).jpg

Smash picked New donk city for the Odyssey stage but personnally I was always a bigger fan of Cascade kingdom. Odyssey is a very recent games but this location already feels iconic with the dinosaur. The fight would take place on the top of the kingdom. The fight mostly take place where you would fight the boss of this kingdom, but there's also a small bridge and another section on the right. Chain chomp can attack the players.

For the Playstation stages I nominate Alfheim from God of war

This a very beautiful place with a lot of colour and fauna. Like Cascade, this is in my opinion the most iconic locations from God of war ps4. The stage would take place on the platform in the middle of the realm. It would have a pretty simple layout similar to final destination, although it would be surrounded by water instead of being in the sky.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I've been meaning to contribute to this thread but I never had the chance to. Now feels like a good time to jump in.

PlayStation Stage: Sargasso (Ratchet & Clank)


Sargasso is a veteran planet that got a visual update in Rift Apart. While not exactly an indication of the iconic settings of the series, it's a unique swamp area that would be fairly unique in a fighting game. This stage would feature a few smaller solid platforms in the shape of islands with deceptively deep swamp water between them. Fighters can use the occasional tree branches as a last-ditch effort to save themselves but also need to be watchful of the local fauna that can interrupt the battles.

Nintendo Stage: Valak Mountain (Xenoblade Chronicles)


This place has some story importance but it's mostly here because it looks pretty in the Definitive Edition. Xenoblade has a lot of variety in its areas and I wanted to show one of the less prominent ones. Mechanically, this stage has no elevations but has ice spikes on the sides that can hurt fighters when they are launched directly into them. The ceiling is also covered with an icy dom and needs to be broken in order for characters to be KOd from the upper blast zone.
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That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once

Deleted member

1. Cascade Kingdom
2. Meridian
3. Valak
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