Smash Champion
Alright, here are the results for who will be our first Learner's Pass DLC fighter!
Buddy: 2
Bob the Builder: 11
Luna: 3
Splash and Bubbles: 1
Well, by a landslide...Bob the Builder is ready to showcase off his building skills and get the job done as the first Learner's Pass fighter for Learner's Pass Volume 1 so congrats to me! Also, all our sponsors that we submitted will be added. Down below, I have a Strawpoll regarding if we should add more sponsors later on in the DLC cycle for more additional bonus sponsored content.
Future Sponsorships Job
Now...going from here, we need to now eliminate one stage job prompt from the list of stage job prompts submitted as Bob's update will come with four stages. Vote on the Strawpoll which stage prompt job we should NOT do. I like all of them but we just do not have room for all of them for Bob's pack.
Submit a stage from a PBS Kids show only represented via items. Basically, the minorly represented showsAlteredBeast
Submit a stage based on a location that was only really present in a PBS Kids video game, a video game-only PBS Kids show locationPopCultureCorn
Submit a stage from any PBS Kids franchise represented with a fighter to receive a special 8-bit version that has custom 8-bit sounds and an 8-bit soundtrackCoolCarrot23
Submit a stage from a from a modern show on PBS Kids (somewhere between 2017-present).MasterOfSimpsons180
Eliminate One Stage Prompt Poll
Now, for our next two jobs. We're going in a bit of a stranger order now.
Job 201:
Submit a home stage for Bob the Builder. Describe the stage's layout, hazards, and/or gimmicks.
Job 202:
Submit a job prompt for an assist.
Job 203:
Submit a job prompt for an item. We will also do items for the sponsors potentially so do not submit job prompts based on them.
Get submitting and use your imagination!
Home stage for Bob:
Bob's Yard (Bob the Builder)
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The home yard of Bob the Builder in the original Bob the Builder series would be the PERFECT homestage for Bob! Basically, it's another walkoff stage where there are platforms on Bob's house. You can see various Bob the Builder characters in the background like Wendy, Pillchard, Bird, etc.
Bob's team will be the hazards on the stage causing damage to the fighters, driving in and out of the stage.
Scoop will dump rocks occassionally causing damage and his buckets can be additional platforms. Muck will do something similar to Scoop although she will pick up the rocks Scoop dumps. Dizzy will dump cement and spin around causing some damage. Roley will roll on the concrete causing any fighter in his way to be "flattened". Finally, Lofty will come in and carry in a steel beam which can act as a temporary platform. The vehicles will appear in a random order every match, mixing up when the construction vehicles come in to do work! Overall, a fun stage representing Bob the Builder.
Assist Job Prompt:
Submit an assist from another series that you are surprised that was not represented in the base game.
Item Job Prompt:
Submit an item from a PBS Kids show represented in the game but is a show that first aired in another country or network.
Alright, I will close the homestage for Bob job. Vote on the Strawpoll below which stage we should add after reading each stage description.My stage submission:
Bobsville Castle
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Why not an obscure, one-episode-only location for Bob's home stage? Its layout can be similar to Princess Peach's Castle stage from Melee, except with the addition of the grounded portion on the bottom. You can see various Bob the Builder characters in the background like Wendy, Pillchard, Bird, etc.
The main vehicles can appear on this stage and they are the main hazards of the stage, with Scoop and Muck dumping rocks, Dizzy's cement, Lofty's crane serving as an extra platform and Roley who.....squashes others flat! Sometimes, parts of the castle will crumble if landed on for too much or take too much damage, but don't worry, can they fix it?.....Yes. It. Can! The castle structures will be rebuilt by the team shortly after breaking.
Assist Job Prompt:
Submit an assist that was exclusive to a video game for that PBS Kids Show.
Item Job Prompt:
Submit an item based on something that only appeared in a video game for a PBS Kids show. So essentially, submit a video game-only PBS Kids item
Bob's Home Stage Poll
Bob's Yard

Bobsville Castle
Now, we finally got rid of one stage prompt so I'm sorry

We have to also eliminate one assist job and one item job so please vote on the polls below.
Assist Job Elimiation Poll
Submit an assist from another series that you are surprised that was not represented in the base game.

Submit an assist that was exclusive to a video game for that PBS Kids Show.
Submit an assist that was from a series on PBS Kids that has already ended.

Item Job Elimiation Poll
Submit an item from a PBS Kids show represented in the game but is a show that first aired in another country or network.

Submit an item based on something that only appeared in a video game for a PBS Kids show
Submit an item that was from a live-action series on PBS Kids.

Now, time for a triple stage job.
Job 204:
Submit a stage from a PBS Kids show only represented via items.
These shows include:
- Clifford the Big Red Dog (I know Clifford is a boss in the Story Mode but still)
- Liberty's Kids
- Sid the Science Kid
- Elinor Wonders Why
- Pinkalicious and Peterrific
Job 205:
Submit a stage based on a location seen exclusively in a PBS Kids-show videogame.
Job 206:
Submit a stage from a modern PBS Kids show (2017-present).
As for all the stages, describe the layout, hazards, and/or gimmicks. Get submitting and use your imagination!
Items-Only Franchise Stage:
Birdwell Island and Clifford's Dog House (Clifford the Big Red Dog)
Basically, I envision this stage having a layout similar to Rock Wall from Rivals of Aether (the basic form) making it competitively legal. Basically, you fight in the middle of Birdwell Island preferably towards the beach area. Occassionally, the stage will travel to Clifford's Dog House. In the background, you can see Clifford, Cleo, T-Bone, Mack, Emily Elizabeth, etc. cheering you on as you fight! Also, if you hold the X button while selecting this stage, you will get the 2019 version of Birdwell Island with Clifford and Emily Elizabeth in their 2019 Clifford appearances and same with the background of Birdwell Island. Alongside this, the characters from the 2019 version will appear as well. Overall, a stage for a franchise I'm surprised never got a stage in the game.
PBS Kids-Video Game Exclusive Location Stage:
The Number Carnival (Sesame Street)
Taken straight from the Sesame Street game, Elmo's Number Journey is the grand carnival of numbers itself, the final area in the game! Basically, you fight in a low-poly grassy plain where there are various Sesame Street characters in the background. It's quite a huge stage with walkoffs. There are carnival games you can interact with that can grant you items, you can ride on the bumper cars, etc. Occassionally, numbers will appear and if you match the number down below a certain amount of times, you get a minor stat buff! I know this game was popular with speedrunners and was played on YouTube for fun by some Let's Players so definitely a fun addition despite us having a carnival stage.
2017-Present PBS Kids Show Stage:
Bronx Rooftops (Alma's Way)
I feel it would be hard to represent this show with a fighter, assist, item, etc. So, I feel assist works fine. Plus, one of my college professors LOVED this show for its incredible portrayal of Latino culture. Anyway, you basically fight on the rooftops of the apartments in the Bronx. On the bottom of the stage are Alma and her family. Occassionally, thought bubbles from Alma will appear acting as sort of "thought" platforms (similar to Randall the Cloud on Yoshi's Story). The flat part of the stage is similar to the Omega form for Onett. Basically, this stage could be a counterpick stage for a competitive PBS Kids: Brawltime! ruleset. But, it would be a good way to squeeze in a franchise that I do not think has much potential outside of a stage and to give more modern PBS Kids shows some crumb of representation in this game.
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