Smash Apprentice
I hope sometime in the near future to be less busy and add some commentary.
Lucario really shouldn't be in this tier, but Lucas is also in this tier. So Lucario is spared the downvote.
While I agree Corrin MUs are highly overrated, it's not because Corrin is bad. It's because people are trying to claim corrin is top 10, which is false. Corrin's pin can be very problematic for characters that don't have ground-based aerials to beat it. And although it hasn't been mentioned yet, bair is a nasty move with almost no risk, but very fast. I don't think Corrin's projectile stops camping effectively, but it punishes shields hard (usually when your opponent expects an aerial you can just fall on them with it). Corrin can approach with pretty good safety.
Lucario really shouldn't be in this tier, but Lucas is also in this tier. So Lucario is spared the downvote.
While I agree Corrin MUs are highly overrated, it's not because Corrin is bad. It's because people are trying to claim corrin is top 10, which is false. Corrin's pin can be very problematic for characters that don't have ground-based aerials to beat it. And although it hasn't been mentioned yet, bair is a nasty move with almost no risk, but very fast. I don't think Corrin's projectile stops camping effectively, but it punishes shields hard (usually when your opponent expects an aerial you can just fall on them with it). Corrin can approach with pretty good safety.