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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2018
Stuck in the Special Zone
Alright, I think it's time that we try to figure out what exactly is the "Spirits" mode that Sakurai is hiding from us: As much as I want it to be an adventure or story mode, it just doesn't really seem to fit the bill for being either kind of mode, the name being just "Spirits" doesn't really scream either option to me, unless there's far more to it than we think. Either way though, I'm 99% sure that it's going to be the primary mode for unlocking everyone, cause I doubt it'll just be a new mode for the sake of being a new mode, it's too suspicious.

Headcrab Jackalope

Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2013
Switch FC
Just watched the Direct. What a legendary presentation. I seriously couldn't be happier with it.

Simon. Surprise Richter. Amazing Dracula's Castle stage. Chrom FINALLY getting his chance. Dark Samus rounding out the Metroid team. BRINSTAR DEPTHS AND FOUNTAIN OF DREAMS. Final Smash gauges. And to top it off, they just casually drop K. Rool at the end. Plus, none of my most-wanted characters got disconfirmed.

Sakurai's clearly going all out for this one. I can't wait to see what he drops on us next.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
The best part about it is we'll be able to see how many people actually play the game. I'd love to play you all, but Nintendo's going to have to convince me that their online service is worth paying for.
I'm really hoping that it improves drastically when the paid service starts, but I know that's probably unlikely. Lol.
But, I still wanna have a little faith.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2018
Here's all the things I Liked that were Shown:
1. SHOVEL KNIGHT IS IN THE GAME; As long as he's in; I don't care how he appears or how he functions!!!
2. King K.Rool(Now I want Geno in the game)
3. Dark Samus(Promotion from Alternate Coloration of Samus, & Assist Trophy to Fully-Playable Echo Fighter)

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I do hope an interview elaborating on Simon, Richter, Chrom, Dark Samus and K. Rool comes out soon.

I think Isaac's chances have actually gone up. It's all about pleasing the fans this time, and he's the last of the Big 4 left.
Nah man, all the Isaac support is nothing more than vocal minority and he's way too obscure among kids nowadays, just like K. Rool!:troll:


Sep 26, 2013
So, is Verg still alive after this?

Mimikyu got knocked out of the running, which is technically a point in his favor, I guess.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Also can we stop and consider how clean the Menu looks I mean this is amazing from the icons to this everything looks so modern and sophisticated.

Poor Wii U, you look even worse now...

Door Key Pig

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2010
Gosh I hope Chorus Kids isn't out because of the stage thing. Seems lil' weird to leave empty spots in the stage selection presentation-wise. Maybe they're for DLC but why have a little "give" for that amount of them pre-release? Plus Vergeben has suggested some Minecraft content that, if a stage thing, might be in the same position as the Monster Hunter thing.
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Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
So, Allstars is going to be a nightmare now. We all know it. What if it was 1 rep per series.
There are 32 different series with playable reps.
That would be a total of 10-ish 3 person battles. If they choose a random rep from each series, that would be more manageable for an allstar mode.

Deleted member 269706

  • 103 Stages (minus omega-battlefield forms)
  • 900+ Music Tracks
  • 70+ Characters
This can only mean one thing....

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Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
Everybody is really excited for FoD, but as we all know, the only true way to play Smash is Hanenbow -> 75m Stage Morph that changes every 5 seconds.

It'd be fun to have a little Ultimate Discussion Thread league.
That'd be cool.

Since Smash Ultimate comes out in December, I won't really have anyone to fight against for the first month of the game's release.
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Oh yeah that's right, Didn't Vergeben or whoever say that there was a Minecraft stage? If that's supposedly all the stages in the base game then where is it?
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2017
It seems like they're really going ham with the echo fighters. Tbh I expect as many new echoes as brand new fighters, and I don't think I mind. Especially if we get more like Chrom: Roy with a lucina sword and Aether as upB? That's really cool to have in as an option. Also **** year at Dark Samus.

Ashley got deconfirmed, which is sad.

At this point I just want a Xenoblade rep and a new Zelda rep. Preferably Ghirahim. Though I think Twili Midna as an echo of Zelda would be cool, too.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Went back and reviewed my 'Pros and Cons' for the game. After the Direct, they are both even. So, as of now, I am not planning on getting the game. This may change if, over time, the pros end up outweighing the cons. I'll just have to wait and see.

But I'll at least be sticking around Smashboards and remain a part of the community.

Really interested in what this 'Spirits' mode is. Dracula's Castle seemed to have two different forms, and the Monster Hunter stage with Rathalos was never mentioned as a stage in itself. Curious if this 'Spirits' mode will be a new adventure mode? Perhaps the mainstream way to unlock characters?
How come you’re not planning on getting the game?

I mean you got Wolf back (I’m assuming Wolf is your favorite) and this game has a boatload of content to boot for 60 dollars.

Just curious.


Smash Master
May 25, 2014
Kingston, Ontario
I don't belive it. Skull Kid's Final Smash is already an Assist Tropy.

I think the remaining newcomers will all be 3rd party, as they seem to be going all out. I do think there will only be 2 of them though.

*fingers crossed for Banjo."
Technically there's no real reason the Moon couldn't be an Assist Trophy AND Skull Kid's Final Smash, Riki is an Assist Trophy and in Shulk's and Sakurai very specifically brought to attention the fact that Rathalos is an Assist Trophy and a boss.

Nothing seems to be impossible in this game.
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Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
Gosh I hope Chorus Kids isn't out because of the stage thing. Seems lil' weird to leave empty spots in the stage selection presentation-wise. Maybe they're for DLC but why have a little "give" for that amount of them pre-release? Plus Vergeben has suggested some Minecraft content that, if a stage thing, might be in the same position as the Monster Hunter thing.
I'm certain that there will be more stages to be revealed.

Deleted member

I'm really hoping that it improves drastically when the paid service starts, but I know that's probably unlikely. Lol.
But, I still wanna have a little faith.
I want to have faith too. I'm only just now looking at the pricing, and $20 annually isn't too bad (at least, compared to PS Plus), and you can get one month for $4, so even if it's crap, I wouldn't be spending too much.

Everybody is really excited for FoD, but as we all know, the only true way to play Smash is Hanenbow -> 75m Stage Morph that changes every 5 seconds.
Not using PAC-LAND?


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I want to have faith too. I'm only just now looking at the pricing, and $20 annually isn't too bad (at least, compared to PS Plus), and you can get one month for $4, so even if it's crap, I wouldn't be spending too much.
It's super reasonably priced, but I hope they use the money to all around improve their online services
Because damn if Splatoon online doesn't make me saltier than any other game ever


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2017
What are you guys wanting out of solo modes? We've got classic, well, classic mode back. I hope that the new mode is a new single player thing rather than an attempt to reinvent the multiplayer wheel like with sm4sh. I think a campaign, special orders, and character specific break the targets would do it for me. Though I wouldn't say no to a melee style adventure mode under the same submenu as classic. Maybe they could add that as DLC.

Deleted member

Technically there's no real reason the Moon couldn't be an Assist Trophy AND Skull Kid's Final Smash, Riki is an Assist Trophy and in Shulk's and Sakurai very specifically brought to attention the fact that Rathalos is an Assit Trophy and a boss.

Nothing seems to be impossible in this game.
True, but I just don't see it happening tbh. I mean, I like Skull Kid and all, but it just seems like an odd pick given how hype the other 4 original characters have been. Given how few original newcomers we're gonna have, I think he's gonna go for the MOST popular/hype-worthy picks. Skull Kid is kinda niche, and this is coming from someone who lists Majora's Mask as his favorite Zelda.

This narrows it down to only the most popular entries in the ballot polls imo. Which, to my knowledge, all of them except Geno, Isaac, Banjo, Isabelle, and Shadow are in the game now.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking as Banjo appearing in Smash would be totally mind-blowing, but it does make a lot of sense to me. Even Simon and the Inklings place rather high in the ballot polls. As did Daisy and Chrom. Only Dark Samus and Richter to my knowledge weren't. And Dark Samus had a lot of supporters iirc as well.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Oh yeah that's right, Didn't Vergeben or whoever say that there was a Minecraft stage? If that's supposedly all the stages in the base game then where is it?
He just said that there was Minecraft representation in some form, speculating it to be either a stage or an AT.
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Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
How come you’re not planning on getting the game?

I mean you got Wolf back (I’m assuming Wolf is your favorite) and this game has a boatload of content to boot for 60 dollars.

Just curious.
I made a list of things I do and don't like about the game. As of now, there is just as many things that I don't like about the game as there are things that I do like. I'm not going to spend money on something I like just as much as I dislike. As I stated, though, this can change over time if by the end there are more pros than cons. We still have four months before release, after all.

As for Wolf, I'm very happy he's back, but on paper he counts as just one 'pro'. If I cheated and counted him twice, then it'd only be fair that I count everything I do and don't like multiple times depending on how strongly I feel towards them. But if that were the case, the cons would vastly outnumber the pros.


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2015
For real, Final Smashes better be tourney legal now. They've all been rebalanced, and the element of randomness has now been removed with meters. Not only that, but meter-based FSs are weaker too according to the trailer. No reason to not let new rules define the new meta.

3v3/5v5 matches should get a scene as well imo.
Hold up, pause, rewind. Balance?? So you want Bayo to get free kills with a witch time and a guaranteed kill after a certain percent; or Martha confirming his 1 hit kill move with a jab??? Unless they seriously need some of these smashes; I see people quickly realizing that Final Smashes are still bad/cheesy not to mention we do not now how quickly the meter fills. We can obviously test this.
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Sep 26, 2013
So, at this point, who even is a safe guess anymore?

To be honest, now with Dark Samus and Chrom, I feel VERY strongly about Isabelle and Shadow.

With Richter being shown off, Ken almost seems like a given.

And then we have the Gen7 'mon which is most likely happening now(Rip Mimikyu).

Deleted member

I made a list of things I do and don't like about the game. As of now, there is just as many things that I don't like about the game as there are things that I do like. I'm not going to spend money on something I like just as much as I dislike. As I stated, though, this can change over time if by the end there are more pros than cons. We still have four months before release, after all.

As for Wolf, I'm very happy he's back, but on paper he counts as just one 'pro'. If I cheated and counted him twice, then it'd only be fair that I count everything I do and don't like multiple times depending on how strongly I feel towards them. But if that were the case, the cons would vastly outnumber the pros.
I see like no cons with Ultimate.
Why are the cons equal with the pros?


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
As for Wolf, I'm very happy he's back, but on paper he counts as just one 'pro'. If I cheated and counted him twice, then it'd only be fair that I count everything I do and don't like multiple times depending on how strongly I feel towards them. But if that were the case, the cons would vastly outnumber the pros.
It sounds like you're trying to take something completely subjective and make it something entirely objective. You can't treat every pro or con as if they all have exactly equal weight, nor can you really assign a number to it. Now I'm not saying a pros and cons list can't be a useful tool in decided you you're going to decide to spend money or not, but you probably shouldn't treat it as the end-all be-all.

Deleted member

What are you guys wanting out of solo modes? We've got classic, well, classic mode back. I hope that the new mode is a new single player thing rather than an attempt to reinvent the multiplayer wheel like with sm4sh. I think a campaign, special orders, and character specific break the targets would do it for me. Though I wouldn't say no to a melee style adventure mode under the same submenu as classic. Maybe they could add that as DLC.
Something like Melee's Adventure mode where all the setpieces are themed after different series, and have different gameplay objetives would be cool. I know people say Subspace, but I'd only be fine with it if it had more of Melee's feel to it. Again, with the areas being more thematic, and having unique objectives to them. On thing for sure, a type of Adventure mode is certainly making a return.

I want Event Matches to come back, but also be good this time around. The ones in Brawl and 4 were underwhelming, with 4 being slightly better than Brawl.

A Boss Rush mode as well. We've already go at least 4 confirmed bosses in the game, and if Subspace/Adventure comes back, we'll likely have more. Also, there's no way Master Hand and Crazy Hand aren't coming back. And I'd love to see Master Core make a return as well in some way. He'd be perfect for Boss Rush.

Melee Target Test would be awesome, but unreasonable given how many characters we have, so perhaps making that an option for the stage creator would be alright, let players create their own challenge courses and upload them online for others to play a la Mario Maker.

More quirky stadium mode challenges too would be cool. Trophy tussle was always kinda fun. And Slap City has this really cool mode called "Slap Ball" (?), something like that could be cool.

Maybe replace the Target test with a Race to the Finish obstacle course mode. Or add that in, and include various difficulties in challenges. Board the platforms, not so much maybe, but a King of the Hill type mode would be a lot of fun. Where a platform is picked on a stage, and when a single character is standing on it, they gain points. First to 100 wins.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
In Super Star, Meta Knight terrorized and sought to take over Dream Land in the Halberd. Hence Kirby and Dyna Blade trying to stop him
He wanted to take over Dream Land because he thought everyone was lazy, he wanted to make people do more exercise, but it was too extremist so Kirby had to stop him.
But he, like dedede, are not villains, in fact is less of a villain than dedede, that's why he is more of a rival than villain.


Sep 26, 2013
So, this has been asked before, but now that we have Ridley AND K,Rool, who the **** is the "OMG SAKURAI GIMME X"?

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I made a list of things I do and don't like about the game. As of now, there is just as many things that I don't like about the game as there are things that I do like. I'm not going to spend money on something I like just as much as I dislike. As I stated, though, this can change over time if by the end there are more pros than cons. We still have four months before release, after all.

As for Wolf, I'm very happy he's back, but on paper he counts as just one 'pro'. If I cheated and counted him twice, then it'd only be fair that I count everything I do and don't like multiple times depending on how strongly I feel towards them. But if that were the case, the cons would vastly outnumber the pros.
Unless these cons bother you THAT much (which is a little hard to buy), the pros shouldn't be counters to cons, they should be reasons to buy the game in its own right.

I just think this attitude will suck the fun out of everything.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York

I was teaching this morning and simply couldn't get the Direct to come through on the crappy 3G connection. I quickly hurried to the nearby coffee shop to watch it, despite knowing we got Simon, Richter, Chrom, Dark Samus, and King K. Rool. What a morning!

We also got a few disconfirmations (unfortunately), which Mimikyu and Ashley biting the bullet. They will not be playable in this particular Smash game.

I'm still in a trance of disbelief right now based on all the information we've received. Not to mention, we're going to know every single character in the base game prior to release, and there's still that mystery mode.

With the Rathalos doubling as a boss and assist trophy, and Dracula appearing on what appear to be a completely different version of Dracula's Castle, we're either getting an incredible detailed adventure mode, or some sort of Subspace mode. I can't help but feel it's a mix, because the file size of the game simply wouldn't be able to store a Subspace like Brawl did, afaik.

Sakurai mentioned there's a total of 103 stages in the game. Based on the image of the stage select screen, every known stage is there. I can't help but believe that those final 6 spots will eventually be filled in as that's a very suspicious looking gap. That could be by surprise additions later on, or through DLC. Either way, I'm going to say that will all eventually be filled up for a nice, completely filled stage select screen.

With the confirmation of slight differences between Dark Samus and Samus, I am completely onboard with considering Shadow a potential Echo Fighter. I think it actually makes complete sense considering he has now survived E3, and another look at Assist Trophies.

Speaking of Assist Trophies, we now have a whopping 40ish. If there's over 50, we're almost there.

I'll be throwing together a Roster Maker chart of who I think has a shot, and who I think doesn't. I'm sure some people might be salty, and I apologize, but I think certain characters got shrek'd, even from not appearing in this Direct.
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