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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2016
North America
Switch FC
Which returning fighter are you most excited for? This is probably an unpopular opinion, but for me it's Young Link. :ultyounglink:
:ultganondorf: followed very closely by :ultsnake:, :ultcloud: and :ultmewtwo:
Yeah, I can't narrow it down to just posting 1. I love these 4 so much.

Edit: You say returning fighter and I think of any veterans but if it's returning cut veterans, then :ultsnake: it is.
Last edited:

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Ice Climbers and Snake are the most exciting veterans in my humble opinion. Totally unique movesets not tied to any franchise that was left in the game when they were cut and not spun off of anyone else in the roster.

Just felt wrong to cut two whole franchises like that.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
A New Leak that I kind of find to be possible since it is in such close detail.
This is the leak:
Hello, I can share some info about the new Super Smash Bros. game for you. Obvious but english is not my main language so sorry if I can't write correct. I have info about the new fighters. The thing is that maybe I don't know about all the fighters and there are some newcomers that are just rumors in the office and I have no way to know if they are real or not, but I will share it since it there was some rumors proven real more early in the development.
A Newcomer that I can 100% confirm right now is Geno from Super Mario RPG and is representing the Super Mario series but Square Enix as well.
I have seen some moves but not all: I know that his Side Special is a Beam coming from his Arm that open from his elbow and that his Normal Special is a Disc that He can throw upward or downward too. His Down Specials seems to be a reflecting move or a shield using a rainbow star (I don't really know for sure). I think his Up Special seems to be multiple lazer that he shoots downward. His Finals Smash is him transforming into a cannon and shooting at the aiming zone. He uses headbutt for a lot of his moves and there is 1 move where he takes his arm with his other arm to attack. Also, I have seen a 3D Model for Mallow but I have not seen it in the game for now (Assist Trophy?). I will post more information with other posts. Keep looking if you want to know. I will not only talk about fighters Dixie Kong from Donkey kong is another Fighter that I have seen. I have seen her model and 4-5 moves. I am pretty sure that she has one of the biggest double jumps of all the fighters (like Mewtwo but less round). One of her Special is her shooting a bubble gum with a plastic gun and the gum does not damage but slows down enemies for sometimes. Her Up Special is her blowing a bubble gum and floating into the sky for sometimes, the bubble can be destroyed. I have seen two of her Smash Attacks one is her smashing a guitar to the ground the other one is her swinging her ponytail to the ground left and right multiple times. She also grabs other fighters with her ponytail. I heard rumors saying that she can float with her ponytail if you keep pressing the Jump Button. Elma from Xenoblade Chronicle X is one of the newcomers I have seen almost no info. All I know is that she has two forms: a Human form and a Mech form. While in Mech Form she can fly if you press the jump button. I am pretty sure that she can only take some damage in mech form (50%?) before destroying the mech and not being able to return into that form for the time shes alive. She can shoot with a gun in her mech and form and kicks a lot in human form. I can also pretty much confirm Mimikyu is the new Pokémon newcomer. I have seen the most moves for her. Her Normal Special is a unique move (Mimic) where can make a ghost looking clone of a close fighter and put it in front of Mimikyu. The clone will move with Mimikyu and the next move that Mimikyu will try to do (Normal Attacks, Specials, Throws, Areal attacks, etc) will be the ghost looking clone doing the move from the character that got cloned. Mimikyu got a special effect where she is cannot be knock backed for the first move that hit her. After that, her heads fall down. You can put the head back up with charging bar with Down Special. When her head is up, she can retake the next hit without the knockback. Her up Special is her glowing with a pink sphere and going up. Her Side Special is her Wood Stick growing bigger and having a dark aura and slamming the stick in front of her doing it in the air crash her down. She uses her ghost claw in a lot of other moves. Very Floaty character, but slow on the ground. The final Newcomer is just a rumor, but I believe it to be real. I heard a lot about Bandanna Waddle Dee from Kirby to be in Smash. I also heard that there is already work for DLC right now. This rumor, however, seems to be more real since I have seen the series logo and some models. I,m pretty sure Spring man from ARMS, Rex from Xenoblade Chronicle 2 and Octoling as a Inkling ε are the DLC. I heard that Spring Man will come out in Winter 2019, Rex in Spring 2019 and Octoling after E3 2019. I will now talk about the Echo FIghters or ε FIghters:
I am working with the Echo FIghters so i know them a lot more than the newcommers.
The last 3 ε Fighters are:
-Funky Kong for Donkey Kong
-Isabelle for Villager
-and Ninten for Ness

All ε have the same moves but there is some difference with Knockback, damage and angle of Knockback.
Ninten has a big redesign like Roy for Smash for Wii U and 3DS (probably to make him different than Ness). He has a different colored hat and has a lot of Whiteb in his costume. His Shirt does not have Yellow in it and it looks more like White star on a black and blue shirt. He has 3 difference with Ness in their Specials. PK Thunder is a lot faster so more difficult to control, Pk Fire is angled Up if Ninten is on the ground and PSI Magnet is has a bigger protection.
Lucina has Tipper on a bigger part of her Sword but her Tipper does less knockback. Also, Her Specials seems to have more range than Marth's
I do not work in this department but it looks like you'll get information a lot. I also think myself that you'll know about Geno or Dixie Kong first since they seem to have the more time put into them for now.
Also maybe Mimikkyu since she has a lot of developpment right now. To continue with the ε Fighters: Dark Pit 's Normal Special has a lot less curve in his arrow, but his Side Special seems to do a lot more Knockback than Pit's and go further.,Funky Kong Up Special seems to work a lot different than Donkey Kong's. His Up B is Funky Kong Spinning on his Surf Board. The Hitting part is down instead of Up like DK. When Funky Kong use Up Special on the ground, he just does a fast and powerful Surf Board Swing instead of spinning. I think you'll get normal information in July and August will have 1 or 2 big info since the work that is supposed to be revealed seems to be 90% ready instead of 100% ready to show to public. Daisy, the ε Fighter of Peach have only 2 specials different. Her Toad counterattack does no damage but Stun the enemy (Like Corrin's Normal Special) Also when using her Down Special, she has a chance to pull out The Freeze Item and the Beehive item instead of the Bob-Omb and Mr. Saturn. Isabelle has a countdown on her Pocket and she loses the item when the countdown is finished (It is like a Clock on her Pocket Icon over her %). But the Projectile that she pockets is massively enhanced. She has only 1 Balloon on her Up Special, but she jumps instead of fluttering. She also cannot ride her Side Special but the explosion of the Rocket is bigger. I only said it was heavily rumored and probably real, but for your information, Mewtwo was worked on before Super Smash Bros. for Wii U was released. It is just the start of development for these character and they will take a lot more times to make than Mewtwo.
I have not seen a lot of new stages but I can say the ones I saw:
-Fountain of Dreams
-Yoshi Wool World
-Pupupu Land from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
-Rainbow Road
-Rainbow Cruise
-Mute City from Super Smash Bros, for Nintendo 3DS
-Wii Fit Studio
-New Donk City from Super Mario Odyssey
-NLA (From Xenoblade Chronicle X)
-Throne Room (From Super Mario RPG)
-Saturn Valley (From Mother 2)
I cannot promise anything but I think I can take pictures of the Geno, Mallow and Funky Kong Models Monday and upload them the same day or the day after (So In my prediction Today or Tomorrow, on Wednesday we can tell if it is fake). It looks like the Bowser Battle from Super Mario RPG. There are two big platforms that are the chandeliers. These platforms swing if theres to much movements on theme.

So in my opinion this could be really probable, what do you guys thin
Clearly fake but it has some cool ideas tbh, Dixie's moveset sounds cool and I love the up special idea. Elma sounds fun too but a mech form wouldn't work at all, that **** is massive lol


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Actually, now that I think about it, DK being 37 only stems from the arcade game, which means Cranky is 37. Donkey Kong is 24 since he first appeared in '94 on the SNES. :roll: DK lives another day and another decade.


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2015
:ulticeclimbers: - The worst thing they did with Nerfing the Ice climbers is that Nana can no longer smash attack when your grabbing someone. I mean just why..... but Luma can hit you while Rosa is grabbed or in hitstun etc..


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
:ulticeclimbers: - The worst thing they did with Nerfing the Ice climbers is that Nana can no longer smash attack when your grabbing someone. I mean just why..... but Luma can hit you while Rosa is grabbed or in hitstun etc..
Wobble fear, I presume. We never saw Rosalina in the E3 demo, she could have possibly received the same treatment.


May 2, 2015
Wobble fear, I presume. We never saw Rosalina in the E3 demo, she could have possibly received the same treatment.
Grab armor exists anyway. Taking awhile the ability for Nana to hit white Popo was grabbed makes no sense. Even if Luma can't do that anymore, Luma comes back.

Nana doesn't get that.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Grab armor exists anyway. Taking awhile the ability for Nana to hit white Popo was grabbed makes no sense. Even if Luma can't do that anymore, Luma comes back.

Nana doesn't get that.
I'm pretty sure Nana is protected by outside harm while Popo is grabbed, she seemed to be standing in a background-ish position a la Pokemon Trainer. Though that's just from footage, we don't know if it's true here.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Which returning fighter are you most excited for? This is probably an unpopular opinion, but for me it's Young Link. :ultyounglink:
:ultbayonetta:, because I was positive that she was going to be a one-and-done character, and :ultpokemontrainer:, because I'm happy I can play the other two characters the Pokemon Trainer had instead of just boring-ass Charizard.

Honorable mention goes to :ultsnake:


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
How do all of these fake leaks have a full DLC roster? Hasn't Sakurai confirmed that the last game didn't start thinking about DLC until it was done? All they had for Mewtwo between Sept of 3DS release and Nov of WiiU release was an unposed model of Mewtwo.

I get that many scummy companies *coughEAcough* plan all of the DLC first and spend development time on it so they can sell it on release, but Nintendo hasn't pulled tricks like that. Yet.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC



...you get my point I’m sure

Anyway, anything else interesting happen lately?

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
A New Leak that I kind of find to be possible since it is in such close detail.
This is the leak:
Hello, I can share some info about the new Super Smash Bros. game for you. Obvious but english is not my main language so sorry if I can't write correct. I have info about the new fighters. The thing is that maybe I don't know about all the fighters and there are some newcomers that are just rumors in the office and I have no way to know if they are real or not, but I will share it since it there was some rumors proven real more early in the development.
A Newcomer that I can 100% confirm right now is Geno from Super Mario RPG and is representing the Super Mario series but Square Enix as well.
I have seen some moves but not all: I know that his Side Special is a Beam coming from his Arm that open from his elbow and that his Normal Special is a Disc that He can throw upward or downward too. His Down Specials seems to be a reflecting move or a shield using a rainbow star (I don't really know for sure). I think his Up Special seems to be multiple lazer that he shoots downward. His Finals Smash is him transforming into a cannon and shooting at the aiming zone. He uses headbutt for a lot of his moves and there is 1 move where he takes his arm with his other arm to attack. Also, I have seen a 3D Model for Mallow but I have not seen it in the game for now (Assist Trophy?). I will post more information with other posts. Keep looking if you want to know. I will not only talk about fighters Dixie Kong from Donkey kong is another Fighter that I have seen. I have seen her model and 4-5 moves. I am pretty sure that she has one of the biggest double jumps of all the fighters (like Mewtwo but less round). One of her Special is her shooting a bubble gum with a plastic gun and the gum does not damage but slows down enemies for sometimes. Her Up Special is her blowing a bubble gum and floating into the sky for sometimes, the bubble can be destroyed. I have seen two of her Smash Attacks one is her smashing a guitar to the ground the other one is her swinging her ponytail to the ground left and right multiple times. She also grabs other fighters with her ponytail. I heard rumors saying that she can float with her ponytail if you keep pressing the Jump Button. Elma from Xenoblade Chronicle X is one of the newcomers I have seen almost no info. All I know is that she has two forms: a Human form and a Mech form. While in Mech Form she can fly if you press the jump button. I am pretty sure that she can only take some damage in mech form (50%?) before destroying the mech and not being able to return into that form for the time shes alive. She can shoot with a gun in her mech and form and kicks a lot in human form. I can also pretty much confirm Mimikyu is the new Pokémon newcomer. I have seen the most moves for her. Her Normal Special is a unique move (Mimic) where can make a ghost looking clone of a close fighter and put it in front of Mimikyu. The clone will move with Mimikyu and the next move that Mimikyu will try to do (Normal Attacks, Specials, Throws, Areal attacks, etc) will be the ghost looking clone doing the move from the character that got cloned. Mimikyu got a special effect where she is cannot be knock backed for the first move that hit her. After that, her heads fall down. You can put the head back up with charging bar with Down Special. When her head is up, she can retake the next hit without the knockback. Her up Special is her glowing with a pink sphere and going up. Her Side Special is her Wood Stick growing bigger and having a dark aura and slamming the stick in front of her doing it in the air crash her down. She uses her ghost claw in a lot of other moves. Very Floaty character, but slow on the ground. The final Newcomer is just a rumor, but I believe it to be real. I heard a lot about Bandanna Waddle Dee from Kirby to be in Smash. I also heard that there is already work for DLC right now. This rumor, however, seems to be more real since I have seen the series logo and some models. I,m pretty sure Spring man from ARMS, Rex from Xenoblade Chronicle 2 and Octoling as a Inkling ε are the DLC. I heard that Spring Man will come out in Winter 2019, Rex in Spring 2019 and Octoling after E3 2019. I will now talk about the Echo FIghters or ε FIghters:
I am working with the Echo FIghters so i know them a lot more than the newcommers.
The last 3 ε Fighters are:
-Funky Kong for Donkey Kong
-Isabelle for Villager
-and Ninten for Ness
All ε have the same moves but there is some difference with Knockback, damage and angle of Knockback.
Ninten has a big redesign like Roy for Smash for Wii U and 3DS (probably to make him different than Ness). He has a different colored hat and has a lot of Whiteb in his costume. His Shirt does not have Yellow in it and it looks more like White star on a black and blue shirt. He has 3 difference with Ness in their Specials. PK Thunder is a lot faster so more difficult to control, Pk Fire is angled Up if Ninten is on the ground and PSI Magnet is has a bigger protection.
Lucina has Tipper on a bigger part of her Sword but her Tipper does less knockback. Also, Her Specials seems to have more range than Marth's
I do not work in this department but it looks like you'll get information a lot. I also think myself that you'll know about Geno or Dixie Kong first since they seem to have the more time put into them for now.
Also maybe Mimikkyu since she has a lot of developpment right now. To continue with the ε Fighters: Dark Pit 's Normal Special has a lot less curve in his arrow, but his Side Special seems to do a lot more Knockback than Pit's and go further.,Funky Kong Up Special seems to work a lot different than Donkey Kong's. His Up B is Funky Kong Spinning on his Surf Board. The Hitting part is down instead of Up like DK. When Funky Kong use Up Special on the ground, he just does a fast and powerful Surf Board Swing instead of spinning. I think you'll get normal information in July and August will have 1 or 2 big info since the work that is supposed to be revealed seems to be 90% ready instead of 100% ready to show to public. Daisy, the ε Fighter of Peach have only 2 specials different. Her Toad counterattack does no damage but Stun the enemy (Like Corrin's Normal Special) Also when using her Down Special, she has a chance to pull out The Freeze Item and the Beehive item instead of the Bob-Omb and Mr. Saturn. Isabelle has a countdown on her Pocket and she loses the item when the countdown is finished (It is like a Clock on her Pocket Icon over her %). But the Projectile that she pockets is massively enhanced. She has only 1 Balloon on her Up Special, but she jumps instead of fluttering. She also cannot ride her Side Special but the explosion of the Rocket is bigger. I only said it was heavily rumored and probably real, but for your information, Mewtwo was worked on before Super Smash Bros. for Wii U was released. It is just the start of development for these character and they will take a lot more times to make than Mewtwo.
I have not seen a lot of new stages but I can say the ones I saw:
-Fountain of Dreams
-Yoshi Wool World
-Pupupu Land from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
-Rainbow Road
-Rainbow Cruise
-Mute City from Super Smash Bros, for Nintendo 3DS
-Wii Fit Studio
-New Donk City from Super Mario Odyssey
-NLA (From Xenoblade Chronicle X)
-Throne Room (From Super Mario RPG)
-Saturn Valley (From Mother 2)
I cannot promise anything but I think I can take pictures of the Geno, Mallow and Funky Kong Models Monday and upload them the same day or the day after (So In my prediction Today or Tomorrow, on Wednesday we can tell if it is fake). It looks like the Bowser Battle from Super Mario RPG. There are two big platforms that are the chandeliers. These platforms swing if theres to much movements on theme.

So in my opinion this could be really probable, what do you guys thin
Re: Elma - I dunno, that aspect of her gameplay seems farfetched. If you start in Mech form and lose a stock IN Mech form, would your next stock be a mech or not? What about after your mech is destroyed and you lose a stock? And 50% seems too low a threshold for the mech to be destroyed. also it’s called a SKELL

Also, “kicks a lot in human form” no mention of her dual blades and dual guns? Seems very inaccurate to her fighting style in X.

The leak looks like it’s very promising roster wise but I’m very picky about how Elma is represented. Shulk’s moveset was accurate to his character (even if they invented Monado Jump and Smash for SSB), but I feel that’s not the case here for Elma.

Also, no Simon... :c
Last edited:


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Ice Climbers and Snake are the most exciting veterans in my humble opinion. Totally unique movesets not tied to any franchise that was left in the game when they were cut and not spun off of anyone else in the roster.

Just felt wrong to cut two whole franchises like that.
You make it sound like they were intentionally cut.


Need time to think?
Jun 20, 2018
Re: Elma - I dunno, that aspect of her gameplay seems farfetched. If you start in Mech form and lose a stock IN Mech form, would your next stock be a mech or not?

Also, “kicks a lot in human form” no mention of her dual blades and dual guns? Seems very inaccurate to her fighting style in X.

The leak looks like it’s very promising roster-wise but I’m very picky about how Elma is represented. Shulk’s moveset was accurate to his character, but I feel that’s not the case here for Elma.

Also, no Simon... :c
100% agree the whole idea of having two moves-sets sounds quite ridiculous it were being honest. Also, Simon is defiantly happening
Last edited:


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Dang. I just figured out how to get likes.
Comedy is the way to peoples hearts and clicks. I didn't know a Full House joke was gonna give me like 37 likes but hey.
just dont be demand them :reverse:

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
100% agree the whole idea of having two moves-sets sounds quite ridiculous it were being honest. Also, Simon is defiantly happening
I mean, there is Pokémon Trainer’s three Pokémon, but that should (imo) be the sole exception, since Zelda and Sheik are fully separate now, and idk if Zero Suit transforms back into Samus for her Final Smash, but here it just doesn’t make sense.

If anything, Elma should have a Skell as her Final Smash.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Re: Elma - I dunno, that aspect of her gameplay seems farfetched. If you start in Mech form and lose a stock IN Mech form, would your next stock be a mech or not? What about after your mech is destroyed and you lose a stock? And 50% seems too low a threshold for the mech to be destroyed. also it’s called a SKELL

Also, “kicks a lot in human form” no mention of her dual blades and dual guns? Seems very inaccurate to her fighting style in X.

The leak looks like it’s very promising roster wise but I’m very picky about how Elma is represented. Shulk’s moveset was accurate to his character (even if they invented Monado Jump and Smash for SSB), but I feel that’s not the case here for Elma.

Also, no Simon... :c
No Rool?

Mimikyu leak? Good.

Elma Good

Dixie good

BWD good

Deleted member

Which returning fighter are you most excited for? This is probably an unpopular opinion, but for me it's Young Link. :ultyounglink:
Snake is definitely the one I'm the most excited for, mostly for the codecs - though I won't be surprised if these don't return.
I can also pretty much confirm Mimikyu is the new Pokémon newcomer
absolutely disgusting.jpg

Tho thankfully it's 100% fake.


Need time to think?
Jun 20, 2018
I mean, there is Pokémon Trainer’s three Pokémon, but that should (imo) be the sole exception, since Zelda and Sheik are fully separate now, and idk if Zero Suit transforms back into Samus for her Final Smash, but here it just doesn’t make sense.

If anything, Elma should have a Skell as her Final Smash.
I think a cool flashy move in her Skell would be her final smash if she was in.

The leak looks like it’s very promising roster wise but I’m very picky about how Elma is represented. Shulk’s moveset was accurate to his character (even if they invented Monado Jump and Smash for SSB), but I feel that’s not the case here for Elma.
Sakurai is always known for how he represents characters so it would be quite strange for him to not include any of her known moves at all in her moveset. But it doesn't bother me because this is fake as **** as most 4chan leaks are.
Last edited:


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
Well; K. Rool isn't in a shoo-in position despite his popularity making him a more stand out choose.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2015
A New Leak that I kind of find to be possible since it is in such close detail.
This is the leak:
Hello, I can share some info about the new Super Smash Bros. game for you. Obvious but english is not my main language so sorry if I can't write correct. I have info about the new fighters. The thing is that maybe I don't know about all the fighters and there are some newcomers that are just rumors in the office and I have no way to know if they are real or not, but I will share it since it there was some rumors proven real more early in the development.
A Newcomer that I can 100% confirm right now is Geno from Super Mario RPG and is representing the Super Mario series but Square Enix as well.
I have seen some moves but not all: I know that his Side Special is a Beam coming from his Arm that open from his elbow and that his Normal Special is a Disc that He can throw upward or downward too. His Down Specials seems to be a reflecting move or a shield using a rainbow star (I don't really know for sure). I think his Up Special seems to be multiple lazer that he shoots downward. His Finals Smash is him transforming into a cannon and shooting at the aiming zone. He uses headbutt for a lot of his moves and there is 1 move where he takes his arm with his other arm to attack. Also, I have seen a 3D Model for Mallow but I have not seen it in the game for now (Assist Trophy?). I will post more information with other posts. Keep looking if you want to know. I will not only talk about fighters Dixie Kong from Donkey kong is another Fighter that I have seen. I have seen her model and 4-5 moves. I am pretty sure that she has one of the biggest double jumps of all the fighters (like Mewtwo but less round). One of her Special is her shooting a bubble gum with a plastic gun and the gum does not damage but slows down enemies for sometimes. Her Up Special is her blowing a bubble gum and floating into the sky for sometimes, the bubble can be destroyed. I have seen two of her Smash Attacks one is her smashing a guitar to the ground the other one is her swinging her ponytail to the ground left and right multiple times. She also grabs other fighters with her ponytail. I heard rumors saying that she can float with her ponytail if you keep pressing the Jump Button. Elma from Xenoblade Chronicle X is one of the newcomers I have seen almost no info. All I know is that she has two forms: a Human form and a Mech form. While in Mech Form she can fly if you press the jump button. I am pretty sure that she can only take some damage in mech form (50%?) before destroying the mech and not being able to return into that form for the time shes alive. She can shoot with a gun in her mech and form and kicks a lot in human form. I can also pretty much confirm Mimikyu is the new Pokémon newcomer. I have seen the most moves for her. Her Normal Special is a unique move (Mimic) where can make a ghost looking clone of a close fighter and put it in front of Mimikyu. The clone will move with Mimikyu and the next move that Mimikyu will try to do (Normal Attacks, Specials, Throws, Areal attacks, etc) will be the ghost looking clone doing the move from the character that got cloned. Mimikyu got a special effect where she is cannot be knock backed for the first move that hit her. After that, her heads fall down. You can put the head back up with charging bar with Down Special. When her head is up, she can retake the next hit without the knockback. Her up Special is her glowing with a pink sphere and going up. Her Side Special is her Wood Stick growing bigger and having a dark aura and slamming the stick in front of her doing it in the air crash her down. She uses her ghost claw in a lot of other moves. Very Floaty character, but slow on the ground. The final Newcomer is just a rumor, but I believe it to be real. I heard a lot about Bandanna Waddle Dee from Kirby to be in Smash. I also heard that there is already work for DLC right now. This rumor, however, seems to be more real since I have seen the series logo and some models. I,m pretty sure Spring man from ARMS, Rex from Xenoblade Chronicle 2 and Octoling as a Inkling ε are the DLC. I heard that Spring Man will come out in Winter 2019, Rex in Spring 2019 and Octoling after E3 2019. I will now talk about the Echo FIghters or ε FIghters:
I am working with the Echo FIghters so i know them a lot more than the newcommers.
The last 3 ε Fighters are:
-Funky Kong for Donkey Kong
-Isabelle for Villager
-and Ninten for Ness

All ε have the same moves but there is some difference with Knockback, damage and angle of Knockback.
Ninten has a big redesign like Roy for Smash for Wii U and 3DS (probably to make him different than Ness). He has a different colored hat and has a lot of Whiteb in his costume. His Shirt does not have Yellow in it and it looks more like White star on a black and blue shirt. He has 3 difference with Ness in their Specials. PK Thunder is a lot faster so more difficult to control, Pk Fire is angled Up if Ninten is on the ground and PSI Magnet is has a bigger protection.
Lucina has Tipper on a bigger part of her Sword but her Tipper does less knockback. Also, Her Specials seems to have more range than Marth's
I do not work in this department but it looks like you'll get information a lot. I also think myself that you'll know about Geno or Dixie Kong first since they seem to have the more time put into them for now.
Also maybe Mimikkyu since she has a lot of developpment right now. To continue with the ε Fighters: Dark Pit 's Normal Special has a lot less curve in his arrow, but his Side Special seems to do a lot more Knockback than Pit's and go further.,Funky Kong Up Special seems to work a lot different than Donkey Kong's. His Up B is Funky Kong Spinning on his Surf Board. The Hitting part is down instead of Up like DK. When Funky Kong use Up Special on the ground, he just does a fast and powerful Surf Board Swing instead of spinning. I think you'll get normal information in July and August will have 1 or 2 big info since the work that is supposed to be revealed seems to be 90% ready instead of 100% ready to show to public. Daisy, the ε Fighter of Peach have only 2 specials different. Her Toad counterattack does no damage but Stun the enemy (Like Corrin's Normal Special) Also when using her Down Special, she has a chance to pull out The Freeze Item and the Beehive item instead of the Bob-Omb and Mr. Saturn. Isabelle has a countdown on her Pocket and she loses the item when the countdown is finished (It is like a Clock on her Pocket Icon over her %). But the Projectile that she pockets is massively enhanced. She has only 1 Balloon on her Up Special, but she jumps instead of fluttering. She also cannot ride her Side Special but the explosion of the Rocket is bigger. I only said it was heavily rumored and probably real, but for your information, Mewtwo was worked on before Super Smash Bros. for Wii U was released. It is just the start of development for these character and they will take a lot more times to make than Mewtwo.
I have not seen a lot of new stages but I can say the ones I saw:
-Fountain of Dreams
-Yoshi Wool World
-Pupupu Land from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
-Rainbow Road
-Rainbow Cruise
-Mute City from Super Smash Bros, for Nintendo 3DS
-Wii Fit Studio
-New Donk City from Super Mario Odyssey
-NLA (From Xenoblade Chronicle X)
-Throne Room (From Super Mario RPG)
-Saturn Valley (From Mother 2)
I cannot promise anything but I think I can take pictures of the Geno, Mallow and Funky Kong Models Monday and upload them the same day or the day after (So In my prediction Today or Tomorrow, on Wednesday we can tell if it is fake). It looks like the Bowser Battle from Super Mario RPG. There are two big platforms that are the chandeliers. These platforms swing if theres to much movements on theme.

So in my opinion this could be really probable, what do you guys thin
I am 100% okay with this leak if it turns out to be true. Though giving Lucina a tipper mechanic makes me think it's fake, since that seems really weird considering her whole thing is no tipper marth.

As for my favourite returning fighter..probably wolf or young link.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Oh yeah, favorite returning fighters:
64: :ultfalcon::ultluigi::ultkirby::ultmario::ultpikachu:
Melee: :ultroy::ultfalco::ultpeach::ulticeclimbers::ultmewtwo::ultsheik:
Brawl: :ultpit::ultmetaknight::ultlucario::ultzss::ultkingdedede::ultwolf::ultpit::ultlucas::ultsnake::ultsonic::ultike:
3DS/WiiU: :ultcloud::ultshulk::ultlucina::ultlittlemac::ultpacman::ultpalutena::ultbayonetta::ultbowserjr::ultvillager::ultryu:
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