Even though his source ended up being right about the floor setup, I don't think it would've been that hard to guess regardless. It wasn't a huge surprise that the most notable part (New Donk City) from Nintendo's most hyped up game of the year (Odyssey) would be the inspiration for the decorations.
This year, he's claiming that we'll be seeing:
- A Golden Hammer
- A Captain Falcon helmet
- Link's Master Sword
- Marth's Falchion
- Shulk's Monado
- Bayonetta's handguns and boots
- Fox's blaster
- The Inklings' Splattershot
Now this one is a lot more specific. Bayonetta is really the only character listed we might have doubted, and the rest are all pretty much expected. Not quite sure why random small memorabilia is being displayed, but I'll try to make sense of this regardless.
So right off the bat, I notice that all the character memorabilia fits characters from the three classes of Mii Fighters. We got Captain Falcon as a Brawler, Link, Marth, and Shulk as swordfighters, and Bayo, Fox, and Inklings as Gunners. If I had to take a guess, I'd say this exhibit would be showcasing the different types of Smash fighters by displaying their weapons. The Golden Hammer is a weird and interesting choice, but I suppose it's one of the more iconic Smash items. Might be part of an exhibit showing off some classic Smash items.
So I'm not quite sure if I buy all this just yet, but this is definitely more specific than last year. If he ends up being right, his source will have a LOT more credibility to his name.