Ridley was my most wanted during Smash 4 speculation and remained my most wanted out of an already represented series all the way to his announcement. The way his moveset looks in Ultimate is better than anything I could have hoped for, all of his moves look incredibly fitting for his character and you still have some funny **** like the ZSS BAir. His personality being based on his manga characterization is probably the best part of it all, as that was really all he had of a personality that was actually shown rather than informed and I remember it being how everyone back in the Ridley thread wanted him to be portrayed so I'm very glad this is what they went with. Intelligent, cunning, and a comedic sadist, his main character traits were all perfectly displayed in that trailer.
Also, the grinding command grab which was THE move everyone wanted. As a Ganon main, it pleases me.
Tl;dr I'm HYPED for Ridley