Taking all the leaks into consideration and all supposed disconfirmations, i think that this would be my DLC Dream roster:
Steve (minecraft)
Solaire (Dark Souls)
Tap Dancing Girl (Rythm Heaven)
Black Mage (Final Fantasy)
Crash (Crash Bandicot)
Imo it have a great balance between new and old characters (Steve, Tap Dancing Girl, solaire as "news"... even if tehy are going for a decade old, and Black mage and Crash for olds)
Have a great balance between casual and hardcore (Tap dancing girl, steve for casuals, Black Mage, Crash and Solaire for hardcores)
Cater to a wide fanbase that may not originally be interested in smash (classic jrpegers and Nes enthusiasts, PSone fanboys, Darksouls fans, Minecraft Fans and casual nintendo fans)
Appeal to non gamer demographic (Solaire for the memes, Crash for more memes, Tap Dancing Girl)
The only but is little Nintendo representation... really... But most of the nintendo characters i like are already disconfirmed.
EDIT: Except Mipha from BOTW XD