People see the problem as "Square-Enix refused to give more music, spirit and AT so they're hard to work with"
Y'all need to think outside of the box as "They apparently were fine to give Cloud to Sakurai, surprised that he didn't want more recent characters, Nomura even think he did a better job than he could do to represent him, he also said that at some point he was just accepting what Sakurai was doing because he was that great. They got a Stages with multiple ICONICS summons that could represent FF by themselves. Sadly there is musical issues that are too hard to get around, that even Square-Enix themselves have issue to use their OWN music, but they still gave us two of the most iconics...Heck, THE most iconics battle themes in all JRPG. They accepted to give that "obscure" characters but fan favorite a Mii-Costume as a gifts.
For the next game they renewed the deal but couldn't do much more, instead deciding to work on a DLC characters."
See? Both sentence tells the same stories, but one push whatever narative you want. The real deal being that Square-Enix is like every company, the only issues is that they keep ****ing themselves with IP and Copyrights.