I disagree of your disagree. You know they aren't there, but what's making them not get there? You can't be dumb and just buff every single move and call it a day, that'd be terrible balancing. Rising to the ranks isn't the issue either, it's playing overall in Elite mode, the climb doesn't matter.
What I suspect may happen, with other competitive games, is a ladder reset either on a monthly basis or every patch update.
>bayonetta and sheik not dominating online and offline in 4
1. most fight games do not reset ranks. thats card games.
2. bayonetta will not be a force online the average player cant play her correctly. a character that requires heavy DI reads online will not dominate. shiek is another high skill character that is not forgiving on mistakes and both bayonetta and shiek have low kill power. and neither can fish for kills with smash attacks online.
3. you are ignoring internal testing. when the team made balancing decisions upon the characters crestion they made decisions on balancing changes when the character was made: kill power, combo options, character mechanics, frame data, weight, and more. the characters arent made and then untouched. those original early changes were made for a reason and using elite battles they can make decisions on characters based on whther thier fears are justified or misplaced.
4. why not buff the characters not present until you get a result? increasing a characters air and ground speed always makes a character more viable. i think you are underestimating both Nintendo and the community. they will not blindly buff they will buff the characters not present based on the characters that make it in elite battles. if most characters in elite battles have combo throws they will give other characters combo throws, if they have high speed they wil increase other characters speed ect.
5. they said they'd pay attention to results in elite mode. how is the climb the problem? you honestly think people will climb ranks with one character and then switch to another for elite battles? lol.