First: Thank you for your response. Though you don't agree with me, you presented a response that was respectful and well-worded!

I appreciate that, and that has allowed me to rethink my opinion.

Thank you for that.
Sakurai has created a wonderful team and designed an AMAZING game that one plant is
not going to topple. The love for this game will most assuredly incorporate Piranha Plant into the family and there will be a LOT of love for it.
.... I should clarify my thoughts.
I don't think that they
meant it to be insulting.
But, that is what it will
feel like for some .... and that might be because of the perceived concept of what it means to become a playable character. A character needs to have its own game (Mario), or an important role in the game (Daisy) .... it needs to be classic (Simon), or popular for the day (Inkling) .... it needs to have some iconic nostalgia (Duck Hunt), or proven fan favorite in ballot polls (Bayonetta).
The Piranha Plant hadn't met any of those, and that's why it wasn't even in speculation. So fans of Waluigi, Shadow, Isaac, etc who were convinced that their character met the above requirements (and there are good arguments for them) are probably questioning why Piranha Plant got in. If the first DLC was something like Waluigi, or Bandana Dee .... I think they would've felt sad, but it wouldn't have been confusing. Of course those characters got in: They had just as much right to be.
I think you are right. If Piranha Plant felt like a good addition to the roster family, then he has a right to be there. But for fans who had been hoping, it was an odd bitter pill to take at the end.
... and I'll bet those fans will be the ones to Main him
One last opinion: I am slightly worried this opens up the gates to
other side villains getting in. The Hammer Brothers, Birdo, Deku Shrubs, etc .... I feel like the chances for other third party additions go down. That may be why they did it .... the number of third parties getting in is fading fast .... and Nintendo needs to have a new avenue of characters to pull in to continue on ....
When I think of it that way, Piranha Plant isn't too bad at all. If Nintendo knows their options for Third Parties is almost up, and that they need to reel it back to the Nintendo Family .... then Piranha Plant isn't the worse one to start out on. It's HIGHLY unique.