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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
And all I wanted was all the OG 8 to survive so the theme would have more meaning besides "just cause"
The theme has meaning because they're the first 8 characters in a game about all the characters.

You'll probably unlock em all first anyway.


Smash Champion
Apr 15, 2014
the attic I call Magicant
Man, you guys can't shut the hell up about Vergeben for 5 seconds. Didn't you enjoy Thanos killing all the cast, a bonus round of disconfirmations and Pirahna Plant?


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Like, we all need to ask ourselves this:

When Plant was given a Splash screen, what was the first thing you thought/said/felt?

Not double that emotion in an INCREDIBLY hostile "Us vs Them" environment of the other night if Verg had actually said "Oh yeah, playable Piranha Plant."
I remember when it first appeared, I (like many others) thought "cool, new item". Then it got a splash screen, and I was in total shock.
I just kept repeating "Piranha Plant??? What??? Piranha Plant??? What???" over and over. It was hilarious.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Wait, really?

Okay yeah that's super dumb.

Yo, Daisy is my Mario Kart and Mario Party main so I'm glad she's here.

I just wish they would've done more than make her "Peach with hearts". Like make her faster or a bit stronger or idk.
I'm with you. In the buildup to Smash 4, I made an entire in-depth moveset using moves strictly from all of those spinoff titles, making her the de facto "Mario Sports/Party/Kart" rep. I don't like that she's too similar to Peach, but at the same time, I didn't think she'd ever really be in. I'm just happy she's here.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2018
Like, we all need to ask ourselves this:

When Plant was given a Splash screen, what was the first thing you thought/said/felt?

Not double that emotion in an INCREDIBLY hostile "Us vs Them" environment of the other night if Verg had actually said "Oh yeah, playable Piranha Plant."
Not gonna lie but most of my reactions were of disappointment during the live watch through of the direct. But the more and more I watch and read up on it, the more I get for excited for what was revealed today to the point where I'm beyond satisfied. However, I don't have a "most wanted" like lots of people do so I'm sure that helps me, and I also love the "wtf!!?" characters like Piranha.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
When I saw Piranha Plant I honestly didn't know what to think. I was confused as ****. I think I was still confused long after the announcement. But I still loved it.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
What? You never had a PBnJ sandwhich?
I swear, I feel like I've stumbled upon a society of aliens.
Nope, never. Don't get the appeal.

Like, we all need to ask ourselves this:

When Plant was given a Splash screen, what was the first thing you thought/said/felt?

Not double that emotion in an INCREDIBLY hostile "Us vs Them" environment of the other night if Verg had actually said "Oh yeah, playable Piranha Plant."
"....wait, what?" I was kinda mixed between being angry and confused but then I start to smile towards to end of his trailer. Still feels weird making a mook playable but it's hard ro deny he's iconic and he looks fun. And Sakurai once again proved we can never predict the unpredictable.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
Man, you guys can't shut the hell up about Vergeben for 5 seconds. Didn't you enjoy Thanos killing all the cast, a bonus round of disconfirmations and Pirahna Plant?
I’m not gonna speak for myself, but judging by reactions...no. NO ONE enjoyed this Direct, and it seems the people who say it was good are a minority.
There’s no stage builder, no break the targets, no nothing.
I think for a lot of people, Ultimate will go down in history as the most disappointing video game of all time.

Deleted member

Wait, really?

Okay yeah that's super dumb.

If they have other modes, why don't you show them? If you are hesitant in showing your DLC, why even reveal it? This Direct left me with many questions.

The whole matre that "Smash Ultimate is the biggest Smash Bros. game ever" is honestly a double-edged sword, because it sets up A LOT of expectations across the board, especially when you add in the Fighter Ballot.

With how detailed the training mode, Classic Mode returning to it's form a la Melee and Brawl, Ridley, King K. Rool, and to some extent Simon and Isabelle joining the roster, and bringing back EVERY character in Smash Bros. history, it felt like this game was Sakurai listening to the fans across the board, or, at least most if what we want.

So when we see an online that doesn't look to be better than Smash 4's online, characters like Shadow, Isaac, Rex & Pyra get deconfirmed, no signs of seeing characters like Bandana Dee or Banjo-Kazooie, a shoddy explanation of what the new Adventure mode is, which it might look like it's almost Gacha-like (which great, ****ing nice. "JUST WHAT I NEEDED" - Mario), seeing a Piranha Plant get in over a lot of people's wants, and not even showing the rest of the game and instead focusing on stuff like LANGUAGE OPTIONS?

It doesn't sit right with me, and I feel not only bad for Sakurai, but for the hardcore vocal fans who got their wants deconfirmed, too.

Deleted member

I’m not gonna speak for myself, but judging by reactions...no. NO ONE enjoyed this Direct, and it seems the people who say it was good are a minority.
There’s no stage builder, no break the targets, no nothing.
I think for a lot of people, Ultimate will go down in history as the most disappointing video game of all time.
Speak for yourself my dude. I thought this Direct was great.
Like, we all need to ask ourselves this:

When Plant was given a Splash screen, what was the first thing you thought/said/felt?

Now double that emotion in an INCREDIBLY hostile "Us vs Them" environment of the other night if Verg had actually said "Oh yeah, playable Piranha Plant."
I first raised my eyebrow. Then laughed at how absurd the idea was.


Sep 26, 2013
I’m not gonna speak for myself, but judging by reactions...no. NO ONE enjoyed this Direct, and it seems the people who say it was good are a minority.
There’s no stage builder, no break the targets, no nothing.
I think for a lot of people, Ultimate will go down in history as the most disappointing video game of all time.

Uh, no, not even close. One 'meh' presentation doesn't take away a game with 75 characters, 103 stages and mechanics that have been even more refined than 4's.

Deleted member

What's your source for this? Vergeben (and Senrou?) said something like was happening a week or two ago, but as far as I know there's nothing currently.
I thought that some insider said that "Square Enix isn't happy" the whole "ruffled feathers" thing.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I’m not gonna speak for myself, but judging by reactions...no. NO ONE enjoyed this Direct, and it seems the people who say it was good are a minority.
There’s no stage builder, no break the targets, no nothing.
I think for a lot of people, Ultimate will go down in history as the most disappointing video game of all time.
Look at the pool above. Even in Smashboards people are mostly OK with it. If this is a bait, it's a bad one.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
The boss honestly gave me bird vibes when I saw the shape of its head and the soulless white eyes, though I'm not implying birds are soulless creatures here, just gave me similar vibes to Vah Medoh but like, if it ascended beyond this material plane and was blessed by the Gods


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I’m not gonna speak for myself, but judging by reactions...no. NO ONE enjoyed this Direct, and it seems the people who say it was good are a minority.
There’s no stage builder, no break the targets, no nothing.
I think for a lot of people, Ultimate will go down in history as the most disappointing video game of all time.
Are you serious? After everything we've seen you think Ultimate will be disappointing?

Why, pray tell?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2013
My reaction to Piranha Plant went like this:
"I don't get it?"
"What the ****?"
Followed by confused laughter.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
At this point, Minecraft is the only thing MIA now from him, right?
And the Square Enix Rep please be Sora
I thought that some insider said that "Square Enix isn't happy" the whole "ruffled feathers" thing.
Yeah that was like a week or two ago. Right about when Spawn Wave teased Sora at the VGAs.
I don't hate him. Stop putting words in my mouth.

Minecraft content was shaky from the beginning.

They've pretty much revealed everything they've deemed as important enough to reveal in the Direct. If Minecraft content of any kind was there, you damn well know it would've been placed in there due to how big the franchise is in gaming history, but you know what?

Sakurai deemed the Help menu and a brightness slider more important. Not to mention that fact Vergeben was caught lying today, claiming he knew about Piranha Plant when all he gave was a vague "It's a Nintendo character" answer. If he really knew, then he would have said something along the lines of "It's an unexpected character/It's a Mario character/It's Piranha Plant." He knew about every other character (sans Richter) and yet he claims this bull? No. I have never believed we'd get Minecraft content and I will not believe it until I see it with my own two eyes, Vegeta-ben be damned.
Ok, BUT.

Imagine if they reveal Steve at E3 2019 or some other major event. That would be immense.

In terms of scale Sora, currently deemed one of the characters capable of breaking the internet through inclusion in Smash would like a 5.0-5.9 on the Richter (haha like the Castlevania character) Scale in terms of shaking up the internet.

Steve? He'd easily be a 9.0+. That's the highest the scale can go, and I'd realistically peg him at a 10.0 or 11.0+; it'd be truly cataclysmic. No one would be unaffected by Steve's announcement. You'd see it everywhere. Everyone knows what Minecraft is, and a lot of people have played it and still play it (currently the game sits at 91 million players as of October 1st, 2018). You know every Minecraft fan would pick up on that and freak out. More than that, every Smash fan would freak out because it's ****ing Steve and either you're excited as **** for him or asking how the **** did he get in? This extends to the core and casual Nintendo fanbase, because the core fanbase is thinking the same things as the Smash fanbase, and the casual fanbase? They're excited to play as Steve, who they know and love through Minecraft.

Also you know parents are going to shell out their credit cards to buy their screaming child Steve in Smash Bros in droves. Hell, a good amount will likely buy Smash for their kid BECAUSE it has Steve in it. So Sakurai isn't just selling Steve as a character, he's selling copies of the game through association.

Steve would be nothing short of a genius marketing move on the part of Nintendo and Microsoft, and it makes sense as Minecraft is the game that "officially" brought the two together to the casual bromance we now know today. It'd make both of them so much money it's scary just thinking about it.

While Banjo may seem more popular within the core fanbase, and his own fanbase is certainly vocal, I do wonder if that can stand up to the RAW, UNADULTERATED POPULARITY that Steve has with the casual fanbase and with prospective players.

Guess we'll find out.

Also they revealed ****ing Piranha Plant in this Direct. Like, why start the DLC with them of all characters? It's because they're saving the heavy hitters lol. It also makes more sense for a Microsoft character to be DLC as its easier to share profits.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
The boss honestly gave me bird vibes when I saw the shape of its head and the soulless white eyes, though I'm not implying birds are soulless creatures here, just gave me similar vibes to Vah Medoh but like, if it ascended beyond this material plane and was blessed by the Gods
It gave me the vibe that Sakurai plays too much Bayonetta.


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
I can’t sleep.
There's two routes I went into going in:

If the Grinch Leak was Real
  • Ken, Shadow, Isaac, Geno, Banjo-Kazooie, Mach Rider and Chorus Kids confirmed. They would all get spread out amongst the Direct, like have Mach Rider first, get the echoes out, have "two more new fighters" in the realm of Chorus Kids and Isaac, then at the very end have a combined trailer of Geno and Banjo-Kazooie, like the Kencineroar trailer.
  • Spirits mode being a good balance between Subspace and Melee's Adventure mode. Possibly cutscenes?
  • Huge improvements over online.
  • No confirmation of DLC, saved for The Game Awards with the Sora reveal.
  • Stuff like Event Mode, Home-Run Contest, and other single player content.
  • The rest of the Assist Trophies and any last deconfirmations.
  • Any last tidbits of the game, like trophies, music or such.
  • Fanbases leaving very happy and everyone was listened to.
If the Grinch Leak WAS NOT Real
  • Ken and Incineroar confirmed, those being the first to be shown.
  • Spirits mode being a good balance between Subspace and Melee's Adventure mode. Possibly cutscenes?
  • Hopefully any improvements over online.
  • Confirmation of DLC with a tease of a BIG character, then to be shown at The Game Awards.
  • The rest of the Assist Trophies and any deconfirmations.
  • Sakurai listening to the Fighter Ballot some more to an extent.
  • Stuff like Event Mode, Home-Run Contest, and other single player content.
  • Any last tidbits of the game, like trophies, music or such.
  • Fanbases hopefully leaving happy?
What I Got
  • Ken and Incineroar confirmed, those being the first to be shown. After some time, and honestly after and hour, I grew to love these two. I think Incineroar is justified enough, and especially with the recent news of his VA also being Old Joseph and Heihachi's VA, who unfortunately died. I'm really glad Unsho's last role was on the grandest stage of them all.
  • Spirits mode being an okay(?) balance between Subspace and Melee's Adventure mode. I guess we got cutscenes?
  • Some... improvements for online?
  • No confirmation of stuff like Event Mode, Home-Run Contest, or any other single player content.
  • Assist trophies, but had deconfirmations for characters that I felt so bad for people, such as Shadow and Isaac.
  • No trophies.
  • Time spent way too long on stuff like options and fluff that shouldn't really be in a NINTENDO DIRECT of all things.
  • Rex & Pyra deconfirmed, one of mine, AND A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE'S, biggest wants.
  • Geno in jeopardy? I don't even know. I wanna believe that Spirits doesn't deconfirm any character, but after the Rex deconfirmation, I'm kinda just deflated.
  • Confirmation of DLC, but they didn't even show a single tease at ALL. I'm really hoping that Sakurai brings a reveal at The Game Awards. Don't get me wrong, though, a stage, character, and several tracks? For $5.99? Hey, it's a dollar less than Smash 4's DLC, so I'm in. That is something at I can at least vibe with.
  • Piranha Plant. Now don't get me wrong, PLANT. IS. FINE. I like him, but the sentiment of him being prioritized over characters who've been wanting for such a long time, like Isaac, Shadow, and even recent big hits like Rex & Pyra, is what is VERY disappointing.
Do you see where I'm coming from now, hopefully?
On your point about Rex and Pyra. Given how that was presented to us, even if the Direct was paced better, or if PP wasn’t in the game, they STILL wouldn’t have gotten in. So it’s not fair to hold that against PP.

Why was there a blog update at this hour?
What a stupid idea!
Who wants a blog post at 3 in the morning!?

Intern-kun: OH BOY 3 A.M.!


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
Uh, no, not even close. One 'meh' presentation doesn't take away a game with 75 characters, 103 stages and mechanics that have been even more refined than 4's.
See, that’s completely correct, but how many people are actually gonna be able to see that? There’s a substantial amount of people in the community like amazonevan and others who aren’t going to be purchasing the game after this Direct. Yeah, perhaps it is a very, very low minority, but still. Sakurai really ****ed up. You can’t deny that.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I can’t sleep.

On your point about Rex and Pyra. Given how that was presented to us, even if the Direct was paced better, or if PP wasn’t in the game, they STILL wouldn’t have gotten in. So it’s not fair to hold that against PP.

What a stupid idea!
Who wants a blog post at 3 in the morning!?

Intern-kun: OH BOY 3 A.M.!
It's ten in the morning for me. Ideal timing. You guys are just jealous because Intern-kun got my back.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
See, that’s completely correct, but how many people are actually gonna be able to see that? There’s a substantial amount of people in the community like amazonevan and others who aren’t going to be purchasing the game after this Direct. Yeah, perhaps it is a very, very low minority, but still. Sakurai really ****ed up. You can’t deny that.
How did he **** up? You keep making claims but you never explain them.

Deleted member

See, that’s completely correct, but how many people are actually gonna be able to see that? There’s a substantial amount of people in the community like amazonevan and others who aren’t going to be purchasing the game after this Direct. Yeah, perhaps it is a very, very low minority, but still. Sakurai really ****ed up. You can’t deny that.
Who cares? If they want to be upset, then let them be upset. Certianly won't change my mind.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2018
I’m not gonna speak for myself, but judging by reactions...no. NO ONE enjoyed this Direct, and it seems the people who say it was good are a minority.
There’s no stage builder, no break the targets, no nothing.
I think for a lot of people, Ultimate will go down in history as the most disappointing video game of all time.
You're not a good troll whatsoever.


Sep 26, 2013
See, that’s completely correct, but how many people are actually gonna be able to see that? There’s a substantial amount of people in the community like amazonevan and others who aren’t going to be purchasing the game after this Direct. Yeah, perhaps it is a very, very low minority, but still. Sakurai really ****ed up. You can’t deny that.
By December 7th, people aren't going to give a damn about an underwhelming Direct and this game will easily outsell Smash 4 after a few months.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018
See, that’s completely correct, but how many people are actually gonna be able to see that? There’s a substantial amount of people in the community like amazonevan and others who aren’t going to be purchasing the game after this Direct. Yeah, perhaps it is a very, very low minority, but still. Sakurai really ****ed up. You can’t deny that.
You can disagree if you want, but I deny it. All the characters, Incineroar included, look great. Story mode looks dope.

And I’m glad Sakurai had fun and made Piranha Plant. Looks creative as hell


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
See, that’s completely correct, but how many people are actually gonna be able to see that? There’s a substantial amount of people in the community like amazonevan and others who aren’t going to be purchasing the game after this Direct. Yeah, perhaps it is a very, very low minority, but still. Sakurai really ****ed up. You can’t deny that.
It's kinda late for that. Smash already sold like crazy just with pre-orders. But it's pointless to predict this stuff, so let's just wait until the game is out.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
When they were working on Mewtwo, they were also woking on Lucas, Ryu and Roy back in Smash 4, this gets extra credibility due to the datamining of the Mewtwo patch.
Still they didn't tease or talk about them until it was close to their release date. You're not gonna talk about a character releasing in April in December. It's just not good marketing. Especially if character you're revealing is perhaps better than Piranha Plant.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
By December 7th, people aren't going to give a damn about an underwhelming Direct and this game will easily outsell Smash 4 after a few months.
Probably. It's funny that every Smash game outsold the last one if count Smash For as one game.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
This is basically my reaction to PP
"But Geno's more popular than Piranhas..."
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Btw, everyone complained about the side modes in the last game and wanted one big mode.

Now that Sakurai does just that? Salt.
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