As I've said many many times, I truly believe the Grinch leak is real and that's whats gonna come true. If not, it's the single greatest fake leak for any video game since Tails is playable in melee or "L is Real" for super mario 64. It would live on in infamy and render any future leaks for any new smash game basically null and void without concrete video proof and a literal boatload of evidence.
Edit: Thinking about it even more, the ****ing grinch of ALL things was the best possible thing to happen to the smash community, hear me out.
IF IT'S RIGHT: We get an amazing roster, glorious memes, and we will all realize insiders are absolutely BTFO sometimes and dreams come true.
IF IT'S WRONG: Leaks from here on out will be disregarded almost immediately without unbelievable evidence, we will not be spoiled and any insiders who got everything right should rightfully be given a warm reception and apologies.
This is a win-win situation for Smash folks.