Consider this the "empty" or "skeleton" version.
I see Dark Pit and Lucina being those infamous expected cuts, Wolf and Icies returning (especially since the latter supposedly was working on the WiiU through a fair amount of development)
1 confirmed newcomer in Inklings,
2 3rd Party newcomers, Crash being one I'm feeling quite confident in at this point.
1 Token retro newcomer tied to hardware, honestly I'm just throwing Donbe & Hikari in there for the famicom's disk system because who ever guesses these things right?
Pokemon and Fire Emblem getting a newcomer at this point is just accepted.
K. Rool is just one of the biggest popularity choices that I feel the ballot would've swung well for.
Spring Man's the obvious ARMS choice, and Nintendo's pushing this series hard.
Labo Robot being what became of "Project Giant Robot" we saw years ago, is just kinda the figurehead for the left field product line that seems like a sakurai special, akin to Wii Fit Trainer.
Rex... Xenoblade's become a notable Nintendo series. The game's been in development since about X coming out. Sakurai's loved the title. I'm gonna just sit firmly on this camp.
Bandana Dee... he's notable, I'm just gonna leave it at that.
Alloy Teams represent those last minute clone additions, and that scope of 17 newcomers leaves 4 other characters for "new series" or expanding current ones.
This is how I fill it out.
Waluigi's... one of the Mario additions plausible left. Pauline I see is going to be tied into New Donk City as a Stage, Captain Toad's identity is rooted in not being able to jump and more fits an Assist Trophy to me, and Paper Mario's gimmicks every new title now leave him in an awkward position to make a fighter out of.
Dixie... I could see like a mixture of Lucas and Wolf. A clone that's started on early-ish on, and gets a mixture of moves from other characters.
Ganon's a personal bias pick let me have him.
Mimikyu's a less standard Pokemon choice, but I do not see Gen 8 coming in 2018 (nor TPC letting a Pokemon appear in Smash before their own game) and Mimikyu's a singular pokemon that seems to have caught attention on levels similar to the starters. The marketing for Gen 7 having Mimikyu's song, Mimikyu as a totem pokemon, Jessie's ace in the anime, one of a handful of Alola Mons to get a unique Z move outside of the starters or legendaries, it's unusual but not unlikely to me.
Isabelle, similar to Ribbon Girl and an extent Dixie, I see as the big clones.
Given the kind of backlash Corrin got, and how little we've seen of FE16 despite it supposedly coming out this year, I feel like the Switch Title's Lord isn't as likely as many people put them up to be. Lyn's an ultra popular character and might see a jump, but Anna's a series staple who's used so much outside of the normal swordplay for the series I give into my bias for her.
Isaac's a long shot off of ballot popularity but damn I was a little pressed to give another seat filler without going to people who hinge off 2019 titles like Sylux.
And Heihachi's my toss in for 3rd Party just because of Sakurai's comments on him and Tekken clashing against Street Fighter's always a popular idea.