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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2018
Here's this video that come out of this whole thing, I'm surprised that someone managed to make this ****.
Could I like this five times? This is so well done for being done in less than twenty-four hours. LMAO

Deleted member

You know what's kinda crazy? If this leak is real, I don't think people would still buy into it, because this is quite literally, a huge dream come true. We're talking years upon years upon YEARS of waiting, and we even got a cool retro character as a bonus. It's like Kingdom Hearts 3 - it isn't real. There's no way, even if there's trailers and a release date. So much trials and tribulation has led up to this moment.

I don't think even a confirmed leak will contain all the hype people will have when they see Banjo-Kazooie, Geno and Isaac in one Direct. We really are in this *****.
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The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
What is more absurd is that is seems like it's a group/combined character, since he says "they weren't" instead of he/she isn't.
There are any other characters that function as a duo/group, that is very important and is not in the game ?
Maybe he is hinting at something like Master&Crazy hands ?
Exactly the unique character I can see Nintendo not revealing and being a combo.
They could make Dixie+Kiddy or a new Pokemon Trainer, or BotW champions... but there's nothing understandable of not revealing them. Master&Crazy characters are the Smash bosses, it could work as a final secret.
"They" is a gender neutral term. Dude says "I don't feel comfortable personally confirming or denying possible directs, character reveals or anything of that nature." It would make sense for him to not include a gender as that only feeds speculation.
You know what's kinda crazy? If this leak is real, I don't think people would still buy into it, because this is quite literally, a huge dream come true. We're talking years upon years upon YEARS of waiting, and we even got a cool retro character as a bonus.

I don't think even a confirmed leak will contain all the hype people will have when they see Banjo-Kazooie, Geno and Isaac in one Direct. We really are in this *****.
Didn't Spawn Wave also say we're getting two directs in November? That makes sense then. Reveal Geno and another character in the first, and then Banjo and the rest in the actual Smash Direct. Final reveal takes place at the VGAs.
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Banned via Warnings
Apr 25, 2015
The moon
Why would they make an armband that has all but one character? That just feels super-off to me.
Closed doors media event probably. These will probably never get used at retail, instead for something for the media, and then never again. Probably in Europe hence the leak source too. Also that wasn't an armband, it was for a display.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Location Machine Broke
God I'd ****ing wish we have The Story So Far just come to the Switch Square please stop being dumb for once I wanna give Kingdom Hearts a fair shot
No idea what that is. The only thing I can think of is that one song that plays at the end of Team Fabulous 2. It's not a very good song, but it works for the scene they play it in.

EDIT: *rewatches video* Wow, 2012 times were weird!
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2018
So, here's a curiosity that I was just made aware of...

There appears to be something that looks very much like Majora's Mask hidden in front of Mach Rider's bike.

At first, I was inclined to believe this was a trick of the eyes; a particle effect masquerading as a blurry semblance, much like the "KOS-MOS in the clouds" (sniffle) earlier. However, looking at Mach Rider's bike, there are no pieces of it that in any way line up with this color scheme.

Following that, the question would be, "Well then they're probably just headlights or blasters." but no, you can see the Windshield of the Mach Bike near Rosalina's feet, so if these were headlights, they would not be facing in the same direction as the bike. Even if what appears to be the windshield is just another case of background elements bleeding through, the front of Mach Rider's bike should be white on blue, not black with hints of red and green. So then, they must just be highlights from the background bleeding through the whee-... but Mach Rider's Bike has solid sheets of metal instead of standard rims, so that's also a no...

It's probably nothing again, but it seemed like something potentially interesting.

(unless it was already posted, and I missed it somewhere in the last 100 pages...)
Awesome find!


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
You know what's kinda crazy? If this leak is real, I don't think people would still buy into it, because this is quite literally, a huge dream come true. We're talking years upon years upon YEARS of waiting, and we even got a cool retro character as a bonus. It's like Kingdom Hearts 3 - it isn't real. There's no way, even if there's trailers and a release date. So much trials and tribulation has led up to this moment.

I don't think even a confirmed leak will contain all the hype people will have when they see Banjo-Kazooie, Geno and Isaac in one Direct. We really are in this *****.
I am really holding back the temptation to sing This Is What Dreams Are Made Of, which both demonstrates my age and orientation. :chuckle:

...but sometimes I can't resist--HEY NOW!

Deleted member

People having freedom to think how they want? Not on my internet!!
Some will be happy with what we get and others will always want more. It's the nature of the beast and you can't please everyone. It's really as simple as that. We will all enjoy Smash come December I'm sure :)
My thoughts exactly! I'm looking forward to launch quite a bit. I'm excited to play as everyone, especially Inklings and the Melee veterans.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Okay but with Isaac, Geno, Banjo & Kazooie, Chorus Kids, Shadow, and Sora...who's next?

Like, legitimately. How do you follow that up? At that point it's just filling in the minor holes, but it's practically perfect as far as I'm concerned.
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Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2018
The idea that there's somehow another character who is EVEN BIGGER than the combined reveal of Geno and ****ing Banjo that Nintendo would go out of their way to exclude them from marketing is hilarious.
If this is legit, (the whole thing at that which I'm on the fence on) I could a character who is the last boss or secret in the "Spirits" mode left off the mural to avoid spoilers. I'd compare it to something like leaving off ROB to not spoil the fact he's the Ancient Minister. Just my theory.


Sep 12, 2014

See: D. Bottom image = E3, Top Image = Grinch.

Note Jr.

On the E3 image, the area where Jr. is appears to be filled by a puffy Cloud, whereas the official image is consistent with the leak image on this specific detail. Why is this odd? Because on C, on Vaanrose's image, it's 100% true that the Fortress appears to be missing despite the fact that it can be seen in proximity to Zelda on every banner.

(You'll need to zoom in)

It's harder to see on some of these, but you can see cracks of sunlight through pillars on even the "hidden" ones, and the "hidden" ones are hidden because of character shifts.

View attachment 171817

View attachment 171818

It's still present, but obscured, meaning they did not remove the fortress but (apparently?) removed a cloud?
Ahahahaha I don't even know what's going on anymore.

giphy (18).gif


Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2018
(Long story short: I had to make a new account, I lost my old one)
Here's a mock-up of The Chorus Kids from the leak, the image is blurry so it is hard, I also saw some objects, a disc with a face to be precisely. Now to make a clean version
I have to admit the 'render' is a little confusing (must be, again, the blurriness)


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Okay but with Isaac, Geno, Banjo & Kazooie, Chorus Kids, Shadow, and Sora...who's next?

Like, legitimately. How do you follow that up? At that point it's just filling in the minor holes, but it's already perfect as far as I'm concerned.
You add bonus characters, so that everyone can complain about how these nobodies are stealing the spot of "deserving" characters.


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2018
Okay but with Isaac, Geno, Banjo & Kazooie, Chorus Kids, Shadow, and Sora...who's next?

Like, legitimately. How do you follow that up? At that point it's just filling in the minor holes, but it's already perfect as far as I'm concerned.
Exactly. If this is real, there's honestly like nothing else I'd ever want from this series.
Of course there will always be smaller characters here and there I'd like to see added. Dixie would be nice.
But I cannot even fathom a better roster than this.


Sep 12, 2014
Okay but with Isaac, Geno, Banjo & Kazooie, Chorus Kids, Shadow, and Sora...who's next?

Like, legitimately. How do you follow that up? At that point it's just filling in the minor holes, but it's practically perfect as far as I'm concerned.
Tails, Lloyd Irving and Neku.

I'm not biased, I swear!


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2017
Boise, Idaho
Switch FC
If this is legit, (the whole thing at that which I'm on the fence on) I could a character who is the last boss or secret in the "Spirits" mode left off the mural to avoid spoilers. I'd compare it to something like leaving off ROB to not spoil the fact he's the Ancient Minister. Just my theory.
Smash finally getting it's own OC character playable?


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Okay but with Isaac, Geno, Banjo & Kazooie, Chorus Kids, Shadow, and Sora...who's next?

Like, legitimately. How do you follow that up? At that point it's just filling in the minor holes, but it's practically perfect as far as I'm concerned.
What a wonderful problem to have.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Okay but with Isaac, Geno, Banjo & Kazooie, Chorus Kids, Shadow, and Sora...who's next?

Like, legitimately. How do you follow that up? At that point it's just filling in the minor holes, but it's already perfect as far as I'm concerned.
It would be perfect for me. Though, I think next in line for me in terms of big, iconic statuses would be Crash, Rayman, Bomberman (RIP). First Party fan favorites Skull Kid and Bandana Waddle Dee. That's in order I feel in terms of what could potentially be a worthy successor in DLC or future games (less so the latter). Then again, I said after Smash 4, after Mega Man and Pac Man, there was no way they would top that. I am so glad (hopefully) to be wrong.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2018
Okay but with Isaac, Geno, Banjo & Kazooie, Chorus Kids, Shadow, and Sora...who's next?

Like, legitimately. How do you follow that up? At that point it's just filling in the minor holes, but it's practically perfect as far as I'm concerned.
From a post a page ago it seems like Skull Kid is right in front of Mach Rider.

So, here's a curiosity that I was just made aware of...

There appears to be something that looks very much like Majora's Mask hidden in front of Mach Rider's bike.

At first, I was inclined to believe this was a trick of the eyes; a particle effect masquerading as a blurry semblance, much like the "KOS-MOS in the clouds" (sniffle) earlier. However, looking at Mach Rider's bike, there are no pieces of it that in any way line up with this color scheme.

Following that, the question would be, "Well then they're probably just headlights or blasters." but no, you can see the Windshield of the Mach Bike near Rosalina's feet, so if these were headlights, they would not be facing in the same direction as the bike. Even if what appears to be the windshield is just another case of background elements bleeding through, the front of Mach Rider's bike should be white on blue, not black with hints of red and green. So then, they must just be highlights from the background bleeding through the whee-... but Mach Rider's Bike has solid sheets of metal instead of standard rims, so that's also a no...

It's probably nothing again, but it seemed like something potentially interesting.

(unless it was already posted, and I missed it somewhere in the last 100 pages...)

Chair Theory is Back!

Really? Chair theory again?


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
Just dropping in to check on things, and this thread is wild, honestly...

There was a problem fetching the tweet

I'll see you guys on the other side :thinking:
Alright guys, I got a late night theory for ya.

What if the one character that's left off of the banner was a playable Smash Original Character?

That could be the most unexpected final reveal for the game.

No one would see it coming... NO ONE.

It could also explain why one character specifically was left off, in that sense it seems more plausible than any individual established video game character.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Okay but with Isaac, Geno, Banjo & Kazooie, Chorus Kids, Shadow, and Sora...who's next?

Like, legitimately. How do you follow that up? At that point it's just filling in the minor holes, but it's practically perfect as far as I'm concerned.
Hahaha, where do you go?


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Just you all wait till next smash trailer this happens:

*we open in a courtroom with Sakurai standing before the judge.

Judge: mr Sakurai you stand here today to accuse this man here, mr leeker of leaking your game?

Sakurai: Yes your honor. I even bought some help, He should be here soon.

*Door busts open

*A lone figure with a briefcase walks up to Sakurai.

???: Alright Mr. Sakurai let’s win this case!

Phoenix Wright Takes The Case!

Phoenix: See mr leeker you thought you revealed all the characters for Super Smash Bros Ultimate but you forgot someone!


I’m taking this case to the battlefield as DLC.

Do you know what DLC means? Additional characters!

You thought you won but there are many surprises ahead that you won’t be able to spoil from prison!

Leeker: WHAT!!!? DLC!!!!!???? NANi!!!!!!

*leaker collapses and gameplay is shown.
With an Edgeworth echo obviously


Let's Mosey
Jul 29, 2014
Los Angeles
Switch FC
Since many (most?) of the issues with the clouds are getting written off for various reasons, not all of which I disagree with, I'd like to focus for a moment on the crystals, because this is one of the discrepancies that stands out the most to me.

These crystals are very bright blue, and contrast very well against the dark background, making it difficult to argue the detail has simply been lost from overexposure. But look specifically at the rightmost crystal formation, and you'll notice the crystals have a clear break in the leaked image and are missing the leftward slant of the crystal formation in the official banner.

This crystal formation is almost entirely covered up by Ivysaur and Squirtle in both the original E3 banner and its current version.


Deleted member

Didn't Spawn Wave also say we're getting two directs in November? That makes sense then. Reveal Geno and another character in the first, and then Banjo and the rest in the actual Smash Direct. Final reveal takes place at the VGAs.
Yeah, Spawn Wave has known about a General Nintendo Direct and a Nintendo Direct specifically for Smash Ultimate both happening in November for about 4 or so weeks now when he was on the most recent SpawnCast. SOURCE AND TIMESTAMP: https://youtu.be/8S6_Kl5Pk4g?t=2549

Okay, so, haha... There's a nice forum talking about it, Nate let me know about that, so there are Nintendo Direct rumors going around right now.
Uh... And it's not new, technically. This has been going around for weeks now, actually, but it's been finally making it's way out on the internet.

Corn, look. I don't wanna look crazy. But I'm starting to slowly, but surely, believe we're getting Sora. Also, I think Spawn might know about us LMAOOO
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
An OC as the final reveal would be the dumbest and most anti-hype thing.

It's something like Sora most likely.

But Mickey or Goku would break the internet and need the hiding even more than Sora ever would.

I mean Goku is a big icon world wide and everyone in Japan in particular knows who he is.

Mickey Mouse, like Mario, is simply the most iconic company mascot in existence. Everyone knows who Mickey and Mario are. Them meeting together would be a huge deal and I'm sure that Disney would want that more protected than they ever would want Sora's reveal protected.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Just you all wait till next smash trailer this happens:

*we open in a courtroom with Sakurai standing before the judge.

Judge: mr Sakurai you stand here today to accuse this man here, mr leeker of leaking your game?

Sakurai: Yes your honor. I even bought some help, He should be here soon.

*Door busts open

*A lone figure with a briefcase walks up to Sakurai.

???: Alright Mr. Sakurai let’s win this case!

Phoenix Wright Takes The Case!

Phoenix: See mr leeker you thought you revealed all the characters for Super Smash Bros Ultimate but you forgot someone!


I’m taking this case to the battlefield as DLC.

Do you know what DLC means? Additional characters!

You thought you won but there are many surprises ahead that you won’t be able to spoil from prison!

Leeker: WHAT!!!? DLC!!!!!???? NANi!!!!!!

*leaker collapses and gameplay is shown.
With an Edgeworth echo obviously
>Edgeworth echo


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2015
Please do not post media-only replies.
Okay but with Isaac, Geno, Banjo & Kazooie, Chorus Kids, Shadow, and Sora...who's next?

Like, legitimately. How do you follow that up? At that point it's just filling in the minor holes, but it's practically perfect as far as I'm concerned.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2013
Alright guys, I got a late night theory for ya.

What if the one character that's left off of the banner was a playable Smash Original Character?

That could be the most unexpected final reveal for the game.

No one would see it coming... NO ONE.

It could also explain why one character specifically was left off, in that sense it seems more plausible than any individual established video game character.
Well, you saw it coming apparently =P

idk that would be a shock but idk if it'd be the most hypeworthy thing.

But yeah, I think I'll side with the leak being real. Can't say any of the new leaked guys are characters I have much personal attachment to but... well, that's fine. If this leak is real it'll be great just to see how these characters actually play.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2013
United States
They absolutely would be acting vitriolic toward those characters even if Vergeban was the nicest man alive. When it comes to leaks, whether it was Ninka-Vaanrose, Gematsu, ChaosZero, etc., fans are at their worst when it comes to speculation and many leakers from varying levels of temperament have all had to endure constant attacks, berating, insults, and even threats at their worst. This fandom does not take kindly to the idea that the roster we're getting isn't up to the standard that they set, and that has translated into some of the worst behavior you can ever see on a forum. That's something that has never been curbed, and the fact that it's still apparent now with all the crap people are slinging at Incineroar and Steve fans shows that it hasn't changed in the slightest.

Additionally, while I don't like Vergeban myself, note that even before he made his negative comments people were constantly insulting him or looking for ways to prove him wrong. Whether it was 4Chan, GameFAQs, even Smashboards, you didn't have to look far for anyone who didn't like the leak to insult the guy for daring to leak something they didn't like. The fact that he reacted that way, while negative in its own right, is a symptom of this fandom's incessant need to have their favorite character in above all else, and if anything comes in the way of that, screw them and anything involved with them. Regardless of how you're feeling about Vergeban, you're perpetuating this behavior by insisting that it's perfectly OK to insult, threaten, and even outright run off the game from the internet. That is not OK in any capacity, and it shouldn't be acceptable in any way.
You're right that fighting toxins with more toxins is a bad move. Which is why, if you notice, I don't usually post this kind of stuff about him. Because I don't want my personal biases towards his character to perpetuate such behavior. But in this instance, I felt bringing it up would make supporters of his two characters feel less attacked on a personal level, and less that their own newcomer is somehow an inferior choice. While petty, Vergeben has inflated many people's negative perceptions of these characters, and that is something worth pointing out, and explaining why.

And don't think I want him to be harassed. I want him to be ignored and disregarded, so that his own negative behavior will no longer be perpetuated and he can hopefully learn a lesson from all of this. He feeds off of attention of any kind, and it makes him act worse as time goes on. Part of that is on the community, and part of it is on him. If he ends up being wrong, both sides will stop. We will no longer have a reason to ask him or harass him about anything, and he won't have a reason to respond venomously in kind. The whole deal can just be dropped.

However, he does deserve at least one person calling him out for being wrong after all of the things he's said to his skeptics about how right he was. Fair is fair, and everyone deserves humble pie. Else they learn nothing. Agree to disagree.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
If this leak is real, here's who I could see being DLC. I would honestly say we might not get a lot of DLC because most of the characters that would be DLC are already in the game. These characters either need to be important, iconic, or relevant, or some combination of the three. I'd expect around 10-15 DLC characters. With the leaked roster + Sora, we have 75 characters and 8 echoes. For the sake of this list, DLC echoes aren't a thing.
  • Lloyd Irving/Yuri Lowell
  • Bandana Waddle Dee
  • Melmetal/Incineroar
  • Rex & Pyra
  • Spring Man
  • Phoenix Wright
  • Monster Hunter
  • Dixie Kong (& Kiddy Kong)
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Doom Guy/Vault Boy
  • Paper Mario
  • Joker/Yu Narukami
  • Lara Croft
  • New Fire Emblem Rep
  • Euden/Katarina (Granblue)
  • Skull Kid
  • New Nintendo IP character(s)
This is literally just filling in the cracks though. This roster would be perfect.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2018
The idea that there's somehow another character who is EVEN BIGGER than the combined reveal of Geno and ****ing Banjo that Nintendo would go out of their way to exclude them from marketing is hilarious.
Unless Disney is just being difficult.


Smash Rookie
Oct 5, 2018
What do you mean?
I mean while the company is connected to Bandai Namco, that doesnt mean that Bandai Namco are handling marketing or promo material, that might be Nintendo or Sora Ltd. Also even if they are, they might not have chosen this specific company. It isn't confirmed that the leaker's company is handling the promo distribution for Smadh Ultimate in any offical capacity that we know of.
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