Here's the comment on Reddit I was talking about before that to me 100% solidifies this leak:
Basically, many characters were shifted, uncovering previous art of certain characters (Greninjas tongue, Roys right foot) that were blocked and not seen because other characters were overlayed on them. This leak image moves tons of characters, many of which reveal new sections of art not previously seen.
This means that if the leak was fake, the faker would have to make a new background, make renders for all 7 new characters, move like 50% of the roster on the mural, and also add in all of the new blocked art that is now seen due to moving many characters. All of this was was put onto an event wristband and taken via Snapchat, which has connected the leaker to his workplace.
WAY to intricate to be faked. This **** is 99% real. I can't even fathom it being fake now, save for some unbelievable **** like the leaker spent many MANY hours to make something like this, while also risking his job.