- Felt like everyone expected them, even I did, and I never played Splatoon. I was more hype for the fact there was another Smash on the way, and trying to figure out if it was a port or new game. Inklings in general were kinda "meh" to me.

- I'm honestly happy with her inclusion, even if she's not my favorite addition so far. TBH, after seeing her added in, I kinda wonder why it took so long, she just seems like she fit in from the get-go.

- I will admit that I was one under the mindset Ridley wouldn't work, especially since Sakurai was opposed to the idea for so long. It was a complete surprise that he made it in, and was proven wrong in the best way possible. As soon as he was shown as playable and saw what he was capable of, I realized that he not only works, but works well. Glad I was wrong, and am happy that Ridley supporters who backed us Mewtwo supporters during the Smash 4 days finally got their boy.

- Very little experience with Castlevania, but even I know of him. He's a gaming icon, and he definitely fits in with the rest of the Smash cast. In a way, he's both 3rd party, and a Nintendo All Star.

- I honestly had no idea who Richter is, and for some reason, I thought he was from a separate series entirely, like King of Fighters or something. Once gameplay was shown I was like "Oh ok, he is from Castlevania." Prefer his design over Simon though, so I'll give him credit for that.

- Sure, I'd have preferred someone unique like Lyn, rather than another clone/echo, but hey, I'm happy for the Chrom supporters. At the same time, I can see why people are a little upset. I feel Awakening had enough representation as is, while other FE games and classes get neglected.

- While I figured they'd choose Sylux to represent Prime 4 at the beginning, I've had hope for Dark Samus for a LONG time. Smash 4 the dreams were crushed early on, but now she's actually playable. Also nice, considering I had a whole video on why I thought she was the most likely newcomer, and she got confirmed 2 weeks later, unlike what happened to Lyn (RIP). One of my most wanted for years finally made it, so I'll do whatever I can to try and main her. Hopefully she and Samus will be good, but that's a topic for another day.

- Similar situation to RIdley, didn't like him at first, but after his trailer, my perception did a 180. I'm happy for the supporters, and was amused by his trailer. Glad they're bringing back a character from over a decade of essentially being stuck in limbo.

- I honestly thought she'd be an echo, but she was able to set herself apart. Plus, one of my friends had wanted her to be in Smash for a LONG time. Don't really get why people were so mad at her inclusion to be completely honest.