I'll try it out with my optimistic predictions if we have one more Direct left.
- Opens with Banjo & Kazooie (#69), reveals their stage (with Gruntilda as a boss), assist trophy (Mumbo Jumbo), and music.
- Echo fighters: Ken (#60e) and Shadow (#38e).
- Alt costumes are shown off, bragging about how many different options.
- Other modes are detailed including online.
- Items, Assist trophies, Pokemon summons.
- Incineroar (#70) is revealed.
- Story Mode is revealed--not called Spirits.
- Minecraft is shown with a stage and assist (e.g., Creeper), similar to Monster Hunter.
- Final reveal: Geno (#71) and the poster is completed.
38e. Shadow
60e. Ken
69. Banjo & Kazooie
70. Incineroar
71. Geno
104. Banjo-Kazooie
105. Sun and Moon
106. Monster Hunter (with Rathalos assist)
107. Minecraft (with Creeper assist)
108. Super Mario RPG
I don't think this is how the Direct will go--I only have the August Direct to draw parallels, but I can see them doing something different. Also depending on your taste, Banjo and Geno could be flipped, but I feel like there's enough from Banjo-Kazooie to warrant a Simon-like in-depth exploration. There's more characters I'd like to include that I feel have some potential--Dixie, Skull Kid, Bandana Waddle Dee. But given the rumors and the time constraints, I feel like this is as optimistic I can be. And even then I feel like I'm pushing it. Hopefully whatever's in store, it'll come with many unexpected surprises.