Pauline as a DK newcomer is more likely than people give it credit for. Being that she was a cast member of one of the most popular arcade games and being a highlight in the most popular modern Nintendo game today.
Having a parasol is an interesting fighting style, which we've seen in Kirby games, along with her love of music, specifically jazz.
And yes, she is a DK character. If you think I'm gonna argue with you about this for the millionth time, think again. That's the series she is known for being in and the one and only time she appeared in a Mario game, she was surrounded by references to Donkey Kong & Donkey Kong Country. I actually have had to explain this to like 100 different people. But, even the one's who don't get that complain that she be stealing King K. Rool's spot.
I wanna say King K. Rool is more likely, but he's been absent for ten years, whereas Pauline has been directly in the spotlight and again, a cast member of one of the most popular video games of all time.