BTW, how many of you consistently play Sm4sh? I stopped after probably a year and a half. I'm kinda wondering why I stopped playing. I played Melee for years. I played Brawl for years. But I don't think it's because I didn't like the new Smash, and in fact I had a lot of fun with it. But I do think not having a fun single player mode made it less fun if you didn't play with friends.
And also, I think I was so annoyed with the Wii U that it made me want to play Sm4sh less too. Knowing that the console was doomed and a new one was coming soon made me less excited to play, for some reason. Now that I like the Switch, I would be totally fine with having the same Smash game on it.
But at the *very* least, we know we're going to have some new characters, which is cool. I'm really looking forward to it, and I hope I play this one for a lot longer than I did the last one.