Capcom - Dante
Namco Bandai - Nightmare
Square Enix - Kefka
Blizzard - Tracer
Riot - lolno
Ubisoft - Ezio
Atlus - Gonna have to go for Joker because P3MC will never happen considering how they summon their Personas.
Nintendo - Black Knight
Valve - Spy
Sony - Ratchet and Clank
Microsfot - Master Chief
Atari - Dunno
SNK - Geese Howard
ArcSys - Orie
Bioware - Commander Shepherd
NRS - Scorpion
Monolith Soft - Mumkhar
Platinum - Wonder Red or Jetstream Sam
From Soft - Artorias
Bethesda - Doom Slayer
Rockstar - CJ
Marvelous - lolno
Naughty Dog - Jak & Daxter
VV - Crash
Activision - Spyro
That loophole abuse with VV and ND tho lol