Do you feel the same way when people say a show you like is bad?
Hmm...that's tough to say. I don't watch many shows.
This might be the bigger issue on this one to me; I don't care about "shows" as much, so I don't frequent online forums for them. If I have a friend in real life and I'm like, "I like this show!" and they're like, "that shows sucks!" I can just be like "Awwww, c'mon man!" And then we'd have a discussion about the show where we probably don't change our opinions, but we understand why we HAVE them.
However, on the Internet, it seems like people are less afraid of social context in this way. They can be as abrasive and inconsiderate as they want because they aren't face-to-face, so they don't have to face any "real" social repercussions.
I simply disagree. I believe that the person behind the computer is the same as the person in "real life," so I want to see people treat it that way and learn to use better social tact when having an online discussion.
Maybe I'm foistering my beliefs here too hard, but I believe our biggest problems as a species are social and we will only overcome that obstacle through respectful idealogy, as opposed to treating anyone else with a differing opinion as "an idiot."