Deleted member
You say "yet another fire type" as if Charizard wasn't the only one we have. ....and go and suggest Arcanine. "Yet another" Fire type.Don't want incineroar. Much rather Blue with Arcanine, Rhyson, and Alakazam.
Or Sceptile, Gengar, Garchomp, Salamance, Dragonite, and/or Genescect.
They're just better designs imo than yet another fire type.
And Salamence, who is basically a stereotypical fire-breathing dragon.....just like Charizard.....
And Dragonite....who while is ironically less of a stereotypical fire-breathing dragon than Salamence, is much more like Charizard in design and concept than Incineroar ever would be.....
And while we're getting types into this, since apparently a second Fire type is a big deal, you suggest "yet another" Grass type and "yet another" Psychic type (one which would actually have a similar fighting style to Mewtwo, when you get down to how Alakazam works).
....yeah, methinks you didn't think this through.
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