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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Canon clearly isn't a major concern to SF, I've little doubt they could just bring Krystal back if they wanted to.

There's hope for her yet. Also I'd imagine any other non-EPD devs would opt to include her. She's a popular character.
Right now the bigger concern is just... getting another Star Fox game in general.

But yehhhh, she won't be showing up playable in Smash any time soon.

Roy was cut in Brawl though. If a veteran misses a game (like Roy), they should be treated as if they are a newcomer if they return.
Now that is a rule you have just made up.

Roy was literally re-added because he was a veteran.


No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC

Deleted member

Roy was cut in Brawl though. If a veteran misses a game (like Roy), they should be treated as if they are a newcomer if they return.
That doesn't change the fact that he was a beloved veteran that fans wanted back.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Krystal wasn't actually retconned. Zero takes place in an alternate timeline, so technically Adventures and Assault are still canon. (Although hopefully Command is non canon) Until Nintendo says she's no longer in the series, she is still canon. And relevancy doesn't really matter with Sakurai (as I learned the hard way in this thread) as we learned with Roy coming back (I don't care what the whiny Melee fanboys say, Roy is an irrelevant character)
I don't know it was an alternate universe.

Doesn't change her severe lack of relevancy and is hardly as popular as people make her. (Keep in mind I'm a Krystal supporter, but I get why she has little chance). Also, to answer your other point, Roy was intended to be in Brawl, but time constraints forced him to be cut. Same with Mewtwo, Dr. Mario, and the other 4 "Forbidden 7"(Toon Zelda, Toon Sheik, Pra_Mai(whoever they were meant to be), and Dixie Kong). Roy was added for DLC later, but it's unknown how much was noted about him being brought back before DLC.

Besides, relevancy is much more difficult to determine with how vets work. It depends the series, if they're trying to promote a game in it, and other potential factors. Wolf's only new game coming out(and the series was still very well off with just Fox and Falco, who are vastly more popular than Wolf) was Zero, and he wasn't even announced for it for quite a bit, nor had a known design in it. So it makes sense he was cut due to relevancy(for that matter, his specials were thrown onto Fox's customs to a degree, so maybe Sakurai just wasn't interested in bringing him back, considering he barely got in Brawl. He has not spoken on Wolf when it comes to Smash 4, so there's a lot unknown).

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Roy was cut in Brawl though. If a veteran misses a game (like Roy), they should be treated as if they are a newcomer if they return.
This seems like an arbitrary rule only designed out of personal dislike.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
Not calling you out specifically, but I'll never understand some fans' fascination with Knuckle Joe in Smash. It's like wanting a Chargin' Chuck or a Lizalfos in Smash, IMO. Nothing wrong with that as far as wanting it, but when people bring him up as a serious contender it just confuses me.
I'm not fascinated with Knuckle Joe. I've never played a Kirby game in my life. Knuckle Joe just appealed to me due to his assist trophy attacks.
Knuckle Joe? And people are complaining about Bandana Dee being a "generic enemy"? Really?
Even then, Kirby covers the majority of the fighter ability's moveset. I can't get behind it.
So attempted to get back at me, huh?

Haha I never called Bandana Dee generic. I'm just opposed to two knights being in the game because lets face it, Smash already has enough doubles as it is. Get off me.
I'm calling the FBI. Not only are you comparing a generic mook to an important character, you're acting like Galacta Knight doesn't do a **** ton of stuff Meta Knight can't do in Kirby, let alone in Smash. Shield beams, fire walls, lasers, lance projectiles, etc.
Uh. Stop responding to my posts. I don't know. I guess I just don't like you. I had you set to one of my ignored members recent and I'm starting not to regret that. Probably eventually, your existence to my life will be irrelevant.

**** Galacta Knight.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Still the only Felicia supporter... :crying:
Felicia from Darkstalkers?

Aww, I love Felicia. I'd support her and/or Morrigan for sure, but has Felicia even appeared on a Nintendo system before?

To my knowledge only Morrigan has appeared on a Nintendo system in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2013
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Canon clearly isn't a major concern to SF, I've little doubt they could just bring Krystal back if they wanted to.

There's hope for her yet. Also I'd imagine any other non-EPD devs would opt to include her. She's a popular character.
Right now the bigger concern is just... getting another Star Fox game in general.

But yehhhh, she won't be showing up playable in Smash any time soon.
To be fair though, while it may be unlikely, Sakurai is very unpredictable

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Felicia would be fun indeed. Feral akin to Wolf. Can't see much reason to not include her in Smash beyond the fact Morrigan is clearly the more important of the two(never mind the series' mascot).


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2018
Felicia from Darkstalkers?

Aww, I love Felicia. I'd support her and/or Morrigan for sure, but has Felicia even appeared on a Nintendo system before?

To my knowledge only Morrigan has appeared on a Nintendo system in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.
No No No, I meant Felicia From FE Fates. lol
They could be interesting though.
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Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
d to do my best to do something that could be reasonable, provide some surprises, and hopefully please the fans at the same time. So thanks.
I am still curious about the surprise cut of Shulk though. If you don't mind me asking, could you explain that?

Deleted member

Felicia from Darkstalkers?

Aww, I love Felicia. I'd support her and/or Morrigan for sure, but has Felicia even appeared on a Nintendo system before?

To my knowledge only Morrigan has appeared on a Nintendo system in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.
Darkstalkers characters like Morrigan and Felicia have made several crossover appearances on Nintendo platforms (like TvC as you mentioned, and there's also Puzzle Fighter, Capcom vs. SNK 2, SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DS, and Project X Zone 1 & 2), but that's it outside of cameos in Ken's stage in Street Fighter Alpha 2 and a costume or two in We Love Golf. None of the actual Darkstalkers games have had Nintendo releases.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
No No No, I meant Felicia From FE Fates. lol
They could be interesting though.
Oh. Boring frumpy maid Felicia.

Nah, I'm good, I'll stick with my bouncy dancing catgirl.

Darkstalkers characters like Morrigan and Felicia have made several crossover appearances on Nintendo platforms (like TvC as you mentioned, and there's also Puzzle Fighter, Capcom vs. SNK 2, SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DS, and Project X Zone 1 & 2), but that's it outside of cameos in Ken's stage in Street Fighter Alpha 2 and a costume or two in We Love Golf. None of the actual Darkstalkers games have had Nintendo releases.
That's surely more than enough. Cloud got in through this Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories technicality after all.
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Deleted member

Darkstalkers characters like Morrigan and Felicia have made several crossover appearances on Nintendo platforms (like TvC as you mentioned, and there's also Puzzle Fighter, Capcom vs. SNK 2, SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DS, and Project X Zone 1 & 2), but that's it outside of cameos in Ken's stage in Street Fighter Alpha 2 and a costume or two in We Love Golf. None of the actual Darkstalkers games have had Nintendo releases.
If Felicia were to be added, they would have to make major changes to her if they want it E10+. She would be fun, because a cat-like character would be pretty interesting. She would probably be a fast glass-cannon, like Mewtwo. Incineroar would be the better "cat" choice, but he is just too slow to truly make the max efficient cat thing happen. Incineroar's speed is just...



Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
I'm quite the pessimist when it comes to Starfox. I consider the series basically dead just as Mother and F-ZERO are. Sure Zero came out only a few years ago but it was only made to try and provide a reason to own a Wii U specifically just as Zelda Skyward Sword had tried for the Wii. Before that, the only idea they had for the series was to remake the game the majority likes on their new, popular handheld and before that was 2006. Throughout the entire lifespan of the Wii, the latter half of the DS' lifepsan, the entire lifespan of the 3DS and I may as well say the entire lifespan of the Wii U, they had no original ideas for the series. I've yet to beat Zero but from what I've seen, it's basically just a retread of 64's story all over again, including the lack of Krystal.

Even when series like Donkey Kong and Kirby had droughts in main games, they at least had something like DK having rhythm games during the Gamecube era and Kirby having a number of spinoffs. Pikmin was actually in a similar spot Starfox is during the Wii era where all that was made was Pikmin 1 and 2 again but with motion controls for the Wii and that series debuted in 2001 and only had 2 games at the time compared to Starfox starting way back in 1993 and having 5 games after Command if the cancelled Starfox 2 isn't counted.

I'm still a firm believer that current relevancy isn't the end all be all like many here make it out to be since every Smash game aside from 4 didn't feel the need to rely on it but if it actually is save for retro characters obviously then I'll be surprised if we even get Wolf back, let alone get a newcomer like Krystal or Andross. The audience for Starfox is already niche and despite it being their only IP to my knowledge with a huge focus on flying around in space shooting bad guys, they can't even think of the simplest of plots for a game that isn't just Andross attacking all over again.

As for Roy, no yeah, he's completely irrelevant until the inevitable remake of his game happens and he contributed to the 'too many FE characters' issue. And I say this as someone who enjoys playing as Roy in Sm4sh.

Can't comment on Darkstalkers since I've never played it but I'm a big fan of Felicia and J Talbain~


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Krystal was a popular choice.

At E3 a scene appears. Fox crashes his Arwing after a battle with Wolf. Wolf sneers, Fox scowls. He hops off his wreckage, feeling defeated, even naked. A low angle showcases the defeated fox. Alas, a staff comes down in the foreground. The camera whirls around and up, revealing Krystal from her debut game.

She smiles. An offering of hope. Then metal fingers come out of her stomach, fur tinged with red and blue parting in a sigh. Gloves, sheathed in a foreign alloy and paired with palm thrusters, rip her apart. Out emerges Andross with a body (ironically what Krystal now cohesively lacks).

"Fox. It seems for awhile I have been having an out of the body experience." Laughter as he kicks half of Krystal away. Andross activates a green grid of lines and sends it upwards. When it crosses Wolf's Arwing, the grid turns to metal slicing the canine and his vehicle in half. "Looks like I just doubled the dog population here," quips Andross in reference to his torso splicing theme of the day.

ANDROSS is HEAD and HANDS ABOVE the REST! The Smash introduction banner comes out. Back to the scene. A commanding voice announces,"Fatality!"

SCORPION spearheads the competition!


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
The only place Mortal Kombat characters belong is in the garbage...
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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
The only place Mortal Kombat characters belong is in the garbage...
Yea. Hands deep in Mario's garbage disposal to rip out his intestines and jumprope with them while whistling the Mushroom Kingdom theme song...
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
Yea. Hands deep in Mario's garbage disposal.
Yes, after it's been turned on and they've been run through it.

Seriously, they have no reason to exist. Their games are always a joke. For the longest time they were lacking in any sort of depth or compelling content other than the fact that you could kill the other character. Every character played exactly the same and was a palette swap of each other, and the newest games deliberately make them as unlikeable as possible so that players don't feel bad about murdering them.

Mortal Kombat is pure trash.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
And let's stop this now.

First, intentionally putting down character choices has no purpose other than to rile up other users. So let's just not do so.

Second, could we not describe these fatalities either? They're clearly inappropriate and this is a pg-13 site. Let's keep it clean, please.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Yes, after it's been turned on and they've been run through it.

Seriously, they have no reason to exist. Their games are always a joke.
Glad you're advocating for fatalities. Scorpion would approve.

He said," Get Over Here." And you obeyed, sheepishly humbled.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I am still curious about the surprise cut of Shulk though. If you don't mind me asking, could you explain that?
I was more interested in a roster that could be represented by Rex & Pyra alone because of their unique art style and play style which I found to be more interesting and my personal feeling is that Rex & Pyra outshine him.

My original cuts were going to be Greninja, Robin, Corrin, and Wii Fit Trainer. But, because of the immense popularity of Greninja and Fire Emblem Awakening, I kept them. And as for Corrin, I figured if I'm having a 100 character roster, there should be decent amount of Mario, Zelda, Fire Emblem and Pokemon characters.

I don't really have much of a justification besides I didn't want to focus a lot on Xenoblade characters, but rather I wanted to give lesser known, but cherished games like Golden Sun, Starfy, and Chibi-Robo a chance.

So feel free to pretend that Ninten is replaced with Shulk. Would be for the best objectively.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I'm not fascinated with Knuckle Joe. I've never played a Kirby game in my life. Knuckle Joe just appealed to me due to his assist trophy attacks.

So attempted to get back at me, huh?

Haha I never called Bandana Dee generic. I'm just opposed to two knights being in the game because lets face it, Smash already has enough doubles as it is. Get off me.

Uh. Stop responding to my posts. I don't know. I guess I just don't like you. I had you set to one of my ignored members recent and I'm starting not to regret that. Probably eventually, your existence to my life will be irrelevant.

**** Galacta Knight.
You're missing out on good games then
I can kinda see that but here's the thing. Knights are bad ass. And a Knight with a lance is different. Gotta make up for Fire Emblem Warriors by having more Knights
I mean, if you don't want me to respond to your posts, you can just block me instead of trying to threaten me. There's a perfectly good Ignore function if I really AM that insignificant to you. The fact you unblocked me tells me I AM significant to your life in a way though :p


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
20 is too many regardless, Smash is supposed to be a celebration of Nintendo, and to be blunt, while I know Tomb Raider has been released on Nintendo platforms, I fail to see how that franchise has any major historical relevance to Nintendo. Plus you should know Sakurai's rule about realistic firearms, no dual pistols, no Laura Croft, oh and 115 characters is not feasible, Sakurai has had issues with balancing 53 characters, how do you think he will handle 115?! It's not the characters themselves that are absurd, you do have some good ideas, (except Andross, if you put the Andross we see in the games, we run into the Ridley problem. And if we downsize him, it makes him look silly. So Andross is not feasible. But besides Krystal, there are other feasible Star Fox characters that can be added to Smash.), but trim your roster down, and cut some of the 3rd parties.
Dude...it's not a prediction roster. It's a stupid fantasy roster I made up. Okay? People LIKE third parties, and honestly it's a shame that such a popular game like Super Smash Bros is so limited in who can participate.

As for Andross, if you read the concept I provided for him, he doesn't need to be downsized. He has a humanoid form. I admit that takes away from what people know Andross to be, but I don't think that's what you were referring to when you were talking about Ridley.

So don't lecture me that Super Smash Bros. is supposed to be a celebration of Nintendo's history like I've never played a SSB game in my life. There's 90 Nintendo characters. You think that's enough?!

True, but at the same time, I don't see how that can make a complete moveset. And let's be honest here, if we are gonna get a newcomer from the Star Fox series, it's most likely going to be Krystal, (whether the hatebase such as LastJinjo likes it or not).
This is the thing about totally biased fans who construct all their arguments on their own bias. They think that if another person nay says a character or promotes a character, it must say something about whether or not they like them.

Krystal is one of my favorite Star Fox characters. So you're just 100% percent wrong when categorizing me as part of her "hatebase". I'm not a part of ANY base. I hate bases, especially FANbases. Just because I'm being realistic about her chances doesn't mean I dislike her in the slightest.

Deleted member

I don't like the mindset of adding characters because of their series, and I'd like to explain why
As we all know, King K. Rool is a very highly requested character. The reasons as to why people want him varies, but there are a handful of people who want him because they think DK needs more reps.
Now let's say Funky Kong, Dixie Kong, and Cranky Kong are all added in the next game. That would mean DK has 5 characters, so it wouldn't "need" more reps (Judging by their reaction to the Fire Emblem situation, I'm assuming that'd be the popular opinion), which means King K. Rool probably wouldn't mean anything to these people. Hell, they'd likely be angry if they added King K. Rool on top of all the Kongs.
My point is that characters should be looked at for their own merits, not the series they're from. I rest my case.
As you said, King K. Rool is a highly requested character, at least on popular Smash and DK-related forums. Most people want K. Rool because they want him as a character in, two or five DK characters in Smash already be damned. People aren't going to stop asking for Ridley just because Sakurai doesn't think he can work and even if we get Sylux, that still won't change. So even if K. Rool doesn't get in before Dixie, Funky, and Cranky, he's still going to have a lot of fans pinning for his inclusion, at least if he returns in a DK game.

As far as getting angry at too many reps, who cares? We have a total of six Fire Emblem characters in a much more niche franchise and who's to say a hypothetical port won't bring a seventh or, heaven forbid, an eighth character? If people whining about too many Fire Emblem characters (which admittely I was among) doesn't stop the franchise from piling up on characters, neither will "too many DK reps!". "Outrage" for five minutes generates nothing except perhaps humiliating posts the person has to live with.

I don't see the general public caring about the roster being smaller. Smash is one of those franchises that gets high praise and sells regardless of the flaws each fan can find in it.
You cannot cut anyone you want and expect to not lose a significant amount of sales and there are certain characters you absolutely cannot lose and have Smash taken seriously.

You're thinking of characters like the Lucas, Ice Climbers, and Wolf of the world, characters that are popular thanks to Smash but whom's exclusion, while disappointing to the many people that played them, are inconsequential to sales. But it is fool's errand to assume that all cuts are made equal and that fans will lap up any roster Nintendo splatters on a game. Believe it or not, there are more than a handful of characters that are such big draws to Smash that losing them will result in a lot of prospective customers outright not buying the game. Characters like Mario, Pikachu, Kirby, Bowser, and Sonic are major characters in Nintendo and/or video game history that losing even one of them would draw a significant portion of fans away from buying the next Smash game simply because having the chance to duke it out with those characters is that important. If we get to the point where the roster misses out on crucial Nintendo characters, they may as well cancel the game.

That's not to say that we can't have a smaller roster next game and not sell 10+ million copies for there are plenty of cuts that they can get away with. But there are only so many losses fans will put up with before they take their money elsewhere.
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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
As you said, King K. Rool is a highly requested character, at least on popular Smash and DK-related forums. Most people want K. Rool because they want him as a character in, two or five DK characters in Smash already be damned. People aren't going to stop asking for Ridley just because Sakurai doesn't think he can work and even if we get Sylux, that still won't change. So even if K. Rool doesn't get in before Dixie, Funky, and Cranky, he's still going to have a lot of fans pinning for his inclusion, at least if he returns in a DK game.

As far as getting angry at too many reps, who cares? We have a total of six Fire Emblem characters in a much more niche franchise and who's to say a hypothetical port won't bring a seventh or, heaven forbid, an eighth character? If people whining about too many Fire Emblem characters (which admittely I was among) doesn't stop the franchise from piling up on characters, neither will "too many DK reps!". "Outrage" for five minutes generates nothing except perhaps humiliating posts the person has to live with.

You cannot cut anyone you want and expect to not lose a significant amount of sales and there are certain characters you absolutely cannot lose and have Smash taken seriously.

You're thinking of characters like the Lucas, Ice Climbers, and Wolf of the world, characters that are popular thanks to Smash but whom's exclusion, while disappointing to the many people that played them, are inconsequential to sales. But it is fool's errand to assume that all cuts are made equal and that fans will lap up any roster Nintendo splatters on a game. Believe it or not, there are more than a handful of characters that are such big draws to Smash that losing them will result in a lot of prospective customers outright not buying the game. Characters like Mario, Pikachu, Kirby, Bowser, and Sonic are major characters in Nintendo and/or video game history that losing even one of them would draw a significant portion of fans away from buying the next Smash game simply because having the chance to duke it out with those characters is that important. If we get to the point where the roster misses out on crucial Nintendo characters, they may as well cancel the game.

That's not to say that we can't have a smaller roster next game and not sell 10+ million copies for there are plenty of cuts that they can get away with. But there are only so many losses fans will put up with before they take their money elsewhere.
I mean you could easily get away with a smaller roster when there's DLC. I wouldn't mind a Smash game that started with the 13 characters first revealed in Smash for Wii U and then as each character gets revealed, they are made available through a free update. In fact, I'd like that. Gives me a chance to give each character equal time, because as soon as a new character comes out, I'd have a reason to play as them next.

Deleted member

I mean you could easily get away with a smaller roster when there's DLC. I wouldn't mind a Smash game that started with the 13 characters first revealed in Smash for Wii U and then as each character gets revealed, they are made available through a free update. In fact, I'd like that. Gives me a chance to give each character equal time, because as soon as a new character comes out, I'd have a reason to play as them next.
It's a great concept but then there's the issue of how much content is in the game. Is it still a full game in spite of a smaller roster or do fans just get the bare minimum necessary to put the game out there? Because as Street Fighter V showed in its initial release, the latter doesn't fly with fans. Even with free updates, thirteen characters would result in such massive backlash that no matter of free DLC would make up for loss sales probably because other important game feature are also missing and Smash Switch has on initial release are a Classic Mode, three stock matches, and unranked online. Nintendo cannot test the patience of every fan and not damage the brand.

A thirty character and stage roster with a full game on the other hand, will still be a huge success providing it comes with a considerable shake up with game play. That's more than enough for all necessary veterans, Inklings, a few newcomers, and perhaps a few less important veterans too. The key is to avoid triggering the bombs.
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Dec 29, 2012
The third party list from that Smash poll I posted is now done.

The Top 15 Wanted New Third Party Characters For The Next Smash:

1. Bomberman - 33 Votes (Won tiebreaker on Smashboards)
2. Rayman - 33 Votes
3. Crash Bandicoot - 32 Votes
4. Shovel Knight - 27 Votes
5. Sora - 17 Votes
6. Banjo & Kazooie - 16 Votes
7. Simon Belmont - 15 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
8. Travis Touchdown - 15 Votes (Second Place In Tiebreaker)
9. Phoenix Wright - 15 Votes (Third Place In Tiebreaker)
10. Shantae - 15 Votes (Fourth Place In Tiebreaker)
11. Geno - 11 Votes
12. Doom Guy - 10 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
13. Professor Layton - 10 Votes
14. Solid Snake - 9 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
15. Spyro The Dragon - 9 Votes

Some standout honorable mentions of third party characters that got 8 votes or less would include Viewtiful Joe (2), Ryu Hayabusa (5), Chrono (2), Zero (2), Heihachi (5), Earthworm Jim (2), Scorpion (5), Wonder Red (3), Dante (3), Gunvolt (1), Master Chief (4), Segata Sanshiro (1), Leon Kennedy (2), Nightmare (4), Sephiroth (3), Monster Hunter (3), Knuckles (6), Lara Croft (2), Alucard (1), Steve from Minecraft(1), KOS-MOS (2), Black Mage (1), Maxwell (2), Dragonborn (2), Dr. Eggman(4), Protoman (2), Terry Bogard (3), Lloyd Irving (5), Soma Cruz (1), Fulgore (2), Mega-Man X (3), Klonoa (1), Joker from Persona 5 (2), Jill Valentine (1), Neku Sakuraba (2), and Chun-Li (2).
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
To be fair though, while it may be unlikely, Sakurai is very unpredictable
Entertainment Planning & Development, they're the successor to Nintendo EAD, Entertainment Analysis & Development. Basically in-house Nintendo games.

And that's not a very good fallback argument. It could apply to any character.

The third party list from that Smash poll I posted is now done.

The Top 15 Wanted New Third Party Characters For The Next Smash:

1. Bomberman - 33 Votes (Won tiebreaker on Smashboards)
2. Rayman - 33 Votes
3. Crash Bandicoot - 32 Votes
4. Shovel Knight - 27 Votes
5. Sora - 17 Votes
6. Banjo & Kazooie - 16 Votes
7. Simon Belmont - 15 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
8. Travis Touchdown - 15 Votes (Second Place In Tiebreaker)
9. Phoenix Wright - 15 Votes (Third Place In Tiebreaker)
10. Shantae - 15 Votes (Fourth Place In Tiebreaker)
11. Geno - 11 Votes
12. Doom Guy - 10 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
13. Professor Layton - 10 Votes
14. Solid Snake - 9 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
15. Spyro The Dragon - 9 Votes

Some standout honorable mentions of third party characters that got 8 votes or less would include Viewtiful Joe (2), Ryu Hayabusa (5), Chrono (2), Zero (2), Heihachi (5), Earthworm Jim (2), Scorpion (5), Wonder Red (3), Dante (3), Gunvolt (1), Master Chief (4), Segata Sanshiro (1), Leon Kennedy (2), Nightmare (4), Sephiroth (3), Monster Hunter (3), Knuckles (6), Lara Croft (2), Alucard (1), Steve from Minecraft(1), KOS-MOS (2), Black Mage (1), Maxwell (2), Dragonborn (2), Dr. Eggman(4), Protoman (2), Terry Bogard (3), Lloyd Irving (5), Soma Cruz (1), Fulgore (2), Mega-Man X (3), Klonoa (1), Joker from Persona 5 (2), Jill Valentine (1), Neku Sakuraba (2), and Chun-Li (2).
Decent list overall, Snake is far too low though.
Dec 29, 2012
Entertainment Planning & Development, they're the successor to Nintendo EAD, Entertainment Analysis & Development. Basically in-house Nintendo games.

And that's not a very good fallback argument. It could apply to any character.

Decent list overall, Snake is far too low though.
I think it might be because people want newer third party characters and not just the same ones again. I like Snake a lot and would love to see him back but practically all of those in the Top 10 at least would be a bit more interesting than him and they would be fresh experiences.
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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Snakes's Down Smash was fun. Nice if it returned in some capacity (like his Up Smash) with a new character or with its owner.
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Deleted member

As you said, King K. Rool is a highly requested character, at least on popular Smash and DK-related forums. Most people want K. Rool because they want him as a character in, two or five DK characters in Smash already be damned. People aren't going to stop asking for Ridley just because Sakurai doesn't think he can work and even if we get Sylux, that still won't change. So even if K. Rool doesn't get in before Dixie, Funky, and Cranky, he's still going to have a lot of fans pinning for his inclusion, at least if he returns in a DK game.

As far as getting angry at too many reps, who cares? We have a total of six Fire Emblem characters in a much more niche franchise and who's to say a hypothetical port won't bring a seventh or, heaven forbid, an eighth character? If people whining about too many Fire Emblem characters (which admittely I was among) doesn't stop the franchise from piling up on characters, neither will "too many DK reps!". "Outrage" for five minutes generates nothing except perhaps humiliating posts the person has to live with.
I didn't say it's the only reason people support him, and I was just using an example. You missed my point.

Still the only Felicia supporter... :crying:
I'm curious, what kind of moveset do you imagine Felicia having?
Having played Fire Emblem Fates I'm familiar with the character, but seeing as she's more of a support unit with weak attacking stats I don't really see her as Smash material.

I've never played a Kirby game in my life.
That explains literally everything.

So attempted to get back at me, huh?
I didn't even respond to your post.

aha I never called Bandana Dee generic.]
I never said you did. It wasn't directed towards you.

I'm just opposed to two knights being in the game because lets face it, Smash already has enough doubles as it is.
Galacta Knight would have plenty of differences from Meta Knight.

Get off me.
I'm not sure why you're being so defensive but ok-

**** Galacta Knight.
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Dec 29, 2012
When it comes to Felicia from Fates I could see her playing as a maid version of Sheik with her little daggers being the major focus on top of different variations of them, like the fire ones.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
The third party list from that Smash poll I posted is now done.

The Top 15 Wanted New Third Party Characters For The Next Smash:

1. Bomberman - 33 Votes (Won tiebreaker on Smashboards)
2. Rayman - 33 Votes
3. Crash Bandicoot - 32 Votes
4. Shovel Knight - 27 Votes
5. Sora - 17 Votes
6. Banjo & Kazooie - 16 Votes
7. Simon Belmont - 15 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
8. Travis Touchdown - 15 Votes (Second Place In Tiebreaker)
9. Phoenix Wright - 15 Votes (Third Place In Tiebreaker)
10. Shantae - 15 Votes (Fourth Place In Tiebreaker)
11. Geno - 11 Votes
12. Doom Guy - 10 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
13. Professor Layton - 10 Votes
14. Solid Snake - 9 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
15. Spyro The Dragon - 9 Votes

Some standout honorable mentions of third party characters that got 8 votes or less would include Viewtiful Joe (2), Ryu Hayabusa (5), Chrono (2), Zero (2), Heihachi (5), Earthworm Jim (2), Scorpion (5), Wonder Red (3), Dante (3), Gunvolt (1), Master Chief (4), Segata Sanshiro (1), Leon Kennedy (2), Nightmare (4), Sephiroth (3), Monster Hunter (3), Knuckles (6), Lara Croft (2), Alucard (1), Steve from Minecraft(1), KOS-MOS (2), Black Mage (1), Maxwell (2), Dragonborn (2), Dr. Eggman(4), Protoman (2), Terry Bogard (3), Lloyd Irving (5), Soma Cruz (1), Fulgore (2), Mega-Man X (3), Klonoa (1), Joker from Persona 5 (2), Jill Valentine (1), Neku Sakuraba (2), and Chun-Li (2).

Nice to see support for my boy Jim. I didn't see the poll or else I would've voted for him too.

If only he could get a new game, I'm sure he'd be higher...
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PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
The third party list from that Smash poll I posted is now done.

The Top 15 Wanted New Third Party Characters For The Next Smash:

1. Bomberman - 33 Votes (Won tiebreaker on Smashboards)
2. Rayman - 33 Votes
3. Crash Bandicoot - 32 Votes
4. Shovel Knight - 27 Votes
5. Sora - 17 Votes
6. Banjo & Kazooie - 16 Votes
7. Simon Belmont - 15 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
8. Travis Touchdown - 15 Votes (Second Place In Tiebreaker)
9. Phoenix Wright - 15 Votes (Third Place In Tiebreaker)
10. Shantae - 15 Votes (Fourth Place In Tiebreaker)
11. Geno - 11 Votes
12. Doom Guy - 10 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
13. Professor Layton - 10 Votes
14. Solid Snake - 9 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
15. Spyro The Dragon - 9 Votes

Some standout honorable mentions of third party characters that got 8 votes or less would include Viewtiful Joe (2), Ryu Hayabusa (5), Chrono (2), Zero (2), Heihachi (5), Earthworm Jim (2), Scorpion (5), Wonder Red (3), Dante (3), Gunvolt (1), Master Chief (4), Segata Sanshiro (1), Leon Kennedy (2), Nightmare (4), Sephiroth (3), Monster Hunter (3), Knuckles (6), Lara Croft (2), Alucard (1), Steve from Minecraft(1), KOS-MOS (2), Black Mage (1), Maxwell (2), Dragonborn (2), Dr. Eggman(4), Protoman (2), Terry Bogard (3), Lloyd Irving (5), Soma Cruz (1), Fulgore (2), Mega-Man X (3), Klonoa (1), Joker from Persona 5 (2), Jill Valentine (1), Neku Sakuraba (2), and Chun-Li (2).
The only 2 3rd parties I want are tied for the top spot? Kreygasm


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Entertainment Planning & Development, they're the successor to Nintendo EAD, Entertainment Analysis & Development. Basically in-house Nintendo games.

And that's not a very good fallback argument. It could apply to any character.

Decent list overall, Snake is far too low though.
I know the question originally asked for new third party characters; I would have voted for Snake otherwise, and I'm sure that other people would have done that as well.
Dec 29, 2012
I know the question originally asked for new third party characters; I would have voted for Snake otherwise, and I'm sure that other people would have done that as well.
That is originally how I put it and people still responded with him so I kept a list of his votes on the side. And in a way he could be new given he wasn't in Sm4sh and because by the time they would include him again, if ever, his moveset would likely be vastly changed to represent a newer form of him.

Deleted member

The third party list from that Smash poll I posted is now done.

The Top 15 Wanted New Third Party Characters For The Next Smash:

1. Bomberman - 33 Votes (Won tiebreaker on Smashboards)
2. Rayman - 33 Votes
3. Crash Bandicoot - 32 Votes
4. Shovel Knight - 27 Votes
5. Sora - 17 Votes
6. Banjo & Kazooie - 16 Votes
7. Simon Belmont - 15 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
8. Travis Touchdown - 15 Votes (Second Place In Tiebreaker)
9. Phoenix Wright - 15 Votes (Third Place In Tiebreaker)
10. Shantae - 15 Votes (Fourth Place In Tiebreaker)
11. Geno - 11 Votes
12. Doom Guy - 10 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
13. Professor Layton - 10 Votes
14. Solid Snake - 9 Votes (Won Tiebreaker On Smashboards)
15. Spyro The Dragon - 9 Votes

Some standout honorable mentions of third party characters that got 8 votes or less would include Viewtiful Joe (2), Ryu Hayabusa (5), Chrono (2), Zero (2), Heihachi (5), Earthworm Jim (2), Scorpion (5), Wonder Red (3), Dante (3), Gunvolt (1), Master Chief (4), Segata Sanshiro (1), Leon Kennedy (2), Nightmare (4), Sephiroth (3), Monster Hunter (3), Knuckles (6), Lara Croft (2), Alucard (1), Steve from Minecraft(1), KOS-MOS (2), Black Mage (1), Maxwell (2), Dragonborn (2), Dr. Eggman(4), Protoman (2), Terry Bogard (3), Lloyd Irving (5), Soma Cruz (1), Fulgore (2), Mega-Man X (3), Klonoa (1), Joker from Persona 5 (2), Jill Valentine (1), Neku Sakuraba (2), and Chun-Li (2).
I am surprised Rayman and Crash Bandicoot are that high and Solid Snake is that low. I thought Snake would make it in top top ten, but he got 9th below Doom Guy and Geno. I think the the next third party in Smash for Switch is going to be a lot more unpredictable, because what do they have? If they cose Bomberman, Rayman, Crash Bandicoot or that would be something. I am hoping Solid Snake returns as well into the roster.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I am surprised Rayman and Crash Bandicoot are that high and Solid Snake is that low. I thought Snake would make it in top top ten, but he got 9th below Doom Guy and Geno. I think the the next third party in Smash for Switch is going to be a lot more unpredictable, because what do they have? If they cose Bomberman, Rayman, Crash Bandicoot or that would be something. I am hoping Solid Snake returns as well into the roster.
It could be something that's not on this list entirely. I mean, let's be reasonable, this poll's ballot pool is mostly just composed of people who read this thread, that's less than 0.0001% of the people who play this game.
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