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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Wow, this already got more pages than I thought. Not gonna go through all of them, so sorry if this was already kinda said, but assuming there still won't be a 3DS successor anytime soon (I get that it was considered, but the Switch, heh, handles the handheld department just fine), then probably one of the best things about Smash Switch (whether it be a new game or port, though see it having plenty reused assets either way) for me is that it'll feel more like a complete game/package, which the two versions of SSB4 took away from to an extent like with the stages. The 3DS version had some of the better stages imo but not getting to play them on the more powerful system/console was always kinda frustrating.

Pulling for Snake? You really are as much a masochist as that Darkness in your avi. :awesome: One of my Brawl mains who will never return so long as Konami keeps being Konami. .cry
Hey! If I was a real masochist. Then I would be a supporter of Ridley. There, I would feel the pain, the sadness and torture that being a Ridley supporter is. Not that I will complain anyway...
Plus, a port of The Twin Snake (the MGS1 remake) have been confirm (or possible at the very least) for the Switch. So, there is hope! It's very little but there is hope!


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
After giving it some thought, I think I've settled in the camp of not expecting much additional content for Smash Switch.

At most I'm expecting two characters at most, a stage or two depending on the new character(s) revealed (and I guess new songs by proxy).

But what I really want is more alternate costumes (i.e BotW Link/ Zelda, Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf and Sheik, Protoman Megaman, etc), mostly because I felt like Smash 4 could've used more of that sort of thing... probably the biggest appeal of Smash 4 mods for me tbh.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Glad to see speculation is back, I missed this general thread. I look forward to approaching this with a lot more cautious optimism than last time, as I've gotten burns from being wrong more than enough times in the past.

- - - - -

Can I request @PushDustIn to make a cameo real quick? Now that speculation is running full-course on Smashboards again, I'd love to get your input on the top contenders this time around, especially since you're the high priest on coverage of what goes through Sakurai's mindset.

Do Spazzy and Connor frequent Smashboards much, by the way? I was hoping this thread can become a valuable resource for compiling research for future Source Gaming Character Corners. Hit me up if you guys ever do a video on Pikmin by the way, I'll gladly claim expertise over that series.
Two more people on Smashboards that watch Konosuba? Nice.
Make that three, with the third reading through the light novel now that season 2 has ended.
After giving it some thought, I think I've settled in the camp of not expecting much additional content for Smash Switch.

At most I'm expecting two characters at most, a stage or two depending on the new character(s) revealed (and I guess new songs by proxy).

But what I really want is more alternate costumes (i.e BotW Link/ Zelda, Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf and Sheik, Protoman Megaman, etc), mostly because I felt like Smash 4 could've used more of that sort of thing... probably the biggest appeal of Smash 4 mods for me tbh.
I'm in the exact same camp. Character costumes are precisely why I love modding, and the process of modding in itself has shown just how light of a workload creating these costumes really is, especially if all they change is textures and not models or voice lines. For the developers, I feel like character costumes are going to be the most efficient way to expand the game's content. 2 new characters, ported stages from 3DS and a few more costumes for each character is probably the highest threshold I can reach between what I'd like and what's realistic.
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V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
After giving it some thought, I think I've settled in the camp of not expecting much additional content for Smash Switch.

At most I'm expecting two characters at most, a stage or two depending on the new character(s) revealed (and I guess new songs by proxy).

But what I really want is more alternate costumes (i.e BotW Link/ Zelda, Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf and Sheik, Protoman Megaman, etc), mostly because I felt like Smash 4 could've used more of that sort of thing... probably the biggest appeal of Smash 4 mods for me tbh.
Literally. Give me Snake, I'm good. I want Wolf back, I want Ice Climbers back, I want Inklings, and Takamaru, and Isaac, and a ton of other characters in but give me Snake. Then I'm good. I couldn't care less how little or lot is added. I just want Snake.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Literally. Give me Snake, I'm good. I want Wolf back, I want Ice Climbers back, I want Inklings, and Takamaru, and Isaac, and a ton of other characters in but give me Snake. Then I'm good. I couldn't care less how little or lot is added. I just want Snake.
Me in a nuthsell, really, Snake is the only one I really want at this point. Ice Climbers? Eh, I feel like they will have another infinite chain grab, and I don't really like that (Plus, I was never a really big fan of their normal playstyle) Wolf? Actually, I also want him back too...
Dang it, you just broke my point! I want Snake AND Wolf now!:4morton:

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I honestly can't see it having less than 3 additional characters(unless it's none). The basics being Wolf, IC's, and Inklings, the best guns you can get right now. If 3rd party, Bomberman would be sweet, but I'm not sure if the timing works well for adding him in. Snake would be great too, however. If we need a 6th character to round it out(or heck, go 7), there's tons of choices. K. Rool/Dixie works. Paper Mario is still vastly popular. Could return a Pokemon or add Decicydue(easier to say then spell for me). There was a ton of backlash for Wolf and IC's being cut, so there's not much point in keeping them cut. Just a minimum 3 that doesn't require 3rd party investments is a decent way to do it. The next game bringing back Snake(now that Konami is blatantly easier to work with), and as noted, Bomberman is active again and is more than popular enough for Sakurai to at least ask. Albeit, it's Konami, so I'm not holding my breath too much.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I'm in the exact same camp. Character costumes are precisely why I love modding, and the process of modding in itself has shown just how light of a workload creating these costumes really is, especially if all they change is textures and not models or voice lines. For the developers, I feel like character costumes are going to be the most efficient way to expand the game's content. 2 new characters, ported stages from 3DS and a few more costumes for each character is probably the highest threshold I can reach between what I'd like and what's realistic.



「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Alright, Smash speculation is back!


I'd like to see Snake and the Inklings. Maybe Ice Climbers, but maybe not.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Things are looking better for Snake than they did when Smash 4 was coming out. As well as Bomberman. It would be amazing if we got a dual reveal for both of them at once.

Snake returns to Smash in his MGS4 form. He shows off all of his moves but then gets beat up. So they send in some back up who is "as experienced with explosives as Snake".

And it's Bomberman.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I'm thinking, what if the current Stage thread is also used as a music track speculation thread as well?

Music is closely tied to stage in every Smash games after all.
I think you should make a new one.

While music is tied to stages, it doesn't quite fit in where people are designing state layouts.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
By the way, I call dibs on Midna's thread if it's not made yet.
I would say the same for Lurantis, Leon, and the Dark Souls guy, but I don't think those are in much danger of being taken from me. :p

Deleted member

I think you should make a new one.

While music is tied to stages, it doesn't quite fit in where people are designing state layouts.
I could, but I don't think it's worth it.

As NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy said here, music tracks could just be discussed on their series' respective threads.
Not to mention music is the least difficult aspect to produce in Smash games, as, except for the compositions of the original main themes, most of the tracks consist of remixes and rip-offs of already existing tracks from various games.
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Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
If the Smash that we are going to get for Switch is going to be an enhanced port like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, I am going to say something:

I will not be expecting much added.

I can see the addition of a few characters *Couch*Inklings*Cough*, a few more scenarios and definetely soundtrack and trophies.

But again: Not a lot.

Sm4sh is already a huge game on its own, so I doubt they will add some new game mode or anything similar which is sad because Smash World deserves to be entirely removed and replaced by something else, I'd even have Smash Run take its place.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I was thinking just lately about how many actual Nintendo All Stars there are left to be included for Smash. Let's make a project naming them all, doesn't even matter if they are likely or not. Anyone down for that?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2015
One question I've been pondering over is: Just what will Nintendo have to do to get the game to sell like mad (at least in their minds) if it's a deluxe addition of Smash Wii U? I mean, when you think about it, even if all they did was a balance patch, many of us would likely buy the game all over again just to keep up with the standard, and then there would be all the Switch owners who had no interest in Wii U and never owned the game in the first place... At the same time, I can't imagine Nintendo NOT adding anything, though that would be the ideal expectation since Smash dream additions/changes often cause some pretty strong emotions when they're not fulfilled. LOL

It seems to me, if they want to max out sales for a deluxe addition to the greatest degree possible, adding at least a couple new fighters would be the logical thing to do (they did that much for Mario Kart). The couple of past reliable sources who have hinted or even flat out said there will be new characters have mentioned there being at least two, and if my memory isn't deceiving me, I believe some of those sources were even originally led to believe this deluxe Smash would release with the Switch, later changing to a six month release window from the launch of the Switch... If this is all true, it would imply something is definitely being worked on to make Smash take a little longer to show up. So, if we take the word "new" to mean non-veteran, which two new characters would bring in the most cash?

Most of us would probably agree on Inklings being one of them, at least from Nintendo's side of things. Splatoon is current and a strong IP, and the Inklings should have no trouble fitting in with the Smash world, especially considering some of the characters we already have. If the second character were to come from Nintendo, then options open up because of so many factors, I really wouldn't even be able to guess who it could wind up being. Would they go with a highly requested fan favourite like Isaac (not saying he's the most requested, just an example), an oddball blast from the past, maybe a character from TLoZ:BotW to keep with current interests, or even pull a Corrin and reveal someone from an upcoming title? It's honestly pretty difficult to figure out what will stand out and grab consumers sometimes, let alone what Nintendo thinks will...

If one of the two came from a third party, I guess the most relevant addition would be Bomberman at this point since he is current, a blast from the past, and widely recognizable. Then again, they've pulled wild cards on us like Cloud, so this is pretty tough too... If Snake actually has a chance, and we only received two characters at the most, he could potentially even take the place of a newcomer due to his popularity and the attention anything Metal Gear related automatically brings. Which character would sell the most copies, Bomberman or Snake? Hmmm...

I won't be surprised if at least one veteran makes it back. Ice Climbers seem to depend on the technical capabilities of the system, though I think that's pretty funny since 4-player IC lag didn't hold them back from getting into Melee and Brawl (was pretty easy to make the frames drop), but then frame rate is a bigger concern to today's gamers. Not sure who has the biggest following, Ice Climbers or Wolf? In my case, I seem to see more concern over ICs on Twitter and such, but seemingly more in Wolf's favour among the more dedicated Smash community.

Of course, if there ended up being DLC, all of this could change around. Maybe a deluxe version would just come with all past DLC along with further balancing (again, I can't really see this being the vanilla release, but I guess it's possible), but then add exciting content into the mix some time after release.

To briefly touch on costumes, I can't understand where Nintendo's thinking is on this. Numerous people keep mentioning how simple it seems to be for modders to make new fighter skins, yet the developers who understand the game's workings better than any of us never decided to take advantage of the obvious interest there outside of Miis. They have to be aware of all the modding going on, so will they finally take advantage of the money to be made on costumes alone? It's not like Sakurai would be required for direct input on this, but still, Nintendo is just so hard to figure out...
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Apr 19, 2015
I was thinking just lately about how many actual Nintendo All Stars there are left to be included for Smash. Let's make a project naming them all, doesn't even matter if they are likely or not. Anyone down for that?
I can think of a few easy ones: Toad, Kamek, King K. Rool, Dixie Kong and Ridley.

I'd like to say Bandana Dee as well, but I'm not sure does he count as an all-star yet.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
I can think of a few easy ones: Toad, Kamek, King K. Rool, Dixie Kong and Ridley.

I'd like to say Bandana Dee as well, but I'm not sure does he count as an all-star yet.
Inklings are up there too seeing as Splatoon was a hit. Splatoon 2 should serve to solidify that.
And that's my positive statement on anything pertaining to Splatoon for the month.

Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Posts need a little more than just a link to be more than spam. Keep that in mind.

Focusing on just "all stars" is pretty short sighted. Smash hasn't been a game about purely all stars since forever and really shouldn't be. If you focus on just the biggest and most "iconic" someone is going to sneak by and dissapoint people. Keep those views broad and accepting.

One question I've been pondering over is: Just what will Nintendo have to do to get the game to sell like mad (at least in their minds) if it's a deluxe addition of Smash Wii U? I
Add some 3ds content
add a bit of singleplayer goodness
Add Inklings, a vet and a super popular 3rd party newcomer that would make people flip their **** like Cloud did. Maybe throw in one more newcomer or veteran for good measure and we're good.

If you want to get real crazy, add characters to the game through DLC and you get an evergreen title and a lot of cash in Nintendo's pockets

Deleted member

To briefly touch on costumes, I can't understand where Nintendo's thinking is on this. Numerous people keep mentioning how simple it seems to be for modders to make new fighter skins, yet the developers who understand the game's workings better than any of us never decided to take advantage of the obvious interest there outside of Miis. They have to be aware of all the modding going on, so will they finally take advantage of the money to be made on costumes alone? It's not like Sakurai would be required for direct input on this, but still, Nintendo is just so hard to figure out...
Knowing Nintendo, I think they would add costumes to characters if they had ideas for everyone.

Also the Pokémon characters. Which costumes would you think for them, especially :4lucario:, :4jigglypuff:, :4charizard: and :4greninja:, which are not reskin of other Pokémon?

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Oh hey, there's a forum for this now? That's cool. Maybe I'll make a Vaati thread for old times sake if I ever get the motivation to do it. I just need to stop being lazy first. :p

As for costumes for the Pokemon, other than shinies, I really don't think we'll get any.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Character-wise I feel like adding Inkling only would be enough for a Smash Switch to sell like hotcakes, especially in Japan where Splatoon is huge. But of course I'd like to see more, and actually wish for the DLC ballot to be referred to when thinking about which characters to add. Adding some of the bigger names from that would be an instant hit I think.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Character-wise I feel like adding Inkling only would be enough for a Smash Switch to sell like hotcakes, especially in Japan where Splatoon is huge. But of course I'd like to see more, and actually wish for the DLC ballot to be referred to when thinking about which characters to add. Adding some of the bigger names from that would be an instant hit I think.
Honestly speaking, I really doubt they will only add one character. If anything, I find no character addition more probable than just one.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2015
A Distant Demon A Distant Demon That would most definitely be the bee's knees! :)

@Final Smash Gamer As far as Lucario and Charizard go, their mega evolutions (both of Charizard's) would seem an obvious choice (though Nintendo may feel this would take away from their final smashes a bit too much), but aside from those, maybe something related to martial arts for Lucario like a karate uniform, and perhaps plate armour for Charizard (for lack of better ideas). Greninja could, and I think should, have his Ash Greninja form, but I'd also like to see an option with a scarf around his neck in place of his tongue; not exactly creative, but I think it'd be a nice alternative. Jigglypuff has three hats missing from this game that are dear to many Puff mains/fans, namely the blue bow, crown, and green headband; I'd like to see those come back, even as DLC. I know some wanted headphones, but I'm not sure how they're supposed to stay on Jigglypuff's head. LOL

Staarih Staarih I completely forgot to take the ballot into consideration in my previous post. I believe Sakurai stated that the result a potential character received in the ballot wasn't necessarily a deciding factor in whether they would get in or not (?), so this would throw even more mystery into the mix, especially if DLC ended up being a thing. :S


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Shadow Mewtwo from Pokken Tournament as a skin or final smash plz.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
I was thinking just lately about how many actual Nintendo All Stars there are left to be included for Smash. Let's make a project naming them all, doesn't even matter if they are likely or not. Anyone down for that?
Aside from what Zebei mentioned about how we should be expecting more than just All-Stars to begin with, the first thing we'd have to do for a project like this is laying out some hard criteria of what an All-Star entails being. I could easily fill in the rest once I know where to go from there.

To start, I have noticed that every player character thus far added into Smash thus far has fit into one of 6 categories:
  • Main Protagonist - The main player character of their respective games.
  • Secondary Protagonist - Important supporting characters that aid the main protagonists, often secondary playable characters as well.
  • Antagonist - Characters whose primary purpose is to challenge the protagonists.
  • Anti-Hero - Supporting characters that regularly rotate between being fought, supporting the player, and even being played as.
  • Protagonist Usurper - Characters that are far more iconic than the actual main protagonist of their game, if said game even has one to begin with.
  • Pokemon - Characters that don't consistently fit into any of the above categories by their true definitions.
I think it's safe to say that if a character doesn't fit into any of these categories, they're not likely going to be added. Even more arguable, I feel like one of the criteria to being an All-Star entails being in one of the first 4 categories.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Posts need a little more than just a link to be more than spam. Keep that in mind.

Focusing on just "all stars" is pretty short sighted. Smash hasn't been a game about purely all stars since forever and really shouldn't be. If you focus on just the biggest and most "iconic" someone is going to sneak by and dissapoint people. Keep those views broad and accepting.
That's right. All stars are good, but some newer and obscure faces are just as good.

This is a celebration of gaming after all.

I wonder how many anime-style characters we will get in a hypothetical Smash 4 port?
Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem, and more Fire Emblem.

No Golden Sun, The Last Story, or Murasame Castle though. :troll:


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
It makes me so happy that both Bandana Dee and Bomberman are considered decently likely.

I know that probably means nothing because Sakurai does whatever he wants, but still, feels good.
Yeah it's nice to see the Bomber get some love. I've thought about it though and I think if Bomberman were to make it, Snake would return as well. Which is all the more reason for supporting him.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
User was warned for this post
Edit: OOps, wrong thread. Been a while since I did that
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Aside from what Zebei mentioned about how we should be expecting more than just All-Stars to begin with, the first thing we'd have to do for a project like this is laying out some hard criteria of what an All-Star entails being. I could easily fill in the rest once I know where to go from there.

To start, I have noticed that every player character thus far added into Smash thus far has fit into one of 6 categories:
  • Main Protagonist - The main player character of their respective games.
  • Secondary Protagonist - Important supporting characters that aid the main protagonists, often secondary playable characters as well.
  • Antagonist - Characters whose primary purpose is to challenge the protagonists.
  • Anti-Hero - Supporting characters that regularly rotate between being fought, supporting the player, and even being played as.
  • Protagonist Usurper - Characters that are far more iconic than the actual main protagonist of their game, if said game even has one to begin with.
  • Pokemon - Characters that don't consistently fit into any of the above categories by their true definitions.
I think it's safe to say that if a character doesn't fit into any of these categories, they're not likely going to be added. Even more arguable, I feel like one of the criteria to being an All-Star entails being in one of the first 4 categories.
Alright! This is what I missed, quality posts! <3 Good to see you back on board this time as well old friend.

As for your categories, I think I have a couple of ideas which character fit which bill. And it's actually a lot harder than imagined!

Main Protagonists:

These are hard to come by, but the only ones I'm thinking of right now are Paper Mario, and Dixie Kong if you count DKC3 (which you should). I think some Fire Emblem Lords also classify here, namely Chrom and Alm, but Alm's game isn't even out yet. And I think Lords cheat their way into this lists in a sense.

My listing:

-Paper Mario
-Dixie Kong
-Captain Toad (does he even count?)
-Chrom / Alm / Fire Emblem (main) Lords in general with some importance going for them

Just about any retro character can fit in here actually. I just felt Takamaru is more likely and more awesome. Also, I miss the days we all considered him all but confirmed...

Secondary Protagonists:

-Slippy Toad

A lot of awesome choices here I feel.


-King K.Rool
-Ridley *sigh*

I put Andross there for the joke factor cause he's just about as workable as Ridley. :smirk: Ganon isn't likely either with his various sizes and appearances, and Ganondorf is already present plus has Beast Ganon as a Final Smash which isn't likely to change. So anyone but King K.Rool is pretty much doomed.


-Wolf :wolf:

This made me realise I could've put Ice Climbers can in the Protagonists factor, but I don't even like them so I won't bother. Also, I think this was just about it? I could list Shadow the Hedgehog but I dislike that guy even worse than the Ice Climbers, so again I won't bother.

Protagonist Usurper:

-Cranky Kong

When you think about it, it's true. :smirk:

I really had no idea who to put in there... Toon Link and Lucina had it hard with Link the Hero of Time and Marth respectively, but chose to live up to their example instead of being jealous by it. So really, no idea at all.


I'll avoid this altogheter... Was making a list and it was already 20+.

Deleted member

Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem, and more Fire Emblem.

No Golden Sun, The Last Story, or Murasame Castle though. :troll:
Not sure about Golden Sun or Murasame Castle, but of course The Last Story is (unfortunately) much less likely to have playable representation than Fire Emblem is to get another character.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I would be ok with more FE if it meant we got Lyn in smash playable finally. Bows + 100% dodge rate sounds fun.

That or Dieck but uhh. I think im the only person who wants Mr. "what the hell is game balance" from FE6
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