Snake: What the- did we travel back to the past or something? Link's a kid! What's going on here, Mei Ling?
Mei Ling: I'm definitely not the person you should be talking to about time travel... Thankfully, Otacon apparently left some notes on "every Link" that you might meet in battle, according to this title.
Snake: Well that's handy... What does it say about this little guy? He has a wooden shield with a red spiral...
Mei Ling: Let's see... okay, it looks like you're facing Young Link, who's apparently no stranger to Smash. There's not too many things that are different about him except his age and smaller body size, his Fire Arrows, and his... love of Lon-Lon Milk?
Snake: Milk, huh? He's a growing boy, obviously he should drink plenty of milk. But those Fire Arrows... I hope this sneaking suit is flameproof, or this game might become M-Rated...
Mei Ling: Snake, stop putting images like that in my head, it's weird, and you're also in front of a child!
Snake: ...Sorry about that.