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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2018
Kind of off topic but does anyone else just kinda want a demo for Ultimate to be out right now? Like, okay, I get they want their games to be at their most polished for demos, so people know exactly what they would be getting themselves into, but... I don't think releasing the E3 demo for Switch owners would be that bad of an idea.

To be honest, I think it would give us something better to do than argue about Echoes or rumors again for gosh knows how long. I know that might be a little harsh, but that's just me.
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May 2, 2015
Of course as soon as a fake leak mentions Mimikyu it's when everyone decides to hate talking about fake leaks :(

thats so in character for Mimikyu too...
Yeaaaaah, the lack of "leaks" saying Mimikyu will be in hurts me a little. Not surprising at all, it resembles Smashboards pretty well so I'm used to it.

We've had the Mimikyu discussion a few times and it usually just kinda ends up as "Incineroar vs. Decidueye, with honorable mention to Lycanroc and Mimikyu." ;w;

It's whatever though. At least some people were actually playing with the idea for moves earlier. Thats somethin'.
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Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Someone, sell me on Mimikyu. It's one of my favorite Pokemon but I can't picture playing as one.
Please let me understand your perspective.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
I would love to have this feature but you got to remember this is Nintendo who try to force this abomination on people
At least I don't see how Dual Audio can affect children.

This thing was probably created in that way to avoid bulling (and other negative stuff) against the weak minded
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
At least I don't see how Dual Audio can affect children.

This thing was probably created in that way to avoid bulling (an other negative stuff) against the weak minded
The lack of dual audio is less of a children issue and more of a licensing issue. It costs more to have both.


Need time to think?
Jun 20, 2018
Someone, sell me on Mimikyu. It's one of my favorite Pokemon but I can't picture playing as one.
Please let me understand your perspective.
Did you hear about echo fighters because now everyone needs one to accompany them in the roster?

People need to chill with the echo fighter suggestions
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Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2014
Honestly, I have zero stock in these arguments about who is more or less likely to make it in.

I've made peace with the fact that absolutely none of what I personally want is making it in, so I can safely just sit along for the ride and hopefully get a good-*** game by the end of it.
Main reason I don't have much of an opinion of who is likely or not is because none of us really know who is likely or not because we're not the man making the game. There's no harm in speculating of course though, but what one might feel is likely or unlikely may not be that way with Sakurai. Like for example, many thought Wolf was a "shoo-in" for DLC of Smash 4. He didn't come back in Smash 4 at all. Clearly he wasn't thought of in the same way by Sakurai as he didn't make it in then.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
At least I don't see how Dual Audio can affect children.

This thing was probably created in that way to avoid bulling (an other negative stuff) against the weak minded
I can understand that, but they could have made those peripherals not be such a struggle to set up


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
Not sure why, but I've been growing an increasing desire for Chun Li as a playable character through DLC.
Chun-Li would be so cool, and she's an icon in herself as well as one of the most iconic female gaming characters to ever exist. If we could have her vs Samus vs Lara Croft that would be the dopest thing ever.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
The lack of dual audio is less of a children issue and more of a licensing issue. It costs more to have both.
That makes sense; after all Sakurai needs to deal with the voice producers in Japan about that ****.

I don't have a reason to play in Japanese unless Micaiah appears in the game anyway.
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Deleted member

Did you hear about echo fighters because now everyone needs one to accompany them in the roster?

People need to chill with the echo fighter suggestions
I'm not a Mimikyu supporter by any possible stretch of the imagination, but I'll have you know that it was requested well before E3, that is to say, before Echoes were a thing.
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Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2014
Chun-Li would be so cool, and she's an icon in herself as well as one of the most iconic female gaming characters to ever exist. If we could have her vs Samus vs Lara Croft that would be the dopest thing ever.
Don't know if she'll get in or not, but she'd just be so fun to play. She'd translate well into Smash, and she's fun to play in her home series.


May 2, 2015
Someone, sell me on Mimikyu. It's one of my favorite Pokemon but I can't picture playing as one.
Please let me understand your perspective.
If Body Type or size is the issue Pikachu and Pichu were upscaled to work.

Mimikyu brings two completely unique types to the table (other than Shadow Ball and Shadow Claw. Jigglypuff doesn't count) that ooze potiantal alone.

It has its Shadow Claws under its Disguise that it can use for most of its normals as well as its Side Special. I'm not gonna do a full moveset cause I suck at them but you get the idea.

There are people who want Mimikyu to use its ability Disguise but I can't think of a proper way to implement it myself. Someone said it could function as an automatic counter but that sounds....terribly unfun to play against.

Theres more but food is right in front of me and I'm hungry. If you have any specific questions or things you don't get about Mimikyu just lemme know and I'll get to it as soon as I can, probably.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
At least I don't see how Dual Audio can affect children.

This thing was probably created in that way to avoid bulling (and other negative stuff) against the weak minded
Well they succeeded. You can't bully someone over your voice-chat if no one uses your voice-chat.


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
Someone, sell me on Mimikyu. It's one of my favorite Pokemon but I can't picture playing as one.
Please let me understand your perspective.
People drastically overstate mimikyu's popularity. Not to say it isn't one of the more popular gen 7 pokemon, but eh.
Also people think it can be a pikachu echo.... what?

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Roster speculation is a game in itself for people. Also not everyone plays Smash in the same way that talking about how long it takes for a character to do this or that interests them. I play because I love the characters and so I like to talk about what characters might be in the game.

That aside I do think that it's ridiculous that we don't have a seperate speculation/leaks and rumors thread. Like...clearly not everyone here likes discussing those and that's ok! But I really hate being told to stop doing what I find fun :/ every day on this thread too.

For the, like 10th time I'm gunna ask that a seperate thread be made for speculation. its not gunna happen though
I mean to be fair, i’m not telling anybody what to say or do on this website. Obviously, it’s fun to discuss who is going to be in the game. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here.

It’s just that we literally talk about the same things over and over because nobody really looks at anything differently. It’s just, “What are the chances of X character getting in?” And that’s that. There’s no discussion about what X character would do or why they would be fun.

Not to mention, I don’t play competitively. I would like to start to be honest, but I just don’t have the time with my current career.

To avoid dragging this further, basically I think talking about the moveset in specific terms might actually prove to interesting, because otherwise we’re going to retread the same stuff. Every. Single. Day.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 28, 2012
Wii-Fit Studio
Hey guys what exactly is going on on July 15th. Nintendo's doing something for Smash Ultimate and Mario Tennis. Is this a direct or a tournament?


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
Give me Gengar with the same exact ultimate attack for his final smash
I almost said make one of the assist pokemon sets an assist trophy and then I had to think about that statement really hard (...pokeballs? Assist trophies?).
Gengar wouldn't be a pick of mine from Pokken that'd be Gardevoir, but I can definitely see why people would want him for Smash, my friend included.
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Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
Hey guys what exactly is going on on July 15th. Nintendo's doing something for Smash Ultimate and Mario Tennis. Is this a direct or a tournament?
It's just a tournament.
This isn't even japan's first smash ultimate tournament either, so I don't know why people are expecting something.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
If Body Type or size is the issue Pikachu and Pichu were upscaled to work.

Mimikyu brings two completely unique types to the table (other than Shadow Ball and Shadow Claw. Jigglypuff doesn't count) that ooze potiantal alone.

It has its Shadow Claws under its Disguise that it can use for most of its normals as well as its Side Special. I'm not gonna do a full moveset cause I suck at them but you get the idea.

There are people who want Mimikyu to use its ability Disguise but I can't think of a proper way to implement it myself. Someone said it could function as an automatic counter but that sounds....terribly unfun to play against.

Theres more but food is right in front of me and I'm hungry. If you have any specific questions or things you don't get about Mimikyu just lemme know and I'll get to it as soon as I can, probably.
It's not body size or type. I mean... it technically has hands, it can move around, it has enough to be in a platform fighter sure, but for some reason it's just hard for me to see it implemented as a fighter over a character that is more humanoid shaped, like Decidueye (>_>)
I've always just pictured Mimkyu as a pokeball pokemon. That one-time auto counter would work then, and it could shoot off shadow balls and have it's "finisher" be "Let's Snuggle Forever".

I mean, if it were to become a fighter I'd be down for it because, as I said, one of my favorite Pokemon, but it's hard for me to imaging it being playable haha But more power to the supporters of Mimikyu. I'm not really paying attention to Pokemon newcomers to be honest cause I've got Geno to worry about


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Kind of off topic but does anyone else just kinda want a demo for Ultimate to be out right now? Like, okay, I get they want their games to be at their most polished for demos, so people know exactly what they would be getting themselves into, but... I don't think releasing the E3 demo for Switch owners would be that bad of an idea.

To be honest, I think it would give us something better to do than argue about Echoes or rumors again for gosh knows how long. I know that might be a little harsh, but that's just me.
Trust me, we all want a demo


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Hey, guys. TheFirstMinjo here. I hacked TheLastLoser's Smashboards account to bring you a leak I got from a friend of mine:

Not a lot of newcomers:
-King K. Rool (wielding Blunderbuss with Kaptn alt)
-Rex with Pyra and Mythra's support
-Excitebike (has a temperature bar near his HUD similar to Little Mac, Cloud, and Robin)
-Simon Belmont is still coming
-Byleth from Fire Emblem Three Houses is set to be the last character reveal with various class weapons at his disposal

Hilda and Impa are set to be the last echo fighters, but Dry Bowser, Octoling, and Meta Ridley will appear as a second set of 8 alts for Bowser, Inkling, and Ridley. There are currently no plans for any more Mario characters, but there is a Geno assist trophy.

The following stages are still returning:
Peach's Castle (64)
Kongo Jungle
Planet Zebes
Sector Z (will still be much bigger than Corneria)
Mushroom Kingdom (64)
Meta Crystal
Battlefeild (64)
Final Destination (64)
Rainbow Cruise
Icicle Mountaint
Yoshi's Island (renamed Super Mario World)
Fountain of Dreams
Brinstar Depths
Mute City
Poke Floats
Mushroom Kingdom
Delfino Plaza
Rumble Falls
Pirate Ship
Mario Bros. (you can come out the other side of the blast zone like in Balloon Fight)
Golden Plains
Rainbow Road
Paper Mario
Dream Land
Mute City (3DS)
Jungle Hijinx
Pyroshpere (Ridley doesn't appear though)
Woolly World
Orbital Gate Assault

The Following stages are not returning:
Battlefield (Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4)
Final Destination (Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4)
Mushroomy Kingdom (Underground)
Windy Hill
PictoChat 1,2 and Flat Zone 1,2

As for the echoes, Hilda and Impa aren't much different. Hilda has a personality more reminiscent of Zelda from Smash 4 which affects many of her animations, but a lot of her moves just use different effects (ex: Blue fire, Phantom with upside down triforce tatoo, upside down triforce of wisdom final smash.)

Impa is just barely taller than Sheik and her design is very reminiscent from her Hyrule Warriors appearance. She has Sheik's body plates from BOTW. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any differences.

That's all I got.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
I mean to be fair, i’m not telling anybody what to say or do on this website. Obviously, it’s fun to discuss who is going to be in the game. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here.

It’s just that we literally talk about the same things over and over because nobody really looks at anything differently. It’s just, “What are the chances of X character getting in?” And that’s that. There’s no discussion about what X character would do or why they would be fun.

Not to mention, I don’t play competitively. I would like to start to be honest, but I just don’t have the time with my current career.

To avoid dragging this further, basically I think talking about the moveset in specific terms might actually prove to interesting, because otherwise we’re going to retread the same stuff. Every. Single. Day.
Well to be fair, there are people who post what their characters would do if in Smash and is why they'd be fun for the game, It just gets bogged down by discussion of echoes, and leaks.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
It's not body size or type. I mean... it technically has hands, it can move around, it has enough to be in a platform fighter sure, but for some reason it's just hard for me to see it implemented as a fighter over a character that is more humanoid shaped, like Decidueye (>_>)
I've always just pictured Mimkyu as a pokeball pokemon. That one-time auto counter would work then, and it could shoot off shadow balls and have it's "finisher" be "Let's Snuggle Forever".

I mean, if it were to become a fighter I'd be down for it because, as I said, one of my favorite Pokemon, but it's hard for me to imaging it being playable haha But more power to the supporters of Mimikyu. I'm not really paying attention to Pokemon newcomers to be honest cause I've got Geno to worry about
The worst and most common argument against Mimikyu. "It has hands and everything necessary to fight in Super Smash Bros and is seen jumping around in fights in the anime. But, for some reason I just FEEEEEL like it doesn't work. Humanoid characters require less imagination."


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
People drastically overstate mimikyu's popularity. Not to say it isn't one of the more popular gen 7 pokemon, but eh.
Also people think it can be a pikachu echo.... what?
I mean... it'd be cute thematically, at least. Haha

Hey, guys. TheFirstMinjo here. I hacked TheLastLoser's Smashboards account to bring you a leak I got from a friend of mine:

Not a lot of newcomers:
-King K. Rool (wielding Blunderbuss with Kaptn alt)
-Rex with Pyra and Mythra's support
-Excitebike (has a temperature bar near his HUD similar to Little Mac, Cloud, and Robin)
-Simon Belmont is still coming
-Byleth from Fire Emblem Three Houses is set to be the last character reveal with various class weapons at his disposal

Hilda and Impa are set to be the last echo fighters, but Dry Bowser, Octoling, and Meta Ridley will appear as a second set of 8 alts for Bowser, Inkling, and Ridley. There are currently no plans for any more Mario characters, but there is a Geno assist trophy.

The following stages are still returning:
Peach's Castle (64)
Kongo Jungle
Planet Zebes
Sector Z (will still be much bigger than Corneria)
Mushroom Kingdom (64)
Meta Crystal
Battlefeild (64)
Final Destination (64)
Rainbow Cruise
Icicle Mountaint
Yoshi's Island (renamed Super Mario World)
Fountain of Dreams
Brinstar Depths
Mute City
Poke Floats
Mushroom Kingdom
Delfino Plaza
Rumble Falls
Pirate Ship
Mario Bros. (you can come out the other side of the blast zone like in Balloon Fight)
Golden Plains
Rainbow Road
Paper Mario
Dream Land
Mute City (3DS)
Jungle Hijinx
Pyroshpere (Ridley doesn't appear though)
Woolly World
Orbital Gate Assault

The Following stages are not returning:
Battlefield (Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4)
Final Destination (Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4)
Mushroomy Kingdom (Underground)
Windy Hill
PictoChat 1,2 and Flat Zone 1,2

As for the echoes, Hilda and Impa aren't much different. Hilda has a personality more reminiscent of Zelda from Smash 4 which affects many of her animations, but a lot of her moves just use different effects (ex: Blue fire, Phantom with upside down triforce tatoo, upside down triforce of wisdom final smash.)

Impa is just barely taller than Sheik and her design is very reminiscent from her Hyrule Warriors appearance. She has Sheik's body plates from BOTW. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any differences.

That's all I got.
Geno assist trophy, huh? Interesting
I'm ignoring you

The worst and most common argument against Mimikyu. "It has hands and everything necessary to fight in Super Smash Bros and is seen jumping around in fights in the anime. But, for some reason I just FEEEEEL like it doesn't work. Humanoid characters require less imagination."
Guess i won't be ignoring you
Woah chill, the reason I asked is because my opinion on it is ambiguous and I wanted to know if there was anything special about Mimikyu that would make me visualize it better. There was no argument to be had, I'm trying to be open minded about it my dude, It's okay.
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
It's not body size or type. I mean... it technically has hands, it can move around, it has enough to be in a platform fighter sure, but for some reason it's just hard for me to see it implemented as a fighter over a character that is more humanoid shaped, like Decidueye (>_>)
I've always just pictured Mimkyu as a pokeball pokemon. That one-time auto counter would work then, and it could shoot off shadow balls and have it's "finisher" be "Let's Snuggle Forever".

I mean, if it were to become a fighter I'd be down for it because, as I said, one of my favorite Pokemon, but it's hard for me to imaging it being playable haha But more power to the supporters of Mimikyu. I'm not really paying attention to Pokemon newcomers to be honest cause I've got Geno to worry about
Yeah, i'd love Mimikyu but i don't talk about it too much because iv'e gotta represent my girl!
(Ashley, just in case someone couldn't tell)


Need time to think?
Jun 20, 2018
Well to be fair, there are people who post what their characters would do if in Smash and is why they'd be fun for the game, It just gets bogged down by discussion of echoes, and leaks.
That's the most disappointing thing about this thread. Every day is a discussion about 4chan leaks which I can't believe people fall for them still to this day Just gets repetitive everyday.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Someone, sell me on Mimikyu. It's one of my favorite Pokemon but I can't picture playing as one.
Please let me understand your perspective.
If Body Type or size is the issue Pikachu and Pichu were upscaled to work.

Mimikyu brings two completely unique types to the table (other than Shadow Ball and Shadow Claw. Jigglypuff doesn't count) that ooze potiantal alone.

It has its Shadow Claws under its Disguise that it can use for most of its normals as well as its Side Special. I'm not gonna do a full moveset cause I suck at them but you get the idea.

There are people who want Mimikyu to use its ability Disguise but I can't think of a proper way to implement it myself. Someone said it could function as an automatic counter but that sounds....terribly unfun to play against.

Theres more but food is right in front of me and I'm hungry. If you have any specific questions or things you don't get about Mimikyu just lemme know and I'll get to it as soon as I can, probably.
And to piggyback off that, the last fake leak mentioned how Mimikyu would have a one hit super armor...or something like that, let's just say it's super armor for this example. Then as it's down B it could regain it's disguise (tying in with how it repairs its own disguise). I love this idea as I think disguise should play into it's moveset and this is way more fun than say, reduced knock back until 50% or something.

Honestly Mimikyu just offers a lot of fun in being a ghost type. It's something Smash hasn't dabbled with, Pokemon or otherwise. Sure Decideueye is a ghost type but it's design doesn't really convey that and I'm worried Sakurai would skip out on it. Mimikyu also wouldn't be the first non-humanoid playable pokemon (obviously) and after a couple cool humanoid Pokemon (Mewtwo, Lucario and Greninja) I think it would be great to go back to a cute Pokemon.
It's just a tournament.
This isn't even japan's first smash ultimate tournament either, so I don't know why people are expecting something.
It's the only event since E3 that is being live streamed directly by Nintendo. It could be absolutely nothing, but that's why it is gaining attention.


May 2, 2015
It's not body size or type. I mean... it technically has hands, it can move around, it has enough to be in a platform fighter sure, but for some reason it's just hard for me to see it implemented as a fighter over a character that is more humanoid shaped, like Decidueye (>_>)
I've always just pictured Mimkyu as a pokeball pokemon. That one-time auto counter would work then, and it could shoot off shadow balls and have it's "finisher" be "Let's Snuggle Forever".

I mean, if it were to become a fighter I'd be down for it because, as I said, one of my favorite Pokemon, but it's hard for me to imaging it being playable haha But more power to the supporters of Mimikyu. I'm not really paying attention to Pokemon newcomers to be honest cause I've got Geno to worry about
I struggle with that, too admittedly.

Tbf though the humanoid argument doesn't really work when it comes to Pokemon. Lucario and Mewtwo are the only two humanoid ones compared to the rest. That also would be a counter argument for Lycanroc and a bigger argument for Incineroar as opposed to Decidueye. (I'm not trying to argue with you, sorry. I'm just saying.)

The Pokeball argument pisses me off the most but it isn't inaccurate. If Mimikyu isn't in as a playable fighter, I'd bet it 100% will be a pokeball mon. Thats gonna be such a hard pill to swallow. :urg:

Either way, seeing it in Ultimate will either be the best day ever or the worst day ever for me, when it comes to Smash at least.

EDIT: Ok, one hit for super armor is a pretty sick idea. Am a fan.
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Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
And to piggyback off that, the last fake leak mentioned how Mimikyu would have a one hit super armor...or something like that, let's just say it's super armor for this example. Then as it's down B it could regain it's disguise (tying in with how it repairs its own disguise). I love this idea as I think disguise should play into it's moveset and this is way more fun than say, reduced knock back until 50% or something.

Honestly Mimikyu just offers a lot of fun in being a ghost type. It's something Smash hasn't dabbled with, Pokemon or otherwise. Sure Decideueye is a ghost type but it's design doesn't really convey that and I'm worried Sakurai would skip out on it. Mimikyu also wouldn't be the first non-humanoid playable pokemon (obviously) and after a couple cool humanoid Pokemon (Mewtwo, Lucario and Greninja) I think it would be great to go back to a cute Pokemon.
It would definitely be something that could be potentially fun to play if done right.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
That would be such a terrible idea, especially with how **** Pac-Land is
I really hope they bring it back, but it may have something to do with it originally requiring multiple screens and a desire to have one stage per third party.

It's dumb.

Deleted member

The worst and most common argument against Mimikyu. "It has hands and everything necessary to fight in Super Smash Bros and is seen jumping around in fights in the anime. But, for some reason I just FEEEEEL like it doesn't work. Humanoid characters require less imagination."
But it's a valid argument?


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I struggle with that, too admittedly.

Tbf though the humanoid argument doesn't really work when it comes to Pokemon. Lucario and Mewtwo are the only two humanoid ones compared to the rest. That also would be a counter argument for Lycanroc and a bigger argument for Incineroar as opposed to Decidueye. (I'm not trying to argue with you, sorry. I'm just saying.)

The Pokeball argument pisses me off the most but it isn't inaccurate. If Mimikyu isn't in as a playable fighter, I'd bet it 100% will be a pokeball mon. Thats gonna be such a hard pill to swallow. :urg:

Either way, seeing it in Ultimate will either be the best day ever or the worst day ever for me, when it comes to Smash at least.
Yeah, I probably shouldn't have said "humanoid" (seems to have rustled a bit, oops) and more "has visible arms and legs" lmao
But I mean, I can see it happening, with Mimikyu as quite a unique character. Thanks for answering my question, I've never really sat and thought about it before which is why I asked.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I really hope they bring it back, but it may have something to do with it originally requiring multiple screens and a desire to have one stage per third party.

It's dumb.
The one stage per 3rd party I could understand, but to choose Land over Maze...hell naw. Also, I don’t think multiple screens would be too big of a problem to fix


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Well to be fair, there are people who post what their characters would do if in Smash and is why they'd be fun for the game, It just gets bogged down by discussion of echoes, and leaks.
That's the most disappointing thing about this thread. Every day is a discussion about 4chan leaks which I can't believe people fall for them still to this day Just gets repetitive everyday.
And here's the issue....there's a place for those conversations, those newcomer threads. And if you wanna discuss a newcomer that doesn't have one make one.

However there is no place but here to discuss rumors and speculation. And that's bad because not everyone wants to discuss that day in and day out so it doesn't really belong in a general thread. Sigh :/
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