Because EA has a history of being a terrible vompany that actively takes advantage of its consumers.Nintendo isn’t perfect.
I feel like if Ubisoft or EA pulled something similar to the ballot they’d get crucified by everyone. Nintendo is getting off kinda easy, they aren’t getting as much backlash as everyone in here thought they would.
Nintendo, and Sakurai, do not. There is no reason to act like Sakurai is getting off easy. This whole overreaction is so ****ing petty and stupid!
It's like your girlfriend said she'd buy you a motorcycle and then she went and bought you a car. Some of the people here would apparently break up with her over buying them a car, because she saaaaid she would get them a motorcycle. (This is a godawful comparison I know but logic is exactly the same. Also just used "girlfriend" because I happen to be a straight male and vehicles was the first thing to come to my head. Feel free to replace those words with things that would apply to you.)
I'm just here like, what the **** is wrong with ya'll.
Bottom line is Sakurai does countless good things but lied once. "LETS GET THE TORCHES AND PITCHFORKS!"
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