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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Truth be told, the Bayo thing shouldn't come as a surprise to any of us. Aside from Bayo being an obvious character Nintendo would want to promote to raise awareness of her franchise, I never saw anything that would've led me to believe she was top 5 material in NA and number 1 overall in Europe.

As weird as it sounds, I actually hate Bayo a lot less now that I know she was planned from the very beginning. People defended her placement on the ballot for years, but now I know it likely didn't matter to begin with.

Deleted member

New game, iut of all franchises in Nintendo's catalogue that do not have a character, which one deserves representation the most? Who would you pick to represent that franchise?

Here's a few franchises that lack characters...

Advance Wars
Custom Robo
Dillon's Rolling Western
Golden Sun
Rhythm Heaven
Sin and Punishment

I'd have to go with Arms, it's the most relevant series.
I'd argue that no character "deserves" to be in Smash, because that phrasing just screams elitism imo.
Isaac from Golden Sun would be dope though.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2018
Stuck in the Special Zone
Otacon: It's not fat, Snake, it's... actually, I don't know what it is.
As much as I like writing Codecs with Otacon over the other 2, I gotta give the others some time to shine. However, I've already thought of a slight rewording of that for Mei Ling:

Mei Ling: I don't think it's fat, but I honestly don't know what it is... Marshmallows?


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
No idea if this has been brought up or not (I'm like 100 pages behind) but
Taunts universally seem to have low faf which in simple terms means they can be cancelled very early on. Certain taunts throughout the series have already had this, namely Bayo's but now it seems to apply to all taunts. This can actually be seen on the main website with Toon Link's video.
ANYWAYS, that's all well and good and to the uninformed, this may seem like just a neat little addition. But oh no, this is much more than that. This feature alone adds what is probably the best taunt combination in the entire series. Thanks to this addition, it is now possible to say "Hands off my piece of cake" :ultfalco:

The only other ones I can think of are faster versions of "Come fight me" :ultmetaknight: and "Come on, show me your moves" :ultfalcon: and nowhere near as good as Falco's but there's "I'm really feeling this is the Monado's power/I'm really feeling now it's Shulk time" :ultshulk:

During my catching up last night I saw a post asking about the top 10 characters people are wanting to main. I've already got 6 of mine in my signature but to join in late on that post: :ultwolf::ultfalco::ultganondorf::ultlink::ultyounglink::ulttoonlink::ultmetaknight::ultpichu::ultike::ultroy: with honourable mentions to :ultmewtwo::ultrobin:ultridley::ultkirby:

I also saw Tellius FE talk between Troykv and KMDP :3 I too started with RD before playing PoR and honestly, you don't miss out on too terribly much but doing it that way. Most of it is just wondering how so many characters know each other and then there's small things like the circumstance of the Black Knight and Oliver. Can definitely recommend RD if you can acquire a copy (totally not bias or anything, ignore the title~). Was reading that RD stuff at the end of my shift so it's still fresh in my mind and damnit Troykv! You got me thinking of a potential moveset for Micaiah again!
She could have a charging mechanic much like Robin's Thunder but with Light, Ellight, Shine and then either Purge (super long range magic), Valaura (poisoning magic) or Nosferatu since that was a light tome in RD. Rexaura Corona could be her final smash since Rexaura is the strongest light tome and Corona is her tertiary class skill much like Ike's is Aether (granted, it's not unique to Micaiah in RD since Laura, Rhys, Oliver, Lekain and the 2nd last final boss have it) She could make use of her signature ability Sacrifice which harms her but heals another. That may sound pointless in a game like Smash but it would have its uses. Namely in teams since you could be at low % and your partner at high % and could even it out but even in 1v1s. If you're within the percent range of a kill confirm, Sacrifice could take you out of it so your opponent would have to land a raw kill move which is usually more difficult. Alternatively, you could lower your opponents % if they get past a kill confirm % if Micaiah happened to get one. With Sacrifice and Nosferatu, Micaiah would have the unique ability to swap % both ways with characters. She could also make use of staves. Heal, Mend, Physic, Recover, Fortify Matrona and the Ashera staff could be used for general healing though that may be a bit redundant with Sacrifice. Rescue could force an opponent close to you. Rewarp could be a recovery much like Palutena's or Mewtwo's. Ward could increase defenses kinda like Shulk's Shield Monado arte. Sleep could be a long range option to...well put the opponent to sleep. Restore could cure sleep or dizziness. Silence could...idk prevent the use of special moves for a bit? I'll commend anyone who can find a use for the Torch, Unlock or Hammerene staves. Alternative option for a recovery is taking another page (Ha) from Robin and using a spell to propel herself upwards. Could also add Sothe somewhere in there. Final Smash or a unique defensive option since he starts with the Guard skill or even just victory poses. And while it's overdone, Micaiah could have a counter, not specifically for being an FE character but because she has foresight in a similar vein to Shulk. Granted, her foresight is usually way further in the future but it could work. Also, her dodges could be her awesome twirl animation for when she dodges in RD. Could also make her smash attack charging animations the same as her critical start up animations in RD since tome users take for bloody ever to do a critical.

The only thing I know about no-RD Micaiah is that she uses dark tomes in Awakening cuz light wasn't an option. No knowledge on Heroes or Fates Micaiah if the latter even exists.
Tl;dr Micaiah would be a cool fighter although a lot of my ideas are ripped from Robin.
Oh! Krysco Krysco ! I'm happy you actually are giving your ideas about Micaiah :D

The Staves are really nice elements that would done tons of mad stuff that it would be very fun to see in action.
If you want, you would post it in the Micaiah Support Thread :3
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
this forum is an echo chamber full of many older nintendo fans. i was born in 1995. some of these older characters do not have the clout you think they do. especially in a poll with mostly casual voters that dont know or care about "smashboards unwritten rules for character inclusion."
overall dont really care much its a videogame. i play it to have fun and enter some competitions if a character in a videogame stresses you (most of us arent playing for income) then you may need to look inwards a bit.

If you mean King K Rool for example or Geno, well...


Though I do agree some things are born from an echo chamber *cough*Decidueye
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
As much as I like writing Codecs with Otacon over the other 2, I gotta give the others some time to shine. However, I've already thought of a slight rewording of that for Mei Ling:

Mei Ling: I don't think it's fat, but I honestly don't know what it is... Marshmallows?
Big Boss: Mmm... sounds delicious.
Paramedic: Snaaake?
Big Boss: What?
Paramedic: Don't eat him.
Big Boss: What!? I wasn't- Gh- *grumble*
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
If you mean King K Rool for example or Geno, well...

Though I do agree some things are born from an echo chamber *cough*Decidueye
The amount of detail on the King.K.Rool costume is definitly suspicious. Like, there is way too much effort into it to just be that alone.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
number 1 overall in Europe.
I think this is a prank on the behalf of the development team

Bayonetta 1 & 2 take place in Europe...

Also to back up what I said earlier about just stretching/shrinking the model and deleting polys
Puppy and cosplayer

The only difference I can see is the little neck ribbon on the Mii is actual geometry instead of a texture like on the AT.
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Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
I think this is a prank on the behalf of the development team

Bayonetta 1 & 2 take place in Europe...

Also to back up what I said earlier about just stretching/shrinking the model and deleting polys
Puppy and cosplayer
It's actually a typo, it's supposed to be "#1 overalls in Europe".

Bayonetta entered a beauty contest wearing nothing but overalls and won. They were just celebrating her achievement.
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
It's actually a typo, it's supposed to be "#1 overalls in Europe".

Bayonetta entered a beauty contest wearing nothing but overalls and won. They were just celebrating her achievement.
Delicious, Low key hope she has a Mario style costume in Bayonetta 3 that'd be dank. with a black hat with a "B" on it, lol.

Which reminds me, will she have her costumes of other Nintendo characters in Smash like she does in her games?
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Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
If you mean King K Rool for example or Geno, well...

I'm feeling mighty good about Geno. Mr. Sakurai said that Geno "gets a lot of requests".

- Mii costume as a consultation
- New assets
- Ballot revelation

And he didn't even say anything about K. Rool, he just sprung up this weird Kostume with new textures and a look that's based on his Rare model when we already have a Paon trophy 3 months into the Ballot.

Either way, I'm ready.
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
I'm feeling mighty good about Geno. Mr. Sakurai said that Geno "gets a lot of requests".

- Mii costume as a consultation
- New assets
- Ballot revelation

And he didn't even say anything about K. Rool. He just sprung up just this weird Kostume with new textures and a look that's based on his Rare model when we already have a Paon trophy 3 months into the Ballot.

Either way, I'm ready.
Now you're thinking with power ;)


I would post an image but this site is weird with what shows and what doesn't.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
People are still talking about the “Bayo no win Ballot” thing and being annoyed about it...and I’m just salty about:ultdarkpit:not letting:ultpit:get some:ultzss:”like usual


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
this forum is an echo chamber full of many older nintendo fans.
This forum IS an echo chamber, but not of older nintendo fans.
Right now I see a lot of people adding Ashley to their lists of "characters that they believe would be in ultimate", but a month ago I am pretty sure I only saw doing that the classic Ashley fans that has been supporting her since years ago.
What changed? talking over and over about her made people believe she is gonna be now to the point that some people would eat their own shoes if she is not.
But the only reason is because Sakurai didn't show her as an assist trophy yet... which could mean nothing because he still didn't show tons of other assist trophies.
Now, I'm not saying she is not gonna be in smash or anything, I am just using her as an example of how, thanks to the constant talk about her, now in this forum people totally believe she is gonna be in smash and they are convinced.
Right now, people here always make the same lists with the same characters + 1 or 2 weird choices, is always her, Bandana dee, K. Rool, Impa, Elma, etc...
Can't blame them tho, I am guilty of this too.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
This forum IS an echo chamber, but not of older nintendo fans.
Right now I see a lot of people adding Ashley to their lists of "characters that they believe would be in ultimate", but a month ago I am pretty sure I only saw doing that the classic Ashley fans that has been supporting her since years ago.
What changed? talking over and over about her made people believe she is gonna be now to the point that some people would eat their own shoes if she is not.
But the only reason is because Sakurai didn't show her as an assist trophy yet... which could mean nothing because he still didn't show tons of other assist trophies.
Now, I'm not saying she is not gonna be in smash or anything, I am just using her as an example of how, thanks to the constant talk about her, now in this forum people totally believe she is gonna be in smash and they are convinced.
Right now, people here always make the same lists with the same characters + 1 or 2 weird choices, is always her, Bandana dee, K. Rool, Impa, Elma, etc...
Can't blame them tho, I am guilty of this too.
The Smash fanbase is fickle. One day, this character isn't worth the time of day. The next, they're suddenly one of the most-likely characters to get in Smash.

The day Smash was announced, I had already gotten an idea of who I'd be supporting. I might pick up one or two along the way, but for the most part, who I supported back then is who I'll be supporting until the game comes out. I'm being faithful to my characters, and I'm not gonna bandwagon on popular opinions only to end up wrong (because that's exactly what happened to me in Smash 4).


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
Hey so if this roster is gonna be 100% fanservice...

Does this mean that Goku is confirmed? :nifty:
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Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I literally can not comprehend why Bayonetta is hated so much, and why there are all these conspiracies against her inclusion.

It almost seems like people want her nerfed to the extent that she’s basically useless.

If I’m not mistaken, Cloud is just as “high tier” as she is, but does not garner nearly the same amount of backlash.

It’s not impossible to beat her as it is. Fighting games will always have characters that are “better” than others, and certain match up where one character has an advantage over the other.

Personally, I think tier list, are a load of bull. Any character can beat any other character if a person can play them well enough. For all you competitive scene people out there, I don’t know his name, but I know there’s a guy who mains Jigglypuff and destroys with her, and she’s often regarded as “low tier”.

I just don’t get it. Honestly I think it comes from a place of bitterness and bias. People are bitter “interest character here” didn’t “win” the ballot, which by the way was stated to influence future Smash games (viola! Smash Ultimate, where ever vet is returning! Because there was probably a large outcry for them on the ballot. Shocker.)

Disclaimer: I do not play not did I vote for Bayonetta. I’m just tired of seeing people be so bent up over a unique character all because she’s a little harder to beat.

Lastly, 1. between matches with larger character, who was being playable for the first time ever (Ridley), who have larger hurtboxes, will of course lose to a combo based character being played by someone who has had 2+ years of practice with said character. It’s not a fair argument to use against her because it wasn’t a fair match to begin with.


May 2, 2015
If it makes you feel better Stephen, I hate Cloud much more than I hate Bayonetta competitively. At least it feels like the Bayonetta is trying to kick your ***.

The Cloud nerfs in Ultimate were so satsfying. Not that I think he should be low tier or anything. A kit as easy as his shouldn't be the second best in the game.

Hateful biased opinions aside, I actually like both characters outside of 4. I was so thrilled when they were announced.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Hey so if this roster is gonna be 100% fanservice...

Does this mean that Goku is confirmed? :nifty:
No, it means Camilla, Mai Shiranui, Tifa Lockhart, Isabella Valentine, Kasumi and Asuka are confirmed.

The game will also come with a THICC Mod packaged in, because Sakurai believes that's what the fans want.

100% Fanservice.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
No, it means Camilla, Mai Shiranui, Tifa Lockhart, Isabella Valentine, Kasumi and Asuka are confirmed.

The game will also come with a THICC Mod packaged in.

100% Fanservice.
Erika Approved...only if he gets to see Corrin thighs
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I literally can not comprehend why Bayonetta is hated so much, and why there are all these conspiracies against her inclusion.

It almost seems like people want her nerfed to the extent that she’s basically useless.

If I’m not mistaken, Cloud is just as “high tier” as she is, but does not garner nearly the same amount of backlash.

It’s not impossible to beat her as it is. Fighting games will always have characters that are “better” than others, and certain match up where one character has an advantage over the other.

Personally, I think tier list, are a load of bull. Any character can beat any other character if a person can play them well enough. For all you competitive scene people out there, I don’t know his name, but I know there’s a guy who mains Jigglypuff and destroys with her, and she’s often regarded as “low tier”.

I just don’t get it. Honestly I think it comes from a place of bitterness and bias. People are bitter “interest character here” didn’t “win” the ballot, which by the way was stated to influence future Smash games (viola! Smash Ultimate, where ever vet is returning! Because there was probably a large outcry for them on the ballot. Shocker.)

Disclaimer: I do not play not did I vote for Bayonetta. I’m just tired of seeing people be so bent up over a unique character all because she’s a little harder to beat.

Lastly, 1. between matches with larger character, who was being playable for the first time ever (Ridley), who have larger hurtboxes, will of course lose to a combo based character being played by someone who has had 2+ years of practice with said character. It’s not a fair argument to use against her because it wasn’t a fair match to begin with.
I hate both, but Bayo I love in her own games...though of course I hate a lot of characters and love a lot aswell


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
Here's hoping we get 1 or 2 sakurai picks in a roster of highly requested characters.
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Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Delicious, Low key hope she has a Mario style costume in Bayonetta 3 that'd be dank. with a black hat with a "B" on it, lol.

Which reminds me, will she have her costumes of other Nintendo characters in Smash like she does in her games?
God, I hope so.

If not, can we at least get one or two of her in-game costumes?


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I literally can not comprehend why Bayonetta is hated so much, and why there are all these conspiracies against her inclusion.

It almost seems like people want her nerfed to the extent that she’s basically useless.

If I’m not mistaken, Cloud is just as “high tier” as she is, but does not garner nearly the same amount of backlash.

It’s not impossible to beat her as it is. Fighting games will always have characters that are “better” than others, and certain match up where one character has an advantage over the other.

Personally, I think tier list, are a load of bull. Any character can beat any other character if a person can play them well enough. For all you competitive scene people out there, I don’t know his name, but I know there’s a guy who mains Jigglypuff and destroys with her, and she’s often regarded as “low tier”.

I just don’t get it. Honestly I think it comes from a place of bitterness and bias. People are bitter “interest character here” didn’t “win” the ballot, which by the way was stated to influence future Smash games (viola! Smash Ultimate, where ever vet is returning! Because there was probably a large outcry for them on the ballot. Shocker.)

Disclaimer: I do not play not did I vote for Bayonetta. I’m just tired of seeing people be so bent up over a unique character all because she’s a little harder to beat.

Lastly, 1. between matches with larger character, who was being playable for the first time ever (Ridley), who have larger hurtboxes, will of course lose to a combo based character being played by someone who has had 2+ years of practice with said character. It’s not a fair argument to use against her because it wasn’t a fair match to begin with.
To be fair, it is a little annoying when you pour your heart and soul into trying to main a low-tier character or a character with a high learning curve, and then someone comes along with Bayo, picks her up in a day, and is basically "LOL ladder combos and Witch Time".

It's fine if you want main a character with a low learning curve, but that character shouldn't have so many strengths that their moveset basically becomes a "low risk, high reward".


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Well now that its somewhat finally confirmed the bayo thing was a hoax

I think are fingers might need to pointed toward mii costumes near the ending of the ballot

Best I can see from that is probably

King k tool
Tails as sonic echo or semi-echo
And guess captain toad since toad is just in daisy and peaches moves again

And not a moi costume but bandana dee was 2nd place from source gaming ballot of Japan's most wanted of newcomers


Smash Rookie
Jul 3, 2018
I'm very mad about Waluigi still being an assist trophy. He was going to be my main :/ I still think there might be a chance tho because the game isn't out yet. If they made him DLC it would be a good marketing decision because EVERYONE wants him. They would get tons of money from that.
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Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I genuinely hope as a Bayonetta player that her moves have much worse startup. In her game, she relies on doing damage after reading an opponent's movements. She should do the same in Smash.

Then I can maybe be more respected for playing a character that I genuinely really like, but who a ton of people picked up just cause she's good.


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
No, it means Camilla, Mai Shiranui, Tifa Lockhart, Isabella Valentine, Kasumi and Asuka are confirmed.

The game will also come with a THICC Mod packaged in.

100% Fanservice.
Tifa Lockhart? Kasumi from Ninja Gaiden? Asuka from Tekken? Camilla?

10/10 Best Smash.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2007
Stockton, California
Hmmm quoting didnt work for me. Anyways regarding the the ballot although at the time we did not know about Smash Ultimate. The ballot can very well be the ground work for newcomers this time around if Nintendo picking from the top lets just say 15. That isnt alot. Makes sense when Sakurai said in the E3 direct. - We believe this is what players want. AND we hope you are not expecting too many newcomers.

Also after reading alot of posts - I do not think we will EVER know the true votes coming from the world regarding characters. Nintendo has that answer but there will always be someone out there to cast a doubt on them regarding truthfulness. Oh well.

Im just waiting on for the next reveal trailer :D Hopefully soooooooon. :p
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Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
New game, iut of all franchises in Nintendo's catalogue that do not have a character, which one deserves representation the most? Who would you pick to represent that franchise?

Here's a few franchises that lack characters...

Advance Wars
Custom Robo
Dillon's Rolling Western
Golden Sun
Rhythm Heaven
Sin and Punishment

I'd have to go with Arms, it's the most relevant series.
While I don't feel franchises deserve representation, persay, I do think that every Smash should include at least 3 franchises that haven't yet been represented in Smash's history. So far in Ultimate we've got Splatoon so by my personal criteria (And as someone who enjoys seeing different franchises) there are two more. I'd say Golden Sun and Rhythm Heaven take it for me.

Golden Sun's original two games were some of the best selling games on the GBA with the original breaking 1 Million sales, plus with Isaac having had representation in Brawl, it's not like we're just adding a franchise out of nowhere.

Rhythm Heaven is weird because I hold no personal attachment to the franchise, but I know just how big and popular it is. I'd love to see the Chorus Kids as they're some of the more memorable characters from the franchise, as well as some of the few I've actually played.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I genuinely hope as a Bayonetta player that her moves have much worse startup. In her game, she relies on doing damage after reading an opponent's movements. She should do the same in Smash.

Then I can maybe be more respected for playing a character that I genuinely really like, but who a ton of people picked up just cause she's good.
Elaborating on this a little, her neutral game was probably supposed to be a lot worse than it ended up being. Back air was far too strong an option for spacing and whatnot, and down tilt initially had stupid levels of reach.

Make her run slower (seriously, she's not a fast runner in-game until you get Panther Within.) Make her moves harder to hit unless you're on top of an opponent. Give grounded Witch Twist the windup that it has in-game so it can't be used without risk. Give her more 50/50 options like Sheik instead of confirms. Make her neutral lackluster to make up for having such a good combo game.

Deleted member

I'm very mad about Waluigi still being an assist trophy. He was going to be my main :/ I still think there might be a chance tho because the game isn't out yet. If they made him DLC it would be a good marketing decision because EVERYONE wants him. They would get tons of money from that.
Actually, this is the kind of attitude that makes some people not want him

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I'd have to go with Arms, it's the most relevant series.
ARMS is the most relevant, but also came nearly two years after the project plan for Ultimate was done.

I think that's way too late for base game, but I'd say an ARMS character is practically a guarantee for DLC.
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Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
To be fair, it is a little annoying when you pour your heart and soul into trying to main a low-tier character or a character with a high learning curve, and then someone comes along with Bayo, picks her up in a day, and is basically "LOL ladder combos and Witch Time".

It's fine if you want main a character with a low learning curve, but that character shouldn't have so many strengths that their moveset basically becomes a "low risk, high reward".
That’s understandable. My mains are Mewtwo, Samus, and Mr. Game & Watch. If I’m not mistaken, Game & Watch isn’t considered high tier. I’ve beaten plenty of Bayonetta’s with him. That’s what I’m trying to get at.

Do I think Bayonetta shouldn’t be nerfed? Absolutely not, she should, but not to the point of basically being useless and having no kill potential i.e. Meta Knight from Brawl to Smash 4.

I can understand the frustration with Bayonetta, but not the hate, and trying to disprove her Ballot win.

I hate fighting Robin. Robin is the bane of my existence in Smash. I have such a hard time beating Robin mains. I think we’ve all got our characters.
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