Don't know if this has been posted here yet (holy **** there's a lot of people here what are we all doin' havin a party? Am I invited)? But uh
I stole this from a Discord.
Go at it
This is gonna be kinda boring, considering they're in my sig already, but...

Loyalty main since Melee, fits my playstyle damn near perfectly, no further explanation needed.

One of my secondaries from Smash 4, I just love how he moves and how janky his overall toolkit is. I also love how wacky he is with his frame-by-frame movement and overall quirky personality, so he's a truly unique fighter that I don't intend on dropping.

I only got into this bloke a couple of months ago after thinking about using him for years, and turns out, he's super fun! He looks basically unchanged in Ultimate (outside of losing the overly complicated footstool combos, which I could've gone without anyway), so I'll definitely be sticking with him this game.

I'm just now realizing how much I missed out by basically never touching this character back in Brawl (or maybe I wasn't, considering how bad he was back then). Squirtle in particular looks super fun with how fast and strong he is, Ivysaur looks like fun as well with its long-ranged vine whips and beefy bulb attacks, and Charizard could be fun as well, even if I didn't like using him in Smash 4 - and if he isn't, well, it's not like there's anything forcing me to switch off of Squirtle/Ivysaur anymore.

They look really fun, and if they're truly as quick and mobile in the final release as they look in the demo, then they'll be just my speed! They also have an interesting gimmick with the ink, and I do love unique fighters.
And, of course, if Geno gets in, I'm swapping Inkling out for him. Nothing against the squidkid, but Geno's an insta-main for me as he's the only character I've ever really wanted in Smash since I first played SMRPG. It'll be hard relegating Mewtwo to a secondary slot, but for Geno, I think I'd do it.