How would people react to a Team Rocket character getting in instead of any of the Gen 7 reps?
I'm going to be as honest as possible with my reaction:
"More gen one? **** this ****"
I'm sick of Game Freak ignoring 18 years of Pokemon history with their gen one pandering. I've been a diehard Pokemon fanboy since I can remember (I was two when Pokemon came out), I was unstoppable during my school life. Random people I never even knew came up to me for Pokemon advice, I mentored the guy who went to become the local champ and make an impressively big Pokemon group. Pokemon has always been an important part of my life. I played and bonded with my family, friends, strangers in person and online, which is a lot considering my crippling anxiety. Aside from Smash, it's the only thing that connected me to people.
It blows to see Game Freak constantly ignore anything not gen one, like all those years of Pokemon growth mean **** to them. Pokemon Go was understandable, but still sucked, all that constant gen one pandering in XY and SM were the worst thing about the generations by far. Instead of creative Alolan variants all they shoved were gen one Pokemon. Were those gen one starters in XY seriously necessary? Urgh.
Let's Go genuinely makes me feel sad. It's like I'm not allowed to enjoy post gen one.
"You can take your favorite Pokemon with you in the new Pokeball accessory! You can see ur fave follow you around!" No the **** I can't, none of my favorites are in the stupid game.
If they hadn't announced that a core new gen is coming up I don't know how disappointed I'd be. My life is **** enough for video games, my only escape, to do that to me