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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
The process is in all likelihood much simpler than any speculation has ever made it out to be, even as simple as "Sakurai likes the idea/concept."

Not that that would ever stop anyone from expending unnecessary effort in trying to prove "No, my 1 particular choice out of nearly 1,000 monsters is much likelier because reasons."

I personally wouldn't mind any of the popular choices, nor would I mind if we got no newcomer in favor of bringing back all veteran Pokemon (excluding or even including Squirtle/Ivysaur and even Pichu). So long as they choose some interesting choices as Pokeballs, pick an interesting stage/include some good music (all of which have a near countless amount of possibilities that I'm sure will please most, yet inevitably still fall short for some), I believe the series will be represented just fine regardless of who they go with.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
He wouldn't have needed to. The reason the Smash 4 team used a placeholder for Gen 6 early on wasn't to wait on marketing, it was because X and Y were still over a year away and the designs of the new mons weren't finalized yet! Since we're probably looking at a window somewhere in mid-2016 for the start of Smash Switch's development, it'd have been a mere few months before Sun and Moon released, and so the designs and details for all of Gen 7 would've bet set in stone by then, meaning the team would've had full access to everything they'd have needed to make their decisions.

No offense meant, but see what I mean about so much of the Smash community automatically assuming newcomer selection must be a popularity contest despite the proof we have that it isn't that simple? Why are we so...predisposed to think it must be that way? I remember thinking that way myself years ago; never thought anything else of it despite how faulty the logic was.

There must be a reason...
I know. I know. I know. They would have had to have waited over a year to do proper marketing research for X & Y, which definitely would have been too long of a wait. I know why he chose to add an X & Y Pokémon later, I know the reasoning is different. I wasn't saying that he would decide a Pokémon at a later time for the same reason.

I'm thinking maybe Sakurai would be willing to wait a few months to see how people react to some of the Pokémon, instead of just picking a Pokémon and hoping they are popular. It's something he couldn't have done with X and Y, because the reveal of its Pokémon was too far off, but it wouldn't be too far off with Sun and Moon.

I bring this up, because Sakurai made it sound like he typically does market research when deciding new Pokémon, but he wasn't able to for an X and Y Pokémon. However, he would be able to now if he just holds off on deciding one for a few months. If he was willing to wait a few months to add a character for one reason I don't see it as impossible that he would do it for a different reason.

I was just asking a question, I'm not saying this is a likely scenario (I actually don't think it is), I just wanted to get other people's thoughts on this prospect.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
To talk about something else for once, I would like to see some Assist Trophies from the DK and Yoshi series. Not counting Pokemon, they're the only series that have been since the beginning that have yet to get one.

For Yoshi, I can imagine it being the Bandit, who runs around tackling enemies and taking away whatever item they're holding and stowing it away, as well as pick up any item laying around. Maybe he could even bring whatever item it stole to its summoner if they're not currently holding an item.

As for DK, I'm hoping neither Dixie or K. Rool get the unfortunate role, but maybe we can get Cranky as an assist. Either attacking opponents with his pogo cane like in TF, or just rock back and forth on his rocking chair and smack whoever gets close by for massive damage.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
I’d also imagine that many people are caught up on the DLC phase due to things such as the Ballot and picks made for marketing such as Corrin, even though there likely is a difference between the way characters are picked for the base roster and for DLC.
And that's another thing: This assumption that newcomers live and die by popularity has led the community to misinterpret why certain characters were chosen. In many Smashers' minds, Corrin wasn't a popular long runner and didn't have a huge support base so their inclusion made no sense to them, and since Fire Emblem Fates was close to release in the West, they decided Corrin must have been a cheap marketing tool who'd never have gotten in otherwise!

Despite the other information we had, like word from Sakurai that he was worried Corrin would be pushing the envelope but his/her unique abilities (the whole half dragon shapeshifter thing) won him over. Or the fact that Fates had been out in Japan for half a year before the reveal, throwing a wrench into the marketing argument.

We know they were looking for a character from a newer release, but it was never said that the intent was to advertise said newer release. Yet the Smash fanbase just assumed it was the only possible explanation.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
To talk about something else for once, I would like to see some Assist Trophies from the DK and Yoshi series. Not counting Pokemon, they're the only series that have been since the beginning that have yet to get one.

For Yoshi, I can imagine it being the Bandit, who runs around tackling enemies and taking away whatever item they're holding and stowing it away, as well as pick up any item laying around. Maybe he could even bring whatever item it stole to its summoner if they're not currently holding an item.

As for DK, I'm hoping neither Dixie or K. Rool get the unfortunate role, but maybe we can get Cranky as an assist. Either attacking opponents with his pogo cane like in TF, or just rock back and forth on his rocking chair and smack whoever gets close by for massive damage.
It's a crime Rambi still hasn't been an assist at this point.

Yoshi I'm not sure on.
Your Bandit idea is fun and I'd like to see it, but I'd also be fine with Stork using those random baby ability attacks we saw were popular during the Sm4sh speculation period.
Probably just bias due to me not wanting the babies in a playable role. At least here you're not going to be able to kick the crap out of an infant.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Since we're talking about the ""leak""", I'm gonna rank the rumored newcomers based on hype already:

Ridley: 80%
Simon: 40%
Wolf: 100%
King K. Rool: 75%
Dixie Kong: 80%
Sora: 100% but only if donald duck is in otherwise 70% but only if donald duck is possible next game otherwise 60%
Geno/Mallow: 40%
Chorus Kids: 80%
Porky: 80%
Medusa: depends/10
Mimikyu: 60%
Elma: 40%
Snake: veteran/10
Icies: veteran/10
Goroh: 30%
Takamaru: 75%
Might be a late response to this, but here's my responses to this going off this 'Imgur' leak
Ridley: 100%
Simon: 80%
Wolf: 75%
King K. Rool: Personally a 30%, but everyone else would give him 80-100%
Dixie Kong: 70%
Sora: 85%
Geno/Mallow: 55%
Chorus Kids: 55%
Porky: 20%
Medusa: 20%
Mimikyu: 70%
Elma: 50%
Snake: 100%
Ice Climbers: 78%
Goroh: 30%
Takamaru: 100%

Okay, here's one; if you HAD to give a second character to each third party character already existing in Smash Bros., who would you pick?

Sonic: Tails
Mega Man: Proto Man
Pac-Man: Blinky
Ryu: Chun-Li
Cloud: Tifa
Bayonetta: I literally do not know the series well enough. I own 1 and 2 and fully plan on playing them sometime, so I've avoided anything that could be a potential spoiler.
Sonic: Tails or Dr. Eggman
Mega Man: Zero or Proto Man
Skipping Pac-Man
Ryu: Chun-Li, but part of me wants Guile or M. Bison
Final Fantasy: Black Mage, Tifa or Sephiroth
Bayonetta: Jeanne otherwise
The Lumen Sage


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
He wouldn't have needed to. The reason the Smash 4 team used a placeholder for Gen 6 early on wasn't to wait on marketing, it was because X and Y were still over a year away and the designs of the new mons weren't finalized yet! Since we're probably looking at a window somewhere in mid-2016 for the start of Smash Switch's development, it'd have been a mere few months before Sun and Moon released, and so the designs and details for all of Gen 7 would've bet set in stone by then, meaning the team would've had full access to everything they'd have needed to make their decisions.

No offense meant, but see what I mean about so much of the Smash community automatically assuming newcomer selection must be a popularity contest despite the proof we have that it isn't that simple? Why are we so...predisposed to think it must be that way? I remember thinking that way myself years ago; never thought twice about it despite how faulty the logic was.

There must be a reason...
Ugh Delz just accept Smash speculation is a mudpool so jump off the high horse and take a splash in the dirt.

I myself look into popularity for Pokémon specifically, because of timing, TPC, and breaking patterns.
Last time Sakurai picked a Pokémon, neither the TPC or Sakurai himself knew what the public thought of him.
Sakurai went with his gut and whatever he thought would be a fun Pokémon.

Now though, Sakurai had the tools to look in how well the Pokémon's reveals were received. He knew which starter overall got the most buzz, he knew what seemingly random Pokémon would get the people's approval.

Now, for any other series this wouldn't have mattered much, but since I'm too lazy to research the ins-and-outs of Sakurai's relationship with the TPC, I imagine that both Sakurai and the TPC want to highlight a Pokémon that got the popular buzz.

Maybe the TPC decided to highlight Pokémon based on this inital reception. While anime headliners were set in stone, other factors may not.

Popularity and its measurability is the biggest difference from the Greninja situation and I don't believe its all that cray-cray to look into this instead of pushing the completely incompatible Greninja narrative of "He picks what he likes".
This isn't Greninja anymore. Popularity could be a factor for both the TPC's marketing and Sakurai's choice.

Sakurai doesn't have to take a shot in the dark anymore. He had initial fan reception of each Pokémon at his fingertips. While this factor is never the sole factor, it is a quite measurable one compared to "In what Pokémon did Sakurai see a cool moveset" (Which, remind you, is never just whatever visual element the character puts out) and more distinct than "relevance", which they all got as Gen 7 Pokémon and I like to think we narrowed the list down to a few choices due to in-game and out-game pushes and merchandising the Pokémon got themselves.

It's never just popularity, just like it isn't just moveset potential and isn't just counting plushies and anime on-screen minutes.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
For Yoshi, I can imagine it being the Bandit, who runs around tackling enemies and taking away whatever item they're holding and stowing it away, as well as pick up any item laying around. Maybe he could even bring whatever item it stole to its summoner if they're not currently holding an item.
Oh right, I forget that the Bandit originated from a Yoshi game, and that's saying something...


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
And that's another thing: This assumption that newcomers live and die by popularity has led the community to misinterpret why certain characters were chosen. In many Smashers' minds, Corrin wasn't a popular long runner and didn't have a huge support base so their inclusion made no sense to them, and since Fire Emblem Fates was close to release in the West, they decided Corrin must have been a cheap marketing tool who'd never have gotten in otherwise!

Despite the other information we had, like word from Sakurai that he was worried Corrin would be pushing the envelope but his/her unique abilities (the whole half dragon shapeshifter thing) won him over. Or the fact that Fates had been out in Japan for half a year before the reveal, throwing a wrench into the marketing argument.

We know they were looking for a character from a newer release, but it was never said that the intent was to advertise said newer release. Yet the Smash fanbase just assumed it was the only possible explanation.
He specifically said
"After internal analysis, we decided that if we’re going to make DLC, we would choose a character from a soon-to-be-released new game. After consulting many times with Nintendo and looking at the upcoming release schedule, Fire Emblem Fates was in just the right spot. It’s already been released in Japan, but is yet to be released overseas, making it a prime candidate in terms of timing."

He didn't just want a character from a recent game, he wanted a character from an upcoming game, and was ok with it already being released in Japan, so long as it hadn't been released overseas. He specifically went out of his way to add a character from a yet to be released game, and you don't think advertising played a part in that?

We also know Sakurai isn't against using characters to advertise new games. While it's not the same scenario he did advertise a lot of games through veteran reveals.
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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Uh- I missed this little game about the Imgur Rumor. I'll do it by going full RTC with Hype/Chance in case that rumor is BS...which it probably is.

Ridley: Hype: 70% Chance: 80%
Simon: Hype: 80% Chance: 50%
Wolf: Hype: 75% Chance: 50%
King K. Rool: Hype 40% (never really liked him) chance: 80%
Dixie Kong: Hype: 50% Chance: 60% (totally indiferent about the DK series lmao)
Sora: Hype 100% Chance: 30%
Geno/Mallow: Hype 100% Chance: 40%
Chorus Kids: Hype 65% Chance: 65%
Porky: Hype 80% Chance: 20%
Medusa: Hype: 70% chance: 45%
Mimikyu: Hype 70% Chance: 60%
Elma:Hype 80% Chance: 70%
Snake: Hype: 10000000% chance: it all depends on Simon%
Icies: Hype:65% Chance: 100%
Goroh: Hype: 80% Chance: 30%
Takamaru: Hype 75% chance: 90%

It's sad Because I would be so hype for that roster but it's ain't happening lmao.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Uh- I missed this little game about the Imgur Rumor. I'll do it by going full RTC with Hype/Chance in case that rumor is BS...which it probably is.

Ridley: Hype: 70% Chance: 80%
Simon: Hype: 80% Chance: 50%
Wolf: Hype: 75% Chance: 50%
King K. Rool: Hype 40% (never really liked him) chance: 80%
Dixie Kong: Hype: 50% Chance: 60% (totally indiferent about the DK series lmao)
Sora: Hype 100% Chance: 30%
Geno/Mallow: Hype 100% Chance: 40%
Chorus Kids: Hype 65% Chance: 65%
Porky: Hype 80% Chance: 20%
Medusa: Hype: 70% chance: 45%
Mimikyu: Hype 70% Chance: 60%
Elma:Hype 80% Chance: 70%
Snake: Hype: 10000000% chance: it all depends on Simon%
Icies: Hype:65% Chance: 100%
Goroh: Hype: 80% Chance: 30%
Takamaru: Hype 75% chance: 90%

It's sad Because I would be so hype for that roster but it's ain't happening lmao.
Can I do it from here? I missed the original post.

Ridley: Hype: 20%
Simon: Hype: 70%
Wolf: Hype: 80%
King K. Rool: Hype 10%
Dixie Kong: Hype: 70%
Sora: Hype 90%
Geno/Mallow: Hype 90%
Chorus Kids: Hype 60%
Porky: Hype 20%
Medusa: Hype: 20%
Mimikyu: Hype 80%
Elma:Hype 60%
Snake: Hyper 90%
Ice Climbers 90%
Goroh: Hype: 15%


Smash Journeyman
Writing Team
Feb 18, 2017
Uh- I missed this little game about the Imgur Rumor. I'll do it by going full RTC with Hype/Chance in case that rumor is BS...which it probably is.

Ridley: Hype: 70% Chance: 80%
Simon: Hype: 80% Chance: 50%
Wolf: Hype: 75% Chance: 50%
King K. Rool: Hype 40% (never really liked him) chance: 80%
Dixie Kong: Hype: 50% Chance: 60% (totally indiferent about the DK series lmao)
Sora: Hype 100% Chance: 30%
Geno/Mallow: Hype 100% Chance: 40%
Chorus Kids: Hype 65% Chance: 65%
Porky: Hype 80% Chance: 20%
Medusa: Hype: 70% chance: 45%
Mimikyu: Hype 70% Chance: 60%
Elma:Hype 80% Chance: 70%
Snake: Hype: 10000000% chance: it all depends on Simon%
Icies: Hype:65% Chance: 100%
Goroh: Hype: 80% Chance: 30%
Takamaru: Hype 75% chance: 90%

It's sad Because I would be so hype for that roster but it's ain't happening lmao.
Is that what this new leak is? If that's so I'll have to agree with your calling bull****. Idk why they thought they would convince people that another F-Zero character would be added in this point in time lmao.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
I lowkey want the Pokémon Trainer to be reworked and brought back, such a unique concept. That'll do for "Let's Go!"-representation or for whatever other reason ya'll want Eevee. Personally I think a Sun/Moon Pokémon is the one Pokémon newcomer we're getting though.

While wanting Mimikyu in first and foremost, I do see the push they're having for Lycanroc and wouldn't mind the rock wolf at all. I mean, the latest anime episodes at Ula'ula essentially revolved around him. I reckon the anime is somewhat of a factor for Pokémon in Smash, I can see the influence in Jigglypuff, Mewtwo and Lucario at least (and I just recently realized the reason for Goldeen being the dud Pokémon instead of Magikarp is probably also because of the anime, as in the second episode Misty sends one out and all it does is flop around lol). Of course not all has to do with anime and marketing, but we can't deny they won't help.

The timing and factoring of Dusk Form (which is the form they'd go for, right?) is just something I wonder about, as it was more to do with US/UM than the original S/M. So the push and popularity for Lycanroc took a while instead of blowing up from the get-go like I feel it did with Mimikyu. Then again, giving another form to Lycanroc in the first place was definitely a sign of GF having plans to push the Pokémon. But we'll see how things turn out. I'm just glad we're getting out of the "Decidueye is a shoo-in!"-phase (but by all means people who like it can support it of course, it's a cool grass owl) and have a bigger pool of Pokémon to think as good candidates.

To talk about something else for once, I would like to see some Assist Trophies from the DK and Yoshi series. Not counting Pokemon, they're the only series that have been since the beginning that have yet to get one.
I always figured Poochy could work as a Gogoat-like Assist Trophy, charging across the stage and it could be used as a platform as well (like Yoshi does while riding him in Woolly World at least).
For DK, an animal buddy (Rambi being an obvious choice) would work.
...But I guess that would be one too many "charging across stage and riding on them" AT's though lol.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
To be honest, I want to support some Pokémon, but considering the sheer number of them, it seems a bit weird, considering each individual one's chances are so slim. Only mons from the last generation might have an edge and that's one generation I'm least familiar with.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
My Smash prediction:
20 new characters
All toads
Not a single one is captain toad
all the new stages are toads
new story mode with only toads, the final boss is toad
B-but where are the toads?


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Uh- I missed this little game about the Imgur Rumor. I'll do it by going full RTC with Hype/Chance in case that rumor is BS...which it probably is.

Ridley: Hype: 70% Chance: 80%
Simon: Hype: 80% Chance: 50%
Wolf: Hype: 75% Chance: 50%
King K. Rool: Hype 40% (never really liked him) chance: 80%
Dixie Kong: Hype: 50% Chance: 60% (totally indiferent about the DK series lmao)
Sora: Hype 100% Chance: 30%
Geno/Mallow: Hype 100% Chance: 40%
Chorus Kids: Hype 65% Chance: 65%
Porky: Hype 80% Chance: 20%
Medusa: Hype: 70% chance: 45%
Mimikyu: Hype 70% Chance: 60%
Elma:Hype 80% Chance: 70%
Snake: Hype: 10000000% chance: it all depends on Simon%
Icies: Hype:65% Chance: 100%
Goroh: Hype: 80% Chance: 30%
Takamaru: Hype 75% chance: 90%

It's sad Because I would be so hype for that roster but it's ain't happening lmao.
Likewise I did too.
Ridley: Hype: 50%
Simon: Hype: 20%
Wolf: Hype: 50%
King K. Rool: Hype 10%
Dixie Kong: Hype: 100%
Sora: Hype 0%
Geno/Mallow: Hype 10% (because it's both)
Chorus Kids: Hype 0%
Porky: Hype 70%
Medusa: Hype: 60%
Mimikyu: Hype 40%
Elma: Hype 55%
Snake: Hype: 0%
Icies: Hype: 0%
Goroh: Hype: 85%
Takamaru: Hype 0%

Good god I hope this leak is wrong.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
So...what do we talk about next?
Update the voices of :4fox::4falco::4link::4zelda::4bowser::4dk::4diddy::4marth::4feroy::4mario::4luigi::4peach::rosalina::4yoshi::4wario::4myfriends::4sonic::4cloud:
All I need is for Fox's Brawl voice actor to come back, I have nothing against the one for smash 4 I just like the one for Brawl better (plus after all the hate that Fox's voice actor got for Smash 4, I seriously doubt he ever want to lend his voice to Sakurai again, the poor guy he least deserved to be treated better despite us not liking his Fox voice acting as much as the others. )
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Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2011
Theoretical hype:
Ridley: Hype: 100%
Simon: Hype: 60%
Wolf: Hype: 50%
King K. Rool: Hype 80%
Dixie Kong: Hype: 40%
Sora: Hype 50%
Geno/Mallow: Hype 20%
Chorus Kids: Hype 50%
Porky: Hype 70%
Medusa: Hype: 40%
Mimikyu: Hype 80%
Elma: Hype 40%
Snake: Hype: 90%
Icies: Hype: 70%
Goroh: Hype: 50%
Takamaru: Hype 70%

Honestly, I’d be really happy with this roster.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Wasn't F-Zero and Earthbound in the SNES mini?
Yep - Both are playable on the SNES Mini. But I wouldn't really make it a be-all end-all proving point for Goroh or Porky's chances in Smash Switch - if anything, Nintendo sees the appeal of these two SNES classics.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Hype? Hype:

Ridley: 100%
Simon: 75%
Wolf: 70%
King K. Rool: 85%
Dixie Kong: 60%
Sora: 25%
Geno/Mallow: 70%
Chorus Kids: 40%
Porky: 90%
Medusa: 20%
Mimikyu: 20%
Elma: 50%
Snake: 85%
Icies: 50%
Goroh: 60%
Takamaru: 50%

Would absolutely love for it to be true, it focuses on a lot of the things that Smash 4 didn't care much for (villains, heavy weights, newcomers for existing series, etc). I can see why others might not like it though as it doesn't strike a particularly good balance, what Smash 4 did well it does poorly, but since I didn't care for Smash 4's newcomers I can only be happy about that. There's absolutely no reason to believe it atm, but it's still one of my favorite fake leaks I've seen.

Also, Ridley alone would make any roster amazing for me.
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Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
You know what could be horribly sad?
It would be if E3 announce Simon/Snake/Icies/Ridley/K.Rool.

Because it wouldn't kill the leaks but not confirm it because people could just say Lucky guess/Obvious choice.

Honestly I just want E3 to kill all of these fakes leaks...
Or confirm them in the case of that leak but lmao, we ain't getting something that good.
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Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2014
Can I do it from here? I missed the original post.

Ridley: Hype: 20%
Simon: Hype: 70%
Wolf: Hype: 80%
King K. Rool: Hype 10%
Dixie Kong: Hype: 70%
Sora: Hype 90%
Geno/Mallow: Hype 90%
Chorus Kids: Hype 60%
Porky: Hype 20%
Medusa: Hype: 20%
Mimikyu: Hype 80%
Elma:Hype 60%
Snake: Hyper 90%
Ice Climbers 90%
Goroh: Hype: 15%
Wait for me! Let me join!

Ridley: Hype 90% - Chance 60%
Simon: Hype 50% - Chance 80%
Wolf: Hype 80% - Chance 75%
King K. Rool: Hype 100% - Chance 70%
Dixie Kong: Hype 30% - Chance 80%
Sora: Hype 60% - Chance 45%
Geno/Mallow: Hype 10% - Chance 30%
Chorus Kids: Hype 70% - Chance 25%
Porky: Hype 80% - Chance 20%
Medusa: Hype 20% - Chance 50%
Mimikyu: Hype 60% - Chance 90%
Elma: Hype 30% - Chance 80%
Snake: Hype 1% - Chance 30%
Ice Climbers: Hype 90% - Chance 99%
Goroh: Hype 40% - Chance 10%
Takamaru: Hype 10% - Chance 50%

I would overall be pretty much content with this hypothetical roster, if true.
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"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
Uh- I missed this little game about the Imgur Rumor. I'll do it by going full RTC with Hype/Chance in case that rumor is BS...which it probably is.

Ridley: Hype: 70% Chance: 80%
Simon: Hype: 80% Chance: 50%
Wolf: Hype: 75% Chance: 50%
King K. Rool: Hype 40% (never really liked him) chance: 80%
Dixie Kong: Hype: 50% Chance: 60% (totally indiferent about the DK series lmao)
Sora: Hype 100% Chance: 30%
Geno/Mallow: Hype 100% Chance: 40%
Chorus Kids: Hype 65% Chance: 65%
Porky: Hype 80% Chance: 20%
Medusa: Hype: 70% chance: 45%
Mimikyu: Hype 70% Chance: 60%
Elma:Hype 80% Chance: 70%
Snake: Hype: 10000000% chance: it all depends on Simon%
Icies: Hype:65% Chance: 100%
Goroh: Hype: 80% Chance: 30%
Takamaru: Hype 75% chance: 90%

It's sad Because I would be so hype for that roster but it's ain't happening lmao.

Hype for any of these characters: 100%. I just want more new content that wasn't in Smash 4, so I'll get hype for any of these characters.

Chance %s are more or less the same as yours, but with a 20% on Sora.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2013
Man I can’t stop thinking about Smash. I do not think Takamaru is in. People claim that he’s known now because of the virtual consol but I’m willing to bet virtual consol sales have been non existent for a while now. If he had made it onto the NES Classic I could see a reason then but I think his exclusion shows his importance.

Also I think we should be looking towards the Classics line ups for characters. They’re going to signal who Nintendo is working with. I bet a lot of people are sleeping on ninja gaiden.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
I know absolutely nothing about Porky (except what I saw in Brawl cause I've never played any Earthbound games) or why people want him so bad.

Don't get me wrong more power to you, me, and everyone who wants their favorite characters in Smash, but who's Porky? What's his backstory? how evil could he be? What's his appeal? and what other moves can he do than what we saw in Brawl. I know its a lot of question, but if someone has the time to get me the gist about Porky I'd be grateful.
Alright I can pretty much tell you all his story, it contains spoilers from both earthbound and mother 3, but if you don't care or you just don't want to play those games, feel free to read:
In the beginning of the game, Porky starts as Ness's neighbor, he is not a bad kid he is just annoying and coward, probably because his parents beat him (this is explicity say, he have AWFUL parents that beat him) it is heavily implied that him and Ness are friends or at least Porky believes they are friends, but then the adventure starts, a prophecy says that Ness and other 3 kids must save the world from a big evil, so Ness leaves his house and goes to the adventure.

Porky is not happy about this, not because he wants to save the world (the opposite, he is a coward, he rather doesn't do it) but because he thinks that he will lose his only friend (or is implied, because the game never really says it), anyways, Porky helps a sect of the blue to kidnapp one of the other chosen kids, Paula.
Ness saves her and when the sect is defeated Porky comes and apologizes to Ness, asking if they can be friends again, but because Ness have a "silent protagonist" status mistakenly gives the impression of harsh shunning, thus causing an insulted Porky to sever all ties with Ness and abandon him.

From this point of the story Porky gains a lot of power, become friends with a rich dude, steals an helicopter that you needed, etc... until the point where he ends up joining sides with the cosmic destroyer, Giygas.
Giygas is in the "Devil's machine", the function of this machine is to contain its enormous power so it doesn't destroys his own mind, but of course and because Porky is now obssesed with destroying ness and his friends, Porky does whatever he wants and turns off the Devil's machine, destroying Giygas mind in the process and becoming an all mighty idiot, like Porky says.
Giygas is defeated, but Porky escapes to another dimension.

That is the part of Earthbound, now the part of Mother 3 and this is the worst and the most spoily parts.
So, this is a different dimension, a lot of time have pass, and Porky has become an immortal kid, have an army of brainwashed people in pig suits, makes ****ed up chimeras, and his actions killed Lucas's mother, ruined his village, forced Lucas to fight with his brainwashed twin brother which couldn't be saved and he ended up shooting himself and dying in his arms, and then Porky destroyed the world because HE WAS BORED, and he couldn't die, so no matter what would happen he will be eternal.

All of this still being a childish egocentric fatass, his own city have his face everywhere, he laughs at you and taunts at you and calls you stupid every single time you are in his tower.
Yet.. for some reason, when you go to the cinema of his city you can see a movie of Ness and his friends, Porky have a Yo-yo in his room called "Friend's Yo-yo", a big reference of Ness, and there is a room full of stuff and important items from earthbound. So, deep down, inside this fat, evil, immortal kid, he misses Ness, and he still wishes to have been his friend, because that's all what he ever wanted, a friend...
And that's all I remember, I probably missed some stuff or got something wrong.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
So I had a thought. What if we got two Pokemon newcomers. Lycanroc and Sceptile

Sceptile did have a lot of people bandwagon for him during the ballot era and he is often promoted alongside the main protagonist, including being the only Hoenn starter Ash has owned and was Greninja's main rival during the XYZ saga. Oh and Grass starter. Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire would have still been somewhat new and Fire Red and Leaf Green did seem to give us Pokemon Trainer


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
You know what could be horribly sad?
It would be if E3 announce Simon/Snake/Icies/Ridley/K.Rool.

Because it wouldn't kill the leaks but not confirm it because people could just say Lucky guess/Obvious choice.

Honestly I just want E3 to kill all of these fakes leaks...
Or confirm them in the case of that leak but lmao, we ain't getting something that good.
Sora, Medusa and Goroh are in the E3, but the imgur leak ends up being fake and it was just the luckiest guess of all time and the rest of the characters have totally different.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
Geno/Mallow: 100%
Ridley: 100%
Simon: 95%
King K. Rool: 90%
Dixie Kong: 85%
Porky: 75%
Sora: 75%
Wolf: 75%
Snake: 70%
Icies: 70%
Takamaru: 70%
Goroh: 50%
Mimikyu: 50%
Chorus Kids: 40%
Medusa: 30%
Elma: 20%

my hype meter haha
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Sora, Medusa and Goroh are in the E3, but the imgur leak ends up being fake and it was just the luckiest guess of all time and the rest of the characters have totally different.
Medusa would be weirdest choise tbh. Sakurai personally confirmed KI as dead and the great amount of content we got in the last game felt like his way of closing the series, at least for the next one or two decades.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Sora, Medusa and Goroh are in the E3, but the imgur leak ends up being fake and it was just the luckiest guess of all time and the rest of the characters have totally different.
Watch it as people sudeently turn their jacket saying that Sora/Medusa/Goroh were obvious.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
My list for hype I guess

Ridley: 100%
Simon: 35%
King K. Rool: 70%
Dixie Kong: 35%
Porky: 15%
Elma: 40%
Sora: 5%
Wolf: 75%
Snake: 70%
Icies: 80%
Takamaru: 40%
Goroh: 3%
Mimikyu: 60%
Chorus Kids: 60%
Medusa: 30%
Geno/Mallow: 0%

Not sure why we are giving it so much attention though. It has no reason to be real


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I've been out of Pokemon for a while, so I just want to clarify something. I understand why people support Incineroar and Decidueye (they're both the final evolutions of starters, have interesting designs, and seem to bring something new to the table for Smash), and I kind of get Mimikyu (it's a wannabe mascot for the generation, as in it literally wants to be the mascot, and it's weirdly adorable and kind of creepy at the same time).

However, I'm not familiar with Lycanroc, so I wanted to know why it seems to have picked up some steam. All I know is that it's a wolf with earth powers. Is it really important in the anime, like Jigglypuff was? (I have been out of Pokemon for years - stopped after Ruby, and I only recently got Pokemon Y)

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
My Hype Meter:

Snake 200%
Elma 200%
Simon Belmont 100%
King K. Rool 80%
Mimikyu 75%
Ice Climbers 75%
Porky 75%
Takamaru 75%
Chorus Kids 75%
Wolf 50%
Ridley 50%
Medusa 50%
Samurai Goroh 25%
Dixie Kong 20%
Geno/Mallow 20%
Sora 15%


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Do you think there is the possibility that Sakurai was given a few Generation 7 Pokemon to work with and found Lycanroc to be the most intriguing, highly influencing TPC to make Lycanroc and Rockruff the central Pokemon to represent in marketing and in the anime? The process could have been that simple, with Decidueye ultimately being passed off. :p
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