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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
Eh. Weird idea that look like a theorist of the Illuminati.

What if the "amongst feasible Characters" when Bayonetta won wasn't for meme pick like Goku and such...

But more like "feasible character I feel I can add as DLC for Wii U, knowing they will sell and keep the rest for Smash Switch?"
I've thought this before as well. I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to shelve K. Rool until Smash Switch for example and just sell his mii costume in the interim. There's no way to verify that however. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

If that were true though I would honestly expect characters like Ashley as well then, which wouldn't line up with any rumors so far. Which I suppose is neither here nor there since the Imgur leak isn't really reliable anyway.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
There's no way that Medusa did well in the ballot.

There's a reason a character like Bayonetta was able to win. She was fresh in people's minds and relevant to Nintendo.
Idk, even before winning the ballot Bayonetta wasn’t likely to join Smash
And Sakurai might’ve tried rigging Medusa’s chances...or ignored her cause she’s dead and nobody can revive her
I'm sure Lyn was quite high up there.
With Heroes and Warriors pushing up her popularity even further than before, the green haired waifu #1 was definitely high on the newcomer list


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
Controversial opinion, but Porky isn't as unrealistic of a roster choice as some people believe. This character is a only recurring character through both Earthbound and Mother 3, and ties the two stories together. You witness the beginning and the end of Porky's character arc through these two games. There are plenty of unique move set opportunities for this character based upon his spider mech, with Brawl/Mother 3/Earthbound to reference from. I'd argue this character would be much more likely than people give him credit for, but only on the condition mother 3 is being localized to the US finally. I still don't believe the heroes vs villains leak though, although Vergeben saying snake is probably coming back might raise a few eyebrows.
I still don't believe the heroes vs Villains leak as Konami allowing Belmont would probably also result in the return of snake being a relatively obvious point of progression.
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I can buy into the possibility, seeing as that iirc Sakurai said there were too many FE characters in the roster after DLC was finalized. There's also the possibility of fan backlash against Corrin that may have persuaded Sakurai into not adding any newcomers to placate the fans who are tired of his perceived bias.
People were already complaining about FE characters before Corrin got in. If fan complaints didn't stop Corrin being the 3rd FE newcomer, it won't stop a new FE character from being added in a brand-new game since a new title is in some way a "fresh start" on "reps". FE getting 6 characters won't mean much in terms of adding in a newcomer for a brand new game.

If Sakurai truly cared about complaints about FE overrepresentation, half of its characters would obviously be cut for this game and no-one is entertaining that possibility, not even the people against FE having 6 characters.
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Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
I wouldn’t be THAT surprised if Fire Emblem got nothing new off the bat. The most recent, new main character was Corrin, and she’s already there.
That would be saddening despite how understandable it may be since the only FE character I'd like to enter is Lyn and with FE Warriors and Heroes putting out a lot of attention towards her character due to high popularity, its not too farfetched to say she could make in Smash. IS urged Lucina into Smash due to her popularity, Lyn could easily follow Lucina's footsteps only time will tell.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
Porky is the character that I found the hardest to believe, even harder than something like a Ridley leak as a playable character.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
Controversial opinion, but Porky isn't as unrealistic of a roster choice as some people believe. This character is the only recurring character through both Earthbound and Mother 3, and ties the two stories together. You witness the beginning and the end of Porky's character arc through these two games. There are plenty of unique move set opportunities for this character based upon his spider mech, with Brawl/Mother 3/Earthbound to reference from. I'd argue this character would be much more likely than people give him credit for, but only on the condition mother 3 is being localized to the US finally. I still don't believe the heroes vs villains leak though, although Vergeben saying snake is probably coming back might raise a few eyebrows.
I still don't believe the heroes vs Villains leak as Konami allowing Belmont would probably also result in the return of snake being a relatively obvious point of progression.
Only character that connects Ness with Lucas, have motivations to destroy both of them in a possible story mode, and if Sakurai was really looking for adding more villains he would be one of the best choices.
Very memorable and easy to hate.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016

At best, they’d be apart of Link and Zelda’s moveset

Those must make a comeback (also :4peach:‘s...damn...how is that thing not op)

Wouldn’t have been fine with Sakurai, I don’t see Long Haired Marth when I watch Lucina run...I see the FE equivalent to Future Trunks (plus their body size kinda helps both of them stay as their own character)

Pittoo has way less hate than Pichu has, and atleast he’s actually useful in a fight
All they needed to do was add a mechanic in that every time Pichu shocks herself, her speed, agility, and attacks would increase with every self harm like she jump starting herself also that skull bash of hers is nothing to laugh at I still have nightmares.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Controversial opinion, but Porky isn't as unrealistic of a roster choice as some people believe. This character is the only recurring character through both Earthbound and Mother 3, and ties the two stories together. You witness the beginning and the end of Porky's character arc through these two games. There are plenty of unique move set opportunities for this character based upon his spider mech, with Brawl/Mother 3/Earthbound to reference from. I'd argue this character would be very likely, but only on the condition mother 3 is being localized to the US finally. I still don't believe the heroes vs villains leak though, although Vergeben saying snake is probably coming back might raise a few eyebrows.
I think it's more that people find a new Mother character unlikely in general because it's a finished series. Porky is definitely the logical choice for a Mother newcomer, but chances are that Mother won't ever get a new character, and a localization of an old GBA game, as anticipated as it is, is very unlikely to change that. He's one of my most wanted, and I also think he's got a ton of potential, but I didn't even bother with including him in my signature until recently because I find him that unlikely, him and Goroh would really go against the criteria we came to know with Smash 4.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
A thing that I been thinking... After the game is released you think there will be a second ballot?
I hope so. I need to vote for Meowth, Alolan Meowth, and Team Rocket (Meowth & Wobbuffet team). :052: :202:


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Villains/antagonists that should be in Smash.
• Ridley
• King K. Rool
• Andross
• Waluigi

And... Mach Rider as a rival to Captain Falcon.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
But that's wrong?
Literally all "Internal poll" for newcomers between each smash at Least had one/two Characters choosen.
If he wasn't listening, we would still have random tripping.
Or we wouldn't get balance Patch that LITERALLY try to fix Fan's complain/competitive people which are barely a small fraction of the community
Sorry, I didn't meant to imply that the fans are ignored entirely. Really just specifically with respect to character choices. At the end of the day, even if the imgur leak proves true and I end up a little disappointed I'll still play the game because game play is king. That's why I love Smash. Of course the team are going to pay attention to game play criticisms, particularly those as widespread as the fan response to tripping. Ignoring that would spell trouble in a much bigger way than not adding a fan favorite character like King K. Rool.

As to your point about polls, sure those exist, but given the rosters we've been getting it's shown (at least to me anyway) that the rosters are unpredictable. Sakurai and the development team choose the characters they think are best, using whatever criteria they deem useful. That often doesn't align with fan expectations. Now, we do also get fan requested characters as well. Going into Melee Bowser was heavily requested, but I don't really think that you can use that to claim Sakurai added Bowser because of fan requests. I can almost guarantee that Bowser would be in Melee, poll or no poll.

Popular character choices very often are also the most obvious character choices. Just because they align doesn't mean they were chosen because they were popular. They may have just been good choices. Because of relevance, uniqueness, how iconic they are, or whatever other criteria that might come into play.

Like I said though, I don't think he pays AS MUCH attention as people here seem to think. That doesn't mean he pays no attention.

EDIT = also just to be clear, this is just my gut feeling on the matter. In no way am I trying to make a knowledge claim here.
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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
People were already complaining about FE characters before Corrin got in. If fan complaints didn't stop Corrin being the 3rd FE newcomer, it won't stop a new FE character from being added in a brand-new game since a new title is in some way a "fresh start" on "reps". FE getting 6 characters won't mean much in terms of adding in a newcomer for a brand new game.

If Sakurai truly cared about complaints about FE overrepresentation, half of its characters would obviously be cut for this game and no-one is entertaining that possibility, not even the people against FE having 6 characters.
Cutting so many characters just for the sake of the Ridley fans I mean the critics against FE compared with whatever franchise you want to talk about.... It would hurt many people.

Deleted member

On the notion that certain characters were random, I wouldn't say Goroh himself is "random", but his inclusion this late in the game when F-Zero is rather...dead would be.

He's had a steady presence in Smash with having a role in Melee's intro and being an Assist Trophy in both Brawl and Smash 4 (and even being the first Assist shown off for Brawl in his own update on the DOJO after the Hammer Bro. in the main Assist Trophy update).
And he's also one of the more iconic figures of the series after Captain Falcon himself.

If it came to F-Zero getting a secondary character after Falcon, it would be either Goroh or Black Shadow. But the problem is F-Zero has been dormant for well over a decade now, to where Goroh's best shot was with Brawl.
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Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
When thinking of Porky and the fact he would probably play in his spider mech I immediately think of Brawl and think it's too big or too clunky to control. Then I think of the other too big boss in brawl, and I guess if they could make him work, they can make Porky's mech work.

Still interested to see how that works if this rumor is correct.
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Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
People were already complaining about FE characters before Corrin got in. If fan complaints didn't stop Corrin being the 3rd FE newcomer, it won't stop a new FE character from being added in a brand-new game since a new title is in some way a "fresh start" on "reps". FE getting 6 characters won't mean much in terms of adding in a newcomer for a brand new game.

If Sakurai truly cared about complaints about FE overrepresentation, half of its characters would obviously be cut for this game and no-one is entertaining that possibility, not even the people against FE having 6 characters.
Corrin still might not have made it due to FE overrepresentation, and he made it because dragon stuff. If Sakurai doesn't deem Celica or whoever unique enough, they won't be a newcomer.

Deleted member

>Vergeben just come out saying he heard Snake is back.
Source? I'm not entirely convinced Vergeben is right, but I'm willing to entertain the idea of Snake coming back. He's my most wanted veteran next to Ice Climbers.
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Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
Villains/antagonists that should be in Smash.
• Ridley
• King K. Rool
• Andross
• Waluigi

And... Mach Rider as a rival to Captain Falcon.
I know I shouldn't complain about size when I want Ridley in smash, but... isn't Andross like a giant space monkey head?
Never played star fox so is a legit question, I dunno him very well.


Smash Apprentice
May 30, 2018
We need to remember that DLC is still a thing. If a character you like doesn't show up, there's still a chance you can see them as DLC. If the imgur leak is true, then most important veterans return making all the DLC characters likely newcomers.


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2014
On this Planet
Why is everyone talking about the imgur "leak" so much now? Did something happen to make it more credible? What am I missing?
We honestly have nothing else of substance to talk about though. The sooner E3 comes, the sooner we stop talking about leaks that are most likely fake.

I just want this roster to blow my predictions out of the water. I want it to surprise me in a good way.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
Villains/antagonists that should be in Smash.
• Ridley
• King K. Rool
• Andross
• Waluigi

And... Mach Rider as a rival to Captain Falcon.
Pray tell, how could Andross be made to work? I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around that one.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
Only character that connects Ness with Lucas, have motivations to destroy both of them in a possible story mode, and if Sakurai was really looking for adding more villains he would be one of the best choices.
Very memorable and easy to hate.
Never played earthbound what did he do that makes him so evil?


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
Honestly I still don't see any reason to believe the Imgur Leak. Not yet at least. Snake was far from something exclusive to it. If Vergeben said someone like Porky was in, then yeah. But Snake isn't a confirmation of it.

That being said if the imgur leak was real then MAN would the Nintendo newcomers this time around be underwhelming for me. The third parties would be amazing, but on the Nintendo side only the Chorus Kids and Dixie do anything for me, and even that's more minor hype than anything (while Porky and Goroh would have excited me more in Brawl or 4 but time took its toll on my enthusiasm for them).

>No new Kirby rep
>No Waluigi
>No new Pokémon
>No Chrom
>No Crash + Rayman to round out platforming icons
>Randy ass Porky and Goroh

“Ultimate roster”

Like, I know not owning a 64 or GameCube probably contributes to the strangeness of my personal dream roster, but that Imgur roster would just be super anti-hype for me.
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Deleted member

Two ideas I had for the title were Super Smash Bros. Combat, and Super Smash Bros. Battle, as they keep the theming of the titles of previous games (Brawl & Melee).


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
Why is everyone talking about the imgur "leak" so much now? Did something happen to make it more credible? What am I missing?
I'm pretty sure it's just that there's nothing else interesting to talk about. And it's the leak that sticks out most in many people's mind, if only due to its original presentation.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
Why is everyone talking about the imgur "leak" so much now? Did something happen to make it more credible? What am I missing?
Imgur leak says snake is coming back and very recently in reddit Vergeben said that indeed snake was coming back.
Also this:
I also remember Vergeben responding to someone in the Gamefaqs thread where he told his Ridley-IC-Belmont-Nocuts leak. This user said something like "It's impossible that the entire roster of newcomers is leaked THIS soon, especially before even seeing the game in action". And Vergeben responded saying "You know the game comes out this year, right?"



Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2014
When thinking of Porky and the fact he would probably play in his spider mech I immediately think of Brawl and think it's too big or too clunky to control. Then I think of the other too big boss in brawl, and I guess if they could make him work, they can make Porky's mech work.

Still interested to see how that works if this rumor is correct.
Important note: Porky's scale to the mech in mother 3 makes the mech smaller than it was in brawl.

I don't think this character is likely, but I do think that he's theoretically realizable and theoretically the third mother representative should we ever get one.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2014
I just remembered about Banjo Kazooei. Didn't Microsoft basically approve of his inclusion in Smash? With how requested the character is, and, in my opinion, tremendously interesting and fitting, I would be surprised if Sakurai didn't put him.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Source? I'm not entirely convinced Vergeben is right, but I'm willing to entertain the idea of Snake coming back. He's my most wanted veteran next to Ice Climbers.
Why is everyone talking about the imgur "leak" so much now? Did something happen to make it more credible? What am I missing?
Well... The Imgur leak was balsy enough to say that Snake is back.

And now Vergeben....
Vergeben is saying he's heard that Snake is back.

Obviously not as noteworthy as his Ridley claims which he has pinned three separate sources to, but it's a bold claim nonetheless. Coincidentally the Imgur leak also dared to say that Snake is back.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island

>No new Kirby rep
>No Waluigi
>No new Pokémon
>No Chrom
>No Crash + Rayman to round out platforming icons
>Randy *** Porky and Goroh

“Ultimate roster”
View attachment 146197

Like, I know not owning a 64 or GameCube has Hades strange effects on what my personal dream roster would be, but that Imgur roster would just be super anti-hype for me.
But, the leak says there is a new pokemon.


Smash Apprentice
May 30, 2018

>No new Kirby rep
>No Waluigi
>No new Pokémon
>No Chrom
>No Crash + Rayman to round out platforming icons
>Randy *** Porky and Goroh

“Ultimate roster”
View attachment 146197

Like, I know not owning a 64 or GameCube has Hades strange effects on what my personal dream roster would be, but that Imgur roster would just be super anti-hype for me.
The Ultimate Roster is impossible. Everyone will never be satisfied.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Pray tell, how could Andross be made to work? I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around that one.
Give him a body (before he turned himself into a planet-sized head).

He can have a tight uniform, making his head look bigger proportionally and also given big, metallic thruster gloves as a throwback to his boss battle. Andross would fill the archetype of mad scientist.
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Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
I hope so. I fully plan on inundating Sakurai with Ballots for Isaac, Banjo, Bomberman, Captain Syrup, and Tingle until every one of them is added. Yes I know I have weird taste. At least the last two anyway.
After hearing someone tell me about a smash coin mechanic for Tingle involving rupees, and his moves being extra powerful because of it, I say go for it :)
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