I miss the days when the FE reps were just Marth and my boy Ike.
I for one welcome our new Fire Emblem over-Lords.
On a serious note, I actually like all the love FE got this time around. You can argue it was perhaps excessive maybe, but I'm just going to make the usual points.

was the one newcomer originally and an Awakening character was to be expected.

was a last minute clone so she didn't require much work nor did she affect the rest of development. She was a bonus along with

was DLC and a highly requested veteran.

seems be to the character from which all the FE ire comes from due to being one of the last characters, sandwiched between the surprise/hype of Cloud, and the reveal of Bayonetta being not just a ballot winner, but the only ballot winner, meaning peoples hopes for other characters were swiftly dashed.
Perhaps I'm wrong to assume this, but I believe that if we'd gotten more than one ballot character, or if Corrin was added earlier on, I feel like the backlash would be a lot less pronounced.
That said, given Fates' recent release, Corrin's high and continually growing popularity in Japan, and the close proximity to the western release and FE's 25th anniversary (which is a point that was never addressed as a reason to why Corrin was chosen, but I still feel is worth noting) I think the timing of their inclusion was both the best in terms of Fire Emblem's situation and Sakurai's criteria, but also the worst due the situation regarding the end of new content for Smash.
To be fair that felt like a cheap tactic to make his weak moveset uniqueness stronger.
It just feels like a forced gimmick instead of something inherent to his dragon abilities like the range of the ARMS character is inherent to the extendable arm
Same with the pinning mechanic honestly.
I love Corrin in Smash but to say his amount of moveset potential was a once-in-a-lifetime chance is bs
I don't recall ever hearing Corrin's potential being referred to as "once-in-a-life time". Their window of opportunity to get in maybe, but the once in a lifetime comment was referring to Bayonetta getting in iirc.
Though as of now I think Corrin could still likely return in the future since Fates did quite well and the female Corrin continues to cement herself as one of the most popular new FE characters along with Chrom and Lucina.
It's stupid how Corrin has a sword that is like a chainsaw, but he only uses that property in one attack, the charge or Forward Smash, lol. All the generic sword swings could have been multihit attacks or something.
While I do like and continue to defend Corrin's inclusion I do agree with this completely. As Luminario said, I wager Cloud and Bayonetta took a higher priority and likely had more care/work put into them, leaving them a little short on time when it came to Corrin.
That said there were a lot of missed opportunities in how they could've done certain things with the character and I hope they receive a decent amount of changes should they return in the next game. For starters, get rid of the counter. Sakurai plz, just make less counters. This many is too much: